Name Address City, Province, Postal Code Telephone number Email (McGill email preferred) Country of Birth: Country Status: Citizenship status (include permanent resident if you are one) Availability: term you want to do your internship McGill Student ID: your ID number SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Last annual GPA: n.nn/4.0 CGPA: n.nn/4.0 Number of credits completed to date: (as of last term, also include any cegep transfers) Number of credits to be completed by date available: total including last term and current term Total number of credits required to complete program: (total for program, include credits needed to complete minor, if applicable) Languages written and spoken: Language** (Level), Language (Level), etc. Technical Skills: (list the software/hardware languages/applications** you know and your proficiency level in each. List all your applications, include Microsoft apps like Excel, WORD, Powerpoint, etc. separately. Advanced: list applicaitons Intermediate: list applications Beginner: list applications **Note related to proficiency levels: Be consistent - use Advanced, Intermediate and Beginner as your proficiency levels for Languages and Technical Skills. You may reflect a higher level of proficiency if you are currently using the language/software and expect to know more about it at the end of the current term. You can also include language/software you are currently learning. Courses: list no more than 5 courses you have taken or are taking that are aero-space related/or otherwise appropriate to demonstrate your engineering/science foundational knowledge. List by title only, not course number. EDUCATION Dates: Month year – Month year Bachelor of Engineering (change as appropriate if Science or other Faculty) Department: your department Option / Concentration: as applicable McGill University, Montreal Fill out the remainder of the CV template as appropriate. WORK EXPERIENCE List your Work Experience with most recent job listed first. Include SURE summer projects you’ve worked on – cite project title and professor’s name Dates: start and end dates of job Position held (include that it was an Internship if you did a previous internship) Company and location of company List several bullet points (try not to go over 5) describing your responsibilities in the position, the tasks you completed, and the value-added by you to the company You can include technical and soft-skills learned on the job ACHIEVEMENTS This should be self-evident You can include membership in design teams, specialized projects on in courses including the software you used to complete the project WHMIS certification if you have it Prizes won in university/cegep (can include sports/artistic prizes, too) Aerospace-related extra-curricular acitivites (e.g., ground school training, pilot licence, etc.) INTERESTS This should be self-evident Can include sports, arts, and intellectual interests (e.g., green aviation, 3-D printing applications, additive manufacturing, reading science journals, etc.)