New Horizon Association for Social Development

New Horizon Association for Social
Institutional purpose
Mission: To advance sustainable community based
structures that enable the most marginalized and
neglected communities to secure their livelihoods
and improve their quality of life
Institutional GOAL: To propel socio- economic
justice and awareness towards sustainable
development among Egyptians from varies social
Rights based
From Charity to Development
Empower community members through mobilization
and capacity building
Propel change in attitude among target communities
Demonstrate replicable pilots for sustainable
development initiatives
CASE EXAMPLES: Water & Sanitation
Target region: Old Cairo
Total Population: ca. 1.1 million
Project Target areas & population:
Esb El Kerala: 50,000 inhabitants
Ain El Sira: 15,000 to 20,000 inhabitants
El Fawajer: 10,000 inhabitants
Baten El Bakra: 7,500 inhabitants
CASE EXAMPLES: Water & Sanitation
Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) with target
Capacity building of 15 Community based
Associations (CDAs)
Sub-grants provision to community committees (
local CDA representatives, natural community
leaders, local government officials and religious
CASE EXAMPLES: Water & Sanitation
Development Priorities:
 Access to basic Health
 Access to appropriate Housing (safe environment)
 Education
 Child Rights
CASE EXAMPLES: Water & Sanitation
Capacity Building:
 Institutional capacity building ( managerial & technical)
 Training and adopting on institutional level a rightsbased approach
 Training and adopting on institutional level a
participatory approach
 Training community leaders on communication skills and
 Introducing the concept of volunteerism
CASE EXAMPLES: Water & Sanitation
Sub grants:
 Support participating CDAs develop projects based
on a rights based & participatory approach
 Support participating CDAs establish partnerships
with local government council and relevant
 Strengthen ties between local decision-makers and
target communities through promoting cooperation
CASE EXAMPLES: Water & Sanitation
7 local CDAs focus on the Right to Housing and
Projects consisted of placing and upgrading water
and sewage pipes in 270 homes
Installing water tabs in 210 homes
CASE EXAMPLES: Water & Sanitation
Impact since 2004:
- 7 CDAs in target areas work on enhancing the rights of
their populations to access safe water and sanitation
- Over 80% of community members are engaged in their
local CDA as volunteers
- a protocol between the CDAs and local government
council has been signed to work jointly on gradually
upgrading homes and providing the local population of
Old Cairo with access to safe water and sanitation
- CDAs continue raising funds from donor agencies (GTZ,
WHO, etc…)
UN and international agencies should focus
on providing support to building capacities
of civil society to take a rights based
approach to development in Egypt
Encourage pilots that demonstrate good
practice on grass root level
Lobby for greater involvement of national
governments to cooperate with Civil
Lobby for governments to full fill their
human rights obligations and