HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP messages
HTTP is the language that web clients and web
servers use to talk to each other
– HTTP is largely “under the hood,” but a basic
understanding can be helpful
Each message, whether a request or a response,
has three parts:
1. The request or the response line
2. A header section
3. The body of the message
What the client does, part I
• The client sends a message to the server at a
particular port (80 is the default)
• The first part of the message is the request line,
– A method (HTTP command) such as GET or POST
– A document address, and
– An HTTP version number
• Example:
– GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
Other methods
• Other methods beside GET and POST are:
HEAD: Like GET, but ask that only a header be returned
PUT: Request to store the entity-body at the URI
DELETE: Request removal of data at the URI
LINK: Request header information be associated with a
document on the server
– UNLINK: Request to undo a LINK request
– OPTIONS: Request information about communications
options on the server
– TRACE: Request that the entity-body be returned as
received (used for debugging)
What the client does, part II
• The second part of a request is optional header
information, such as:
– What the client software is
– What formats it can accept
• All information is in the form Name: Value
• Example:
User-Agent: Mozilla/2.02Gold (WinNT; I)
Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, */*
• A blank line ends the header
Client request headers
• Accept: type/subtype, type/subtype, ...
– Specifies media types that the client prefers to accept
• Accept-Language: en, fr, de
– Preferred language (For example: English, French, German)
• User-Agent: string
– The browser or other client program sending the request
• From:
– Email address of user of client program
• Cookie: name=value
– Information about a cookie for that URL
– Multiple cookies can be separated by commas
What the client does, part III
• The third part of a request (after the blank line) is
the entity-body, which contains optional data
– The entity-body part is used mostly by POST requests
– The entity-body part is always empty for a GET request
What the server does, part I
• The server response is also in three parts
• The first part is the status line, which tells:
– The HTTP version
– A status code
– A short description of what the status code means
• Example: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
• Status codes are in groups:
The request was successful
The request was redirected
The request failed
A server error occurred
Common status codes
• 200 OK
– Everything worked, here’s the data
• 301 Moved Permanently
– URI was moved, but here’s the new address for your records
• 302 Moved temporarily
– URL temporarily out of service, keep the old one but use this one
for now
• 400 Bad Request
– There is a xyntax error in your request
• 403 Forbidden
– You can’t do this, and we won’t tell you why
• 404 Not Found
– No such document
• 408 Request Time-out, 504 Gateway Time-out
– Request took too long to fulfill for some reason
What the server does, part II
• The second part of the response is header information,
ended by a blank line
• Example:
• Content-Length: 2532
Connection: Close
Server: GWS/2.0
Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2002 21:24:50 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Cache-control: private
All on
one line yNWNjraftUz299RH; expires=Sun, 17-Jan-2038 19:14:07 GMT;
There is a nice header viewer at
Server response headers
• Server: NCSA/1.3
– Name and version of the server
• Content-Type: type/subtype
– Should be of a type and subtype specified by the
client’s Accept header
• Set-Cookie: name=value; options
– Requests the client to store a cookie with the given
name and value
What the server does, part III
• The third part of a server response is the entity
• This is often an HTML page
– But it can also be a jpeg, a gif, plain text, etc.--anything
the browser (or other client) is prepared to accept
The <meta http-equiv> tag
• The <meta http-equiv=string content=string> tag may occur
in the <head> of an HTML document
• http-equiv and content typically have the same kinds of
values as in the HTTP header
• This tag asks the client to pretend that the information
actually occurred in the header
– The information is not really in the header
– As usual, not all browsers handle this information the same way
• Example:
<meta http-equiv="Set-Cookie"
content="value=n;expires=date; path=url">
HTTP is a fairly straightforward protocol with a lot of
possible kinds of predefined header information
More kinds can be added, so long as client and server agree
A request from the client consists of three parts:
1. A header line
2. A block of header information, ending with a blank line
3. The (optional) entity body, containing data
A response from the server consists of the same three
HTTP headers are “under the hood” information, not
normally displayed to the user
As with most of the things covered in CIT597,
We have covered only the fundamentals
Much more detail can be found on the Web
The End