Course Outline and Expectations Semester 2 – 2014 Teacher: S. Di Paolo Course Title: Grade 9 Academic English Course Code: ENG 1D1 Room: 341 Contact: 905-820-3900 X70316 Course Description: This course emphasizes analytic reading, writing, oral communication, and thinking skills that students need for success in secondary school academic programs and their daily lives. Students will study and interpret texts from contemporary and historical periods, including short stories, novels, a play and short essays. They will also investigate and create media works. An important focus will be the correct and effective use of spoken and written language. Course Evaluation: (All evaluation is based on the four categories required by the Ministry of Education regulations). Knowledge and Understanding 25% Term Work Thinking 25% CPT (Culminating Performance Task) Communication 25% Final Exam Application 25% Total 70% 15% 15% 100% Units of Study Unit 1. Short Stories, Non-fiction Texts Various Resources 2. Elizabethan Drama Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini Various Resources 3. Novel Study 4. Literacy Preparation 5. Grammar Language Power Time Frame February March April May Ongoing * Textbooks and units of study are subject to change. * Students are responsible for the specific textbook they have been assigned. A lost text must be replaced before a new text is issued. Homework Several reading and writing tasks will be assigned for homework throughout the semester. Homework will be checked daily so it is essential that you keep up with the required work and ask questions if you are not sure about something. Please remember that you are always responsible for the work that you missed. Make sure that you have the phone numbers of at least two reliable people that you can contact for information when you are away. If you are absent on the day that a homework task is assigned, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and to have the work completed when you return to class. Assignments For major assignments and the culminating activity, deadlines will be established well in advance. There will be a specific submission period for you to hand in your work. Any assignments submitted one day following the submission period will be given a 10% deduction. Assignments will not be accepted after the late penalty day. Exceptions may be made for legitimate reasons. Skipping class on the day of a summative evaluation task may result in a mark of zero. Cheating/Plagiarism Cheating is an act of academic dishonesty and comes in many forms such as, but not limited to, communicating in any form, copying from others and using unauthorized notes or electronics during an evaluation. Plagiarism, an example of cheating, is the act of claiming another person’s words, ideas, work as one’s own such as, but not limited to, copying another student’s work, copying and pasting text from electronic sources without citing and identifying it as a quotation, falsifying a citation, quoting a source without citation, paraphrasing but not citing the source, copying and pasting graphics without citing the source, etc. Please note that plagiarism and cheating will NOT be tolerated. You will receive a mark of zero if you decide to cheat or plagiarize. Students who assist others in cheating/plagiarizing will be disciplined accordingly. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified. Classroom and Students’ Expectations: Students will be in the complete Gonzaga uniform at all times (including proper footwear). No personal electronic devices (PEDs) are permitted in the classroom. These include cell phones, iPods, and digital cameras, All PEDs will be confiscated if they are brought into the classroom. Tardiness is unacceptable! It disturbs the class. Three lates will result in an assignment/detention and a phone call to parent/guardian. Students are responsible for catching up on missed work and obtaining notes/handouts upon their return. In order to foster teamwork and a co-operative classroom environment, students must show respect for themselves, for their peers, and for their teachers. Disrespect towards the teacher or other classmates will result in disciplinary action. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Food/drinks are not allowed in the classroom. Water is permitted. Extra Help: I am always willing to answer questions and provide clarification. Please do not hesitate to ask for feedback when you need it! I am available during 3A lunch and after school in Rm. 316. TIPS FOR SUCCESS… SET A GOAL FOR YOURSELF AND FOCUS ON IT! ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS! SURROUND YOURSELF WITH GOOD STUDY PARTNERS! READ AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE AND YOUR WRITING WILL CONTINUE TO IMPROVE! Dear Parents, It is my pleasure to introduce myself as your child’s Grade 9 Academic English teacher. I am looking forward to an engaging and productive semester with the Grade 9 Academic Class. Please review this course outline with your son/daughter and if you have any questions or concerns throughout the course of the semester, do not hesitate to call me at the number below. S. Di Paolo English Department St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School 905 820 3900 ext. 70316 Please complete the bottom half of this sheet and return it to school as soon as possible. *************************************************************************************************** I have read the course outline and I understand all of the policies and expectations mentioned above. _____________________________ Student’s Signature _____________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature Parent/Guardian Contact Information 1. ______________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Daytime Phone # 2. ______________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Daytime Phone #