Authors Name_________________________Peer Evaluator__________________ 9th Grade Short Story Checklist and feedback Ideas The narrative Sustains focus on setting, character, events and/or ideas to strengthen the unity of the story Includes a well-developed conflict and resolution with appropriate details to sustain readers interest Develops believable characters that grow in depth throughout the story Includes a variety of Literary devices; Point of view, foreshadowing, flashback, irony, Score: 4-Exemplary, 3-Proficent, 2-Emerging, 1- Incomplete Explain score: Structure/Organization The narrative Follows the plot structure of short story. It includes exposition, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action, and resolution. Sequence of events are smooth and easy to follow and creates a coherent whole Provides a conclusion and clear resolution Score: 4-Exemplary, 3-Proficent, 2-Emerging, 1- Incomplete Explain score: Use of Language The narrative Uses precise language, telling details, and sensory details to enhance tone and mood. Effectively uses a range of narrative techniques and literary devices to enhance the plot Score: 4-Exemplary, 3-Proficent, 2-Emerging, 1- Incomplete Explain score: Conventions The narrative Demonstrates command of conventions, and spelling. Very few to none errors that do not interfere with meaning Capitalization, spelling, punctuation, grammar, usage, indented paragraphs, complete sentences (No fragments-No Run-ons) Score: 4-Exemplary, 3-Proficent, 2-Emerging, 1- Incomplete Explain score: What did the author do well? 1. 2. What can they work to improve on? 1. 2. Final Draft Expectations/ Requirements Typed Final Drafts 12 point font Times New Roman or Arial Double Spaced Needs a heading Name Date Period Assignment Needs a centered title Hand Written Final Drafts Neat and easy to read Blue or black ink Double Spaced Needs a heading Name Date Period Assignment Needs a centered title Identify the following on your final draft: 1. Exposition 2. Rising Action 3. Conflict 4. Climax 5. Falling Action 6. Resolution 7. Literary Devices used: Foreshadowing, flashback, irony, etc.