Giotto and TMO Yerang Hur System Design Research Lab. Dept. of Computer and Information Science Outline Giotto overview programming language code generation TMO overview programming scheme TMOSM (TMO Support Middleware) Overview: Embedded Control System Development Control Engineer decomposes designs simulates Matlab! Application Control Design Functionality & Timing Software Engineer Giotto! decomposes implements tests Giotto Program Distributed Platform Henzinger, Horowitz, and Kirsch, 2001 Automatic Compilation Software Engineer Giotto Program Platform Annotation Giotto Compiler Giotto-P Program Giotto-PS Program Schedule Annotation Communication Annotation Giotto-PSC Program Giotto Executable Language Primitives Port a physical location connected to a sensor, an actuator, an input of a control law Task a periodic task which consists of ports and a sequential piece of code with WCET (WorstCase Execution Time) Connection association an input port with an output port Mode a set of tasks and mode switches Giotto Tasks P Q t 0 5 10 15 20 25 A Giotto task reads the values in its input port in invocation and writes its results to its output ports at the end of its period Giotto Tasks P Q t 0 5 10 15 20 25 A Giotto task must finish within the task’s period. The compiler uses a suitable scheduling mechanism which guarantees the deadlines. Even if P finishes its computation before the time 15 its results are buffered in P. Giotto Mode A set of concurrent Giotto tasks and mode switch predicate Mode switch gets evaluated periodically. may occur in a middle of a round. • Example: exitfreq 2 if (sensor1 && not(sensor2)) then Stop1(); • switch predicate is evaluated every (LCM of periods of tasks/exitfreq). Example: robot system Someone else’s sensor pushed Stop Lead My evasion finished My sensor pushed Someone else’s sensor pushed Follow Evade My sensor pushed Someone else’s evasion finished Port Declaration const int STOP = 0; //command int com = STOP; //mode finished bool fin = TRUE; //TRUE means pushed bool sensor1; // robot 1 touch sensor bool sensor2; // robot 2 touch sensor int motorL1 = STOP; // robot 1 left motor int motorR1 = STOP; // robot 1 right motor int motorL2 = STOP; // robot 2 left motor int motorR2 = STOP; // robot 2 right motor Giotto Program : mode Lead1Follow command1 motorCtr1 motorCtr2 t (ms) 0 100 200 300 400 500 mode Lead1Follow() period 400ms entryfreq 1{ taskfreq 1 do int com = command1(); taskfreq 4 do (int motorL1, int motorR1) = motorCtr1(com); taskfreq 4 do (int motorL2, int motorR2) = motorCtr2(com); exitfreq 2 if (sensor1 && not(sensor2)) then Stop1(); exitfreq 2 if (sensor2 && not(sensor1)) then Stop2(); } Giotto Program: mode Stop1 command1 motorCtr1 motorCtr2 t (ms) 0 100 200 300 400 500 mode Stop1() period 400ms entryfreq 2 { taskfreq 1 do int com = command1(); taskfreq 2 do (int motorL1, int motorR1) = motorCtr1(STOP); taskfreq 2 do (int motorL2, int motorR2) = motorCtr2(STOP); exitfreq 1 if (TRUE) then Evade1Stop(); } Giotto Program: mode Evade1Stop evade1 motorCtr1 t (ms) 0 100 200 300 400 500 mode Evade1Stop() period 400ms entryfreq 1{ taskfreq 1 do (int com, bool fin) = evade1(); taskfreq 4 do (int motorL1, motorR1) = motorCr1(com); exitfreq 1 if (fin) then Lead1Follow(); } Period and Unit Task P Task Q t 0 5 10 15 20 25 Period of mode: period of the least frequent task in a mode Unit of mode : period of mode/ mode switch frequency Example: mode S with task P, task Q, and mode switch frequency 4 period of S: 20 , unit of S:5 Mode Switch Example command1 evade1 motorCtr1 motorCtr2 0 100 200 Mode switch 300 400 500 600 t (ms) Mode switch from Lead1Follow to Stop1 from Stop1 to Evade1Stop Code Generation Users provide platform-related description called annotation. Annotation P annotation (Platform): specifies names, IP addresses, and priorities for each host. S annotation (Schedule): specifies task-to-host mappings and the priorities of the tasks. C annotation (Communication): specifies portto-network mappings and the time slots of the ports. Example: P annotation (Platform) Two hosts bot1 and bot2 are connected by a network net12. [ host bot1 address priorities p0 > p1; host bot2 address priorities q0 > q1; net n12 address connects bot1, bot2; ] Example: S annotation (Schedule) Task command1 is mapped to host bot1 with priority p1. Task motorCtr1 is mapped to host bot1 with priority p0. Task motorCtr2 is mapped to host bot2 with priority q0. mode Lead1Follow() period 400ms entryfreq 1{ taskfreq 1 do int com = command1(); [host bot1 priority p1] taskfreq 4 do (int motorL1, int motorR1) = motorCtr1(com); [host bot1 priority p0] taskfreq 4 do (int motorL2, int motorR2) = motorCtr2(com); [host bot2 prioty q0] ... } Example: C annotation (Communication) SensorX ports are exchanged between the robots twice per round, because he mode switch predicate is evaluated every 200ms. Signals from sensor1 is delivered from bot1 to bot2. Signals from sensor2 is delivered from bot2 to bot1. mode Lead1Follow() period 400ms entryfreq 1{ ... [net n12 slots s0 (0,20), s1 (20,40), s2 (200,220), s3 (220,240), s4 (340, 360); push sensor1 from bot1 to bot2 in net n12 slots s0, s2; push sensor2 from bot2 to bot1 in net n12 slots s1, s3; push com from bot1 to bot2 in net n12 slots s4;] } Putting It Together: Lead1Follow Mode with Annotation Details sensor1 sensor2 com command1 motorCtr1 motorCtr2 0 100 200 300 400 500 Summary: Giotto Giotto is a design methodology for embedded control systems. The programmer specifies the platformindependent programmer’s model in the time-triggered programming language. The Giotto compiler produces executables combined with run-time library for a particular platform. TMO (Time-triggered Messagetriggered Objects) Overview Programming Scheme TMOSM (TMO Support Middleware) Overview: Real-Time Extension of Conventional Objects Spontaneous Method (SpM): SpM executions are triggered when the clock reaches specific values determined at design time. Service Method (SvM): SvM executions are triggered by service request messages. Basic Concurrency Constraint (BCC): SpM executions have the higher priority over SvM executions. Deadline: A deadline is associated with an output action and completion of a method. Time-triggered Spontaneous Methods (SpM’s) Example of AAC (Autonomous Activation Control) AAC SpM 1 AAC SpM 2 Reservation Q for t = from 10am to 10:50 am every 30 min start-during (t, t+5 min) finish-by t+10 min {start-during (10am, 10:05am) finish-by 10:10 am, start-during (10:30am, 10:35am) finish-by 10:40 am} Programming Schme Object Data Store (ODS) AAC AAC SpM 1 SpM 2 Reservation Q Capabilities for accessing other TMOs, channels, and I/O devices Time-triggered spontaneous messages Service request Q SvM 1 SvM 2 Message-triggered service methods Example: CAMIN (Coordinated Anti-Missile Interceptor Network) Theater TMO Alien TMO Example: CAMIN Theater Step 0: high-level specification Step 1: high-level design of of the initial application application environment such as environment incorporation of sensors, actuators, and control strategy ODS Theater Space = sky + land + sea Defense target in land = command post Defense target in sea = command ship (0-n) v’s Radar in land Interceptor launcher in land Fighter airplanes Example (continued) SpM Update the state of the defense target in land Update the state of defense target in sea Update the state of the radar in land Update the state of the interceptor launcher in land Update the state of the fighter airplanes SvM Accept v’s (invoked by Alien TMO) TMOSM (TMO Support Middleware) A middleware architecture for TMO execution Windows NT implementation User-friendly C++ API called TMOSL UDP-based communication CORBA is also supported TMOSM Timer interrupts activate middleware thread WTST (Watchdog Timer and Scheduler Thread). WTST: manages and scheduling and activation all other threads in TMOSM. Allocates a time slice for every thread. Checks for deadline violation of threads associated with each TMO’s methods. LIIT (Local I/O Interface Thread): a periodic middleware thread processing I/O functions. ICT (Incoming Communication Thread): a periodic middleware thread managing the distribution of messages coming through the communication network. TMOSM TMO TMO TMOSM SvM thread ICT SpM thread LIIT WTST timer interrupt Windows NT Communication Networks TMOSM Scheduling Cycle ICT VMST LIIT ICT VMST LIIT - VMST (Virtual Machine System Thread): time-slices not allocated to middleware threads are called a VMST time-slice. - A VMST time-slice is distributed to application threads associated with TMOs SpM Activation WTST periodically examines the registered SpM’s and put it to SpM reservationQ. WTST moves a SpM to readyQ when the time for its execution arrives. The application scheduler selects a thread from readyQ according to the scheduling policy during a time-slice for VMST. SvM Execution When receiving a service request message, ICT places an identified SvM thread to SvM waitingQ. WTST checks for a possible conflict with SpM execution and moves it to readyQ. The application scheduler selects a thread from readyQ according to the scheduling policy during a time-slice for VMST. Other Works Related TMO DREAM (Distributed Real-time Ever Available Microcomputing) kernel: operating system kernel supporting real-time processes TMOSL (TMO Support Library) Collection of C++ classes Interface between TMOSM and applications CORBA-compliant TMO Summary: TMO TMO is a programming scheme based on both time-triggered and message-triggered executions. TMO applications are distributed real-time systems.