Chapter 25: The Vietnam War 25.1 Guided Reading Activity 1. Name Period __________/ 15 Points From the late 1800s until WWII, France ruled Vietnam and neighboring Laos and Cambodia, a region known as 2. . (1 point) In 1941, organized a nationalist group called the uniting both Communists and non-Communists to expel the forces. He made references to the American document in hopes that the U.S. would 3. support Vietnam’s freedom from colonial rule. (3 points) By 1954 President had ensured continued support of the French in Vietnam by covering over ¾ of the cost of war. (1 point) 4. Is the belief that if Vietnam fell to communism, so too would the other nations of Southeast Asia. (1 point) 5. are irregular troops who usually blend into civilian population and are difficult for regular armies to fight especially with their use of hit-and-run and ambush tactics. (1 point) 6. The French occupied in hopes of interfering with Vietminh’s supply lines; in actuality, it was the city where the French were defeated leading to their withdrawal from Vietnam. (1 point) divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel, recognized 7. Cambodia’s independence, and guaranteed Vietnam’s ability to hold elections in 1956 to reunite the country. (1 point) 8. South Vietnam was led by pro-Westerner and anti-Communist. (1 point) , a 9. The Unite State’s involvement into the Vietnam conflict originated with President . (1 point) 10. As the fighting began between the Vietcong and South Vietnamese army, President Eisenhower tried to help South Vietnam by sending . (1 point) 11. Answer the following questions about this political cartoon. (3 points) a. What is this political cartoon referring to? b. What was the fear of the possibility of the events in this cartoon coming true? c. How is the message of this cartoon enhanced by the United States’ involvement int the Cold War?