Name ________________ Events Leading Up to the Civil War

Name ________________
Events Leading Up to the Civil War
Put the following events in chronological order by numbering 1-11. Write out the
year in which each event took place.
___ Kansas-Nebraska Act
___ John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry
___ Mexican War
___ “Bloody Kansas”
___ Uncle Tom’s Cabin
___ Founding of the Republican Party
___ Lincoln-Douglas Debates
___ Election of 1860
___ Dred Scott Decision
___ Compromise of 1850
___ South Carolina secedes
Short Answer Essay: (15 points)
Always – in 1787, 1820, 1833, and 1850 – the North and South had been able to
compromise over their differences. This was no longer the case in 1861. Which
event or events do you think made it impossible for the North and South to
compromise any longer? Support your opinion with relevant facts and logical