Discussion of assigned readings Lecture 13 1 How does ‘smoothing’ help in Bayesian word sense disambiguation? How do you do this smoothing? – Most words appear rarely (remember Heap’s law) – – 2 The more data you see, the more words you had never seen before you encounter Now imagine you use the word before and the word after the target word as a feature When you test your classifier, you will see context words you never saw during training How does the naïve Bayes classifier work? Compute the probability of the observed context assuming each sense – – 3 Multiplication of the probabilities of each individual feature A word not seen in training will have zero probability Choose the most probable sense Lesson 2: zeros or not? Zipf’s Law: – – – – Result: – – – 4 A small number of events occur with high frequency A large number of events occur with low frequency You can quickly collect statistics on the high frequency events You might have to wait an arbitrarily long time to get valid statistics on low frequency events Our estimates are sparse! no counts at all for the vast bulk of things we want to estimate! Some of the zeroes in the table are really zeros But others are simply low frequency events you haven't seen yet. After all, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! How to address? Answer: – Estimate the likelihood of unseen N-grams! Dealing with unknown words 5 Training: - Assume a fixed vocabulary (e.g. all words that occur at least 5 times in the corpus) - Replace all other words by a token <UNK> - Estimate the model on this corpus Testing: - Replace all unknown words by <UNK> - Run the model Smoothing is like Robin Hood: Steal from the rich and give to the poor (in probability mass) 6 Laplace smoothing Also called add-one smoothing Just add one to all the counts! Very simple MLE estimate: Laplace estimate: 7 Why do pseudo-words give an optimistic results for WSD? Banana-door – – – – The problem is that different sense of the same word are often semantically related – 8 Find sentences containing either of the words Replace the occurrence of each of the words with a new symbol Here is a big annotated corpus! The correct sense is the original word Pseudo-words are pomonymous rather than polysemous Let’s correct this Which is better, lexical sample or decision tree classifier, in terms of system performance and results? Lexical sample task – – Classifiers used to solve the task – – – 9 Way of formulating the task of WSD A small pre-selected set of target words Naïve Bayes Decision trees Support vector machines What is relative entropy? 10 KL divergence/relative entropy Selectional preference strength 11 eat x [FOOD] be y [PRETTY-MUCH-ANYTHING] The distribution of expected semantic classes (FOOD, PEOPLE, LIQUIDS) The distribution of expected semantic classes for a particular verb The greater the difference between these distributions, the more information the verb is giving us about possible objects Bootstrapping WSD algorithm 12 How the algorithm after defining plant under life and manufacturing can go on to define animal and microscopic from life? How does it do that recursively or something? Basically, how other words get labeled other than those we set out to label. Bootstrapping What if you don’t have enough data to train a system… Bootstrap – – – For bass – 13 Pick a word that you as an analyst think will co-occur with your target word in particular sense Grep through your corpus for your target word and the hypothesized word Assume that the target tag is the right one Assume play occurs with the music sense and fish occurs with the fish sense Sentences extracting using “fish” and “play” 14 15 SimLin: why multiply by 2 16 Common(A,B) Description(A,B) Word similarity Synonymy is a binary relation – We want a looser metric – – Word similarity or Word distance Two words are more similar – Two words are either synonymous or not If they share more features of meaning Actually these are really relations between senses: – – Instead of saying “bank is like fund” We say 17 Bank1 is similar to fund3 Bank2 is similar to slope5 We’ll compute them over both words and senses Two classes of algorithms Thesaurus-based algorithms – Based on whether words are “nearby” in Wordnet Distributional algorithms – By comparing words based on their context 18 I like having X for dinner? What are the possible values of X Thesaurus-based word similarity We could use anything in the thesaurus – – – Meronymy Glosses Example sentences In practice – By “thesaurus-based” we just mean Word similarity versus word relatedness – – Similar words are near-synonyms Related could be related any way 19 Using the is-a/subsumption/hypernym hierarchy Car, gasoline: related, not similar Car, bicycle: similar Path based similarity 20 Two words are similar if nearby in thesaurus hierarchy (i.e. short path between them) Refinements to path-based similarity pathlen(c1,c2) = number of edges in the shortest path between the sense nodes c1 and c2 simpath(c1,c2) = -log pathlen(c1,c2) wordsim(w1,w2) = – 21 maxc1senses(w1),c2senses(w2) sim(c1,c2) Problem with basic path-based similarity Assumes each link represents a uniform distance Nickel to money seem closer than nickel to standard Instead: – 22 Want a metric which lets us represent the cost of each edge independently Information content similarity metrics Let’s define P(C) as: – – – – 23 The probability that a randomly selected word in a corpus is an instance of concept c Formally: there is a distinct random variable, ranging over words, associated with each concept in the hierarchy P(root)=1 The lower a node in the hierarchy, the lower its probability Information content similarity Train by counting in a corpus – 1 instance of “dime” could count toward frequency of coin, currency, standard, etc More formally: count(w) P(c) 24 w words(c ) N Information content similarity 25 WordNet hieararchy augmented with probabilities P(C) Information content: definitions Information content: – IC(c)=-logP(c) Lowest common subsumer LCS(c1,c2) I.e. the lowest node in the hierarchy – That subsumes (is a hypernym of) both c1 and c2 – 26 Resnik method 27 The similarity between two words is related to their common information The more two words have in common, the more similar they are Resnik: measure the common information as: – The info content of the lowest common subsumer of the two nodes – simresnik(c1,c2) = -log P(LCS(c1,c2)) SimLin(c1,c2) = 2 x log P (LCS(c1,c2))/ (log P(c1) + log P(c2)) SimLin(hill,coast) = 2 x log P (geological-formation)) / (log P(hill) + log P(coast)) = .59 28 Extended Lesk 29 Two concepts are similar if their glosses contain similar words – Drawing paper: paper that is specially prepared for use in drafting – Decal: the art of transferring designs from specially prepared paper to a wood or glass or metal surface For each n-word phrase that occurs in both glosses – Add a score of n2 – Paper and specially prepared for 1 + 4 = 5 Summary: thesaurus-based similarity 30 Problems with thesaurus-based methods We don’t have a thesaurus for every language Even if we do, many words are missing They rely on hyponym info: – Alternative – 31 Strong for nouns, but lacking for adjectives and even verbs Distributional methods for word similarity Distributional methods for word similarity – – – – Intuition: – – 32 A bottle of tezgüino is on the table Everybody likes tezgüino Tezgüino makes you drunk We make tezgüino out of corn. just from these contexts a human could guess meaning of tezguino So we should look at the surrounding contexts, see what other words have similar context. Context vector 33 Consider a target word w Suppose we had one binary feature fi for each of the N words in the lexicon vi Which means “word vi occurs in the neighborhood of w” w=(f1,f2,f3,…,fN) If w=tezguino, v1 = bottle, v2 = drunk, v3 = matrix: w = (1,1,0,…) Intuition 34 Define two words by these sparse features vectors Apply a vector distance metric Say that two words are similar if two vectors are similar Distributional similarity 35 So we just need to specify 3 things 1. How the co-occurrence terms are defined 2. How terms are weighted (frequency? Logs? Mutual information?) 3. What vector distance metric should we use? Cosine? Euclidean distance? Defining co-occurrence vectors 36 He drinks X every morning Idea: parse the sentence, extract syntactic dependencies: Co-occurrence vectors based on dependencies 37 Measures of association with context Let’s consider one feature f=(r,w’) = (obj-of,attack) P(f|w)=count(f,w)/count(w) Assocprob(w,f)=p(f|w) 38 We have been using the frequency of some feature as its weight or value But we could use any function of this frequency Weighting: Mutual Information 39 Pointwise mutual information: measure of how often two events x and y occur, compared with what we would expect if they were independent: PMI between a target word w and a feature f : Mutual information intuition 40 Objects of the verb drink Lin is a variant on PMI 41 Pointwise mutual information: how often two events x and y occur, compared with what we would expect if they were independent: PMI between a target word w and a feature f : Lin measure: breaks down expected value for P(f) differently: Similarity measures 42 What is the baseline algorithm (Lin&Hovy paper) 43 Good question, they don’t say! Random selection First N words TextTiling: Segmenting Text into Multiparagraph Subtopic Passages 44 Unsupervised Discourse Segmentation 45 Hearst (1997): 21-pgraph science news article called “Stargazers” Goal: produce the following subtopic segments: Intuition of cohesion-based segmentation 46 Sentences or paragraphs in a subtopic are cohesive with each other But not with paragraphs in a neighboring subtopic Thus if we measured the cohesion between every neighboring sentences – We might expect a ‘dip’ in cohesion at subtopic boundaries. TextTiling (Hearst 1997) 1. Tokenization – – – – – 2. Lexical Score Determination: cohesion score – 3. 47 Each space-deliminated word Converted to lower case Throw out stop list words Stem the rest Group into pseudo-sentences of length w=20 Average similarity (cosine measure) between gap (20 pseudo sentences) Boundary Identification TextTiling algorithm 48 Cosine 49 Could you use stemming to compare synsets (distances between words) 50 E.g. musician music Is there a way to deal with inconsistent granularities of relations Zipf's law and Heap's law Both are related to the fact that there are a lot of words that one would see very rarely This means that when we build language models (estimate probabilities of words) we will have unreliable estimates for many – 51 This is why we were talking about smoothing! Heap’s law: estimating the number of terms M kT b M vocabulary size (number of terms) T number of tokens 30 < k < 100 b = 0.5 52 Linear relation between vocabulary size and number of tokens in log-log space 53 Zipf’s law: modeling the distribution of terms 54 The collection frequency of the ith most common term is proportional to 1/i 1 cf i i If the most frequent term occurs cf1 then the second most frequent term has half as many occurrences, the third most frequent term has a third as many, etc cf i ci k log cf i log c k log i 55 Bigram Model Approximate P(wn |w1n1) – P(wn |wn 1) P(unicorn|the mythical) by P(unicorn|mythical) Markov assumption: the probability of a word depends only on the probability of a limited history Generalization: the probability of a word depends only on the probability of the n previous words – – 56 by – trigrams, 4-grams, … the higher n is, the more data needed to train backoff models… A Simple Example: bigram model – 57 P(I want to each Chinese food) = P(I | <start>) P(want | I) P(to | want) P(eat | to) P(Chinese | eat) P(food | Chinese) P(<end>|food) Generating WSJ 58 Maximum tf normalization: wasn’t useful for summarization, why discuss it then? 59 Accuracy, precision and recall 60 Accuracy Problematic measure for IR evaluation – 99.9% of the documents will be nonrelevant – 61 (tp+tn)/(tp+tn+fp+fn) Trivially achieved high performance Precision 62 Recall 63 Precision/Recall trade off Which is more important depends on the user needs – Typical web users – Paralegals and intelligence analysts 64 High precision in the first page of results Need high recall Willing to tolerate some irrelevant documents as a price F-measure 65 66 Explain what vector representation means? I tried explaining it to my mother and had difficulty as to what this "vector" implies. She kept saying she thought of vectors in terms of graphs. 67 How can NLP be used in spam? Using the entire string as feature? NO! Topic categorization: classify the document into semantics topics The U.S. swept into the Davis Cup final on Saturday when twins Bob and Mike Bryan defeated Belarus's Max Mirnyi and Vladimir Voltchkov to give the Americans an unsurmountable 3-0 lead in the best-of-five semi-final tie. 68 One of the strangest, most relentless hurricane seasons on record reached new bizarre heights yesterday as the plodding approach of Hurricane Jeanne prompted evacuation orders for hundreds of thousands of Floridians and high wind warnings that stretched 350 miles from the swamp towns What is relative entropy? 69 KL divergence/relative entropy Selectional preference strength How do you find verbs that strongly associated with a given subject? 70 eat x [FOOD] be y [PRETTY-MUCH-ANYTHING] The distribution of expected semantic classes (FOOD, PEOPLE, LIQUIDS) The distribution of expected semantic classes for a particular verb The greater the difference between these distributions, the more information the verb is giving us about possible objects