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Diabetes 55:3238-3245 Diabetes Studies Conflict on Power of Spleen Cells: Jennifer Couzin, Science 24 March 2006, Vol 311: 1694 Initial non-DM non-DM non-DM post neph Boston glucose>400 Nishio et al 2006 Tx+CFA+Spleen Tx+CFA 30 13 9 5 No islet splencoyte derived cells 4 Chicago glucose >300 for 2 days Chong et al 2006 Tx+CFA+Spleen 22 7 6 No islet splenocyte derived cells peri-insulitis St. Louis Hyperglycemia; Insulin Rx 7-20 days Suri et al Tx+CFA+Spleen 53 2006 Tx+CFA 29 Mass Gen Tx+CFA+Spleen Kodma et al 2003 21 22 20 20 4 No Y-chromosome, No chimerism by flow No GFP+ islet, 17 Y-choromsome+, GFP+ Turvey et al: Noninvasive imaging of pancreatic inflammation and its reversal in type 1 diabetes JCI 115:2454, 2005 T2(ms) 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 New Onset Non-DM NOD E alpha NOD Mordes et al: LEW.1WR1 Rats Develop Autoimmune Diabetes Spontaneously and in Response to Environmental Perturbation Diabetes 54:2727, 2005 % Diabetic 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No Rx Poly-IC Anti-ART2.1 Rats are MHC Congenic Lewis with RT1 AuB/Du/Ca thus “diabetogenic” class II, and small % insulitis diabetes w/o poly-IC. Devendra et al: Interferon-alpha as a Mediator of Polyinosinic:Polycytidylic Acid Induce Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes 54:2549, 2005 Serum Interferon post poly-IC (pg/ml) 350 300 250 IFN alpha (pg/ml) 200 150 r = - 0.58,p<0.01 100 50 0 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 AgeAge of of diabetes Onset (weeks) diabetes onset (weeks) Poly-IC induction diabetes in RIP-B7.1 mouse model acts through interferon alpha, with antibody blocking, levels correlating (above) and interferon itself inducting DM. Spontaneous Animal Models BB rat Homozygosity Lymphopenia (Ch4), Ian4 gene mutation RT1-U class II (Ch 20) Additional Loci (Ch2,18,X) NOD mouse Polygenic: class II + class I loci + IL-2 linked polymorphism + >12 Long-EvansTokushima Rat (Komeda Diabetes Prone) RT1-U MHC Homozygosity Chromosome 11, Cblb mutation LEW.1AR1/Ztm-iddm rat RT1-U MHC for class II B/D, Cu but Aa Human DQ8 with islet B7-1 Transgene (RIP-B7-1) B7-1 costimulator (Wen et al.) BDC-Jun02 “Families” of Hundreds of Identical Twins NOD Mice Develop Type 1A-Immune Mediated Diabetes Are inbred and thus identical at all genetic loci Genetic loci from other mice can be backcrossed by sequential breeding to fix genes that might influence development of diabetes Nonobese Diabetic (NOD) Mice Spontaneously develop autoimmune diabetes Insulitis at 5 weeks Females afflicted more commonly than males Origin: outbred ICR mice cataracts diabetes at 16-30 weeks CTS F6 normal fasting blood glucose high fasting blood glucose (cataract Shionogi) F20 X diabetic NOD NON T. DiLorenzo Other NOD Characteristics Deficiency in CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells NK T cell deficiencies (number and function) Impaired production of IL-4 Defects in FcgRI and FcgRII I-Enull Lack serum hemolytic complement activity (no C5) Defective NK cell activity Defects in differentiation and function of APCs b2-microglobulin and CTLA-4 are susceptibility genes T. DiLorenzo Other Genes Insulin Gene VNTR Type 1A Diabetes Protection with greater thymic messenger RNA AIRE gene APS-I syndrome Autosomal recessive: 18% Diabetes Scurfy gene of XPID Syndrome Neonatal death overwhelming autoimmunity Ian 4/5 recessive lymphopenia gene BB rat Cblb recessive autoimmune gene LETL rat Multiple loci unkown significance Rat Strains with Spontaneous or Induced type 1 Diabetes I Rat Strain A BB-DP U LETL U BB-DR U Lew1.WR1 U Lew1.AR1 A u PVG.RT1 U A PVG.R8 WF U WAG U RT1 II B/D U U U U U U U U U I C U U U A U U U U U Diabetes Spontaneous Spontaneous KRV DM Poly-IC DM Spontaneous Poly-IC DM Poly-IC DM 1/15 Poly-IC DM 1/9 Poly-IC DM Ellerman et al. Diabetologia 2,000; Whalen et al. Transplant Proc: 199729:1684-5;Lenzen et al. 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Med 197:1635-1644, 2003 “Our experiments suggest that the protection observed in the GAD-antisense experiments has no immunologic basis.” Insulin 2 KO male Insulin 2 KO female 100 % of diabetes free % of diabetes free 100 80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 weeks of age insulin 1 KO male 0 10 20 30 40 50 weeks of age Insulin 1 KO female 100 % of diabetes free % of diabetes free 100 80 60 40 20 0 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 weeks of age PNAS: 18:10376 PNAS2003, 2003,18:10376 0 10 20 30 40 50 weeks of age Hematopoetic Stem Cells-Proinsulin(PI) Prevent NOD Diabetes Percent Diabetic 60 50 40 HSC-PI 30 HSC 20 No Rx 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 Age (days): Rx 4 weeks 250 300 Steptoe et al, JCI 2003:111:1357 Creation of Surviving NOD Mice Lacking Native Insulin Sequence B:9-23 NOD MICE Insulin 1 KO (Jami 129 mice) Insulin 2 KO(Jami 129 mice) Rip7-Preproinsulin 2 Transgenic B16 Alanine into NOD NOD Mice Lacking Ins 1 and 2 With Insulin B16 Ala mutation See Makayama et al. Prime role for an insulin epitope in the development of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice Nature 435:220, 2005 Lack of progression to diabetes of NOD mice lacking both insulin native genes. % Diabetes Free 100 ins1-, ins2-, Tg+ (n=25, P<0.01) 80 ins1+, ins2-, Tg+ (n=25) 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Weeks of age Ins1-, ins2-: n= 25 Ins1+, ins2-: n= 25 21 23 10 14 2 4 1 1 Life table update 5/19/05 Normal Histology of native insulin-negative NOD mouse with B16:alanine mutated insulin transgene Insulin Staining See Makayama et al. Prime role for an insulin epitope in the development of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice Nature 435:220, 2005 Splenocytes from native insulin-negative mice can induce diabetes into NOD.SCID mice but with delay potentially related to recapitulation attack on islets with native insulin B:9-23 sequence. No diabetes Diabetes!! splenocytes NOD-SCID Ins1+/+, ins2+/+ ins1-/-, ins2-/-, tg+ % Diabetes Free 100 ins1-, ins2-, Tg+ (n=13, P<0.01) ins1+, ins2+, Tg- (n=8) 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 Weeks post transfer 30 Life table update 5/19/05 Transfer from NOD-PI mice of hematopoietic stem cells encoding proinsulin expression by MHC class II+ progeny prevents diabetes Incidence of diabetes (%) 70 1x103 HSC (lin-, SCA-1+, c-kit+) i.p. to irradiated recipients at 4 weeks of age 60 50 40 NOD colony 30 20 Recipients of wild-type NOD wildNOD type HSC HSCs recipients 10 NOD proinsulin HSC Recipients of recipients NOD-PI HSCs 0 0 100 Age (days) 200 300 Steptoe RJ, Ritchie JM, Harrison LC (2003) Transfer of hematopoietic stem cells encoding autoantigen prevents autoimmune diabetes. J Clin Invest 111:1357-1363. Harrison