Chiapas, México SINCE 1995 INTEGRAL DEFENSE OF HUMAN RIGHTS Decent work and dignified life in Soconusco Empowerment migrant people Where? Migration Stages in Soconusco Latest 19th century: German, Japanese, Chinese inmigrants. 80´s: internal conflicts in Centroamérica. Forced displacement 90´s: “The Beast” and “Maras” 2005: Stan hurricane and new routs 2014 Southern Borden Program New Refugees MIGRATORY DYNAMICS IN MEXICO Asylum seekers Temporal Workers Forced displacement USA Internal/Services Indigenous Agriculture Commerce Domestic Work Sexual Work Origin Transit Destiny Return Productive Projects Social and family reintegration DIFFERENT REALITIS MOVING CHILDHOOD WOMEN LGBTTTI INDIGENOUS FOREIGN YOUTH PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES OF FRAY MATIAS HUMAN RIGHTS CENTER Strategic defense Migratory Regularization Monitor Detention Center (DIF, S. XXI…) Documentation (Migrant Children) Organizational processes of Domestic Workers Network advocacy Here I am… Caring for others I go and turn back... Keep looking ahead, breaking boundaries! I step forward and then, turn back… Main goal: Promote the migrant women workers organization in order to be able to demand their rights. In which place do we meet them? WHO ARE THEY? • Mainly indigenous from Guatemala (Racial work division) • Age range: 14-35 years old • Girls and adolescents who in holidays go to work to Tapachula in order to continue studying in their original community. • Girls and adolescents who go to work to Tapachula so they can help their families, save for continue studying… They want to come back and live in their community of origin. • Young woman who are more open to new places to live. They want to stablish, study and not necessarily work in care services. Where they come from? Chains of oppression Ethnicity Social Class Gender Age Chains of care Work Areas Personal empowerment Support networks Legal defense and Advocacy How do we do it? On Sundays… Skill development/ Self Knowledge/care Training in specific topics as gender Expand means of expresión: teather of the oppressed Practicing Organization: Knowledge interchange Community link Social Cohesion Special activities Meetings with others workers organizations Health and Regularization Links with natives communities Challenges Institutional: To strengthem aliances and include other labor and migrant actors. To sensitize and involve the civil society (employers) Real justice access Intercultural Labor Policy Agents of change back home Coordinate with the first Domestic Workers Union in Mexico (September 2015) Impunity and corruption that prevails in Mexico Guatemala blooms with the civil participation to stop the corruption. Thank you very much!!