Learn more about the Developmental Assessments! INSERT DEVELOPMENTAL ASSESSMENT PICTURE 2 HERE We are working to further our understanding of infants' cognitive, motor, and emotional development and do so by completing developmental assessments with a variety of infant populations. By studying infants from many backgrounds, we are able to better our understanding of how development progresses and what events or circumstances shape development. The Mullen Scales of Early Learning are completed with infants’ ages 6, 12, and 18 months and with preschool age children at 40 months of age. The assessment typically lasts approximately 1 to 1½ hours in duration. The assessment is completed by a trained research examiner in a moderate-sized office with at least one parent present. The majority of the assessment entails an evaluation of your child’s motor, cognitive, and language development. This is an interactive evaluation where the examiner presents your child with items that the child can play with, watch, manipulate, or imitate. Upon completion of this fun and active evaluation, the parent is asked to fill out paper-and-pencil questionnaires. These questionnaires ask the parent about their experiences with their child, their child’s skills, and their experiences as parents. These paper-and-pencil measures specifically ask questions about the child’s behavior, including how they interact with their environment and respond to others. These questionnaires provide the parent an opportunity to indicate any areas of concern. After each assessment is complete, a feedback letter detailing the results of the developmental assessment is mailed to the parents. INSERT DEVELOPMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1 PICTURE HERE