From Your Catholic School Trustee Sharon Hobin Funding Cuts and Budget

From Your Catholic School Trustee
Sharon Hobin
Funding Cuts and Budget
Most of the time when I write to you I do so to tell you about all the wonderful things that are
happening in our Dufferin-Peel schools. And of course that is still the case. I see great
accomplishments in academics, sports, the arts and social justice. Students are given vast
opportunities to learn and to explore and to give back to their community. As your trustee, it is
very rewarding to attend a school play, or a basketball game or a speaking contest or an art show.
This is the most rewarding part of my job. And again this winter, despite the cold, wonderful
activities continue to take place and championships celebrated or losses measured against great
The times that are tough for trustees are when we face funding cuts for our programs that have a
direct hit on the classroom and our students. Trustees have been expecting cuts to our Grants for
Student Needs because the province is facing such a huge deficit. We have been successful in the
past to make the dollars work to protect programs and jobs. We are very worried about what is
going to happen with this round of Grants. We cannot face any more cuts and we believe that
that is exactly what will happen. We understand fiduciary responsibility but we expect fairness
and do not expect provincial deficits to be dealt with in such a manner to make those cuts even
deeper. School boards across the province are faced with many funding challenges as this
Government operates under austerity measures to balance the provincial budget by 2017-18.
Dufferin-Peel CDSB has made difficult decisions over the past several years in an effort to
absorb funding reductions from the Ministry without significantly affecting student achievement
and well-being. Funding reductions from the Government have been in the areas of classroom
computers, other technology, professional development, textbooks, program enhancement, board
administration, maintenance, transportation and school operations. In addition to funding
reductions, the board has also realized the impact of enrolment changes across our system, which
affects funding as well.
School Boards are not yet aware of what the 2014/15 funding from the Government will look
like, however, it is anticipated that there will be further reductions in the Province’s attempt to
balance the budget. Funding challenges for the board will continue in 2014-15. Budget
discussions over the next few months will address contract negotiations, special education needs,
21st Century technology, infrastructure needs, Full Day Kindergarten, enrolment changes,
maintaining momentum on student achievement and well-being and other cost pressures.
School boards are required by law to have a balanced budget, meaning revenue match
expenditures with no deficit. This becomes increasing more difficult and challenging in an era of
funding reductions.
We are calling on all of our parents and Catholic education supporters to write or call your local
MPP and to ask for their ongoing support for Catholic education both financially and politically.
We are very concerned. Contact information for Hon. Harinder Takhar (below Eglinton); Tel: 905-828-8989 or 416-327-2333. For Bob Delaney (above
Eglinton); Tel: 905-569-1643 or 416-325-5724.
Supporting and Advocating for Catholic Education
As parents/guardians of children in our publicly funded Catholic school system, you have a
powerful voice, both as a taxpayer and a constituent. Increasingly, we are seeing co-ordinated
attacks on Catholic education, with calls for the discontinuation of funding of the Catholic school
system in Ontario, and the establishment of a single secular school system. We see evidence of
this through radio call-in shows, newspaper articles and opinion pieces, letters to the editor and
through various social media channels. And many times the information that is being discussed
or printed is false.
Your willingness to lend your voice in support or counter negative commentary or attacks on
Catholic education through media, or other means, is an important part of our community’s effort
to promote and maintain our strong, viable and relevant Catholic education system in Ontario.
From time to time we will make you aware of opportunities to write a letter to the editor, call in
to a radio talk show, or simply vote in an online survey or other action that will indicate to the
public and the government that there is a strong presence of Catholic parents/guardians and
supporters, who are passionate about Catholic education and who can provide a balancing point
of view to those who would attack, discredit and/or seek to end publically funded Catholic
education in Ontario.
Mainstream political parties in Ontario have stated their support for Catholic education. But, that
does not mean that we shouldn’t continue to impress upon our locally elected MPPs our desire to
maintain the current system of publically funded Catholic schools. Take a few minutes to write
or call your MPP and let them know that you appreciate their continued support, in this regard.
There are 3.9 million Catholics in Ontario; more than 600,000 students attend Ontario Catholic
schools. We are strong. But, we cannot be silent.
As we enter the most important season of the Catholic Church we pause to reflect on the
tremendous sacrifice made for us by our saviour Jesus Christ. Ash Wednesday marks the
beginning of the Season of Lent. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares
us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption. Our schools
will hold Lenten Masses, distribute ashes, lead Stations of the Cross and experience many other
liturgical activities.
As we move into our March Break I wish safe travels to those who may be visiting relatives or
camps, resting at home or visiting warm climates. And as ever, I ask the good Lord to always
hold you in the palm of His hand.
*I would like to thank our Director of Education John Kostoff and Bruce Campbell
General Manager - Communications & Community Relations for their help with this