Basic Facts about Life in 6th Grade ASSIGNMENTS Much of the work assigned and done in class is practice of skills we’re learning. These assignments will be corrected in class as soon as possible, sometimes immediately. The purpose of these assignments is to practice a particular skill and to show the student exactly where he or she might need further study. You might think of this work like doing scales on the piano or practicing corner kicks in soccer. This kind of work is given credit for successful completion. The important thing here is that the student takes this practice seriously and does their best work. Other assignments will be graded. These include some daily assignments, quizzes, tests and research projects. The purpose of these graded assignments is to provide opportunity for both the learner and the teacher to assess the student’s understanding of a group of concepts. Think of these assignments like the piano recital or the soccer game. HOMEWORK AND LATE ASSIGNMENTS Many of the assignments that are given in class are due the next school day. Time is provided in class for students to complete some or all of the assignments. Unless mentioned in the planner and on the homework website, the portion of an assignment that is not completed is considered homework and should be completed by 9:05 the following day. Homework would also include extra study, preparing for tests, researching, writing, and reading. Work that is turned in late will earn a reduced grade or no credit. Some of the concepts in sixth grade, especially math and writing, are difficult to grasp. Students who have easily earned A’s and B’s find it more challenging than in years past. Developing good places for study and good methods for independent learning as well as listening in class are very critical to your child’s success. ABSENT STUDENTS Absent students must bring a written excuse from you when they return. Students will be given their assignments when they return, not before they leave for a trip. They will need to make up all work that was missed. During a possible prolonged illness, homework can be arranged with 24 hrs notice allowed before pick up. Students have one day to make up their work for each day they were absent. Friday Study Hall is mandatory for any student who has late work to finish. It is important to realize that there is no way to make up the hours of active, constructive learning a student misses when they are absent from the classroom. QUALITY OF STUDENT WORK Students are expected to push themselves to create work they can be proud of, whether the work is routine practice or intellectually challenging. If you encourage (and sometimes badger) your child to produce thoughtful, complete, neat work, you will be helping me enormously to hold your child accountable. In the long term, by expecting the personal best of your child, you and I will be helping them prepare for success in their future jobs, schooling and personal relationships. (What I’m saying is that making them do their best will help them grow up to be decent people.) I’m happy to have your child in my class and look forward to an exciting year! Mr. Gerard