March 25 Learning target: I can describe how sound works Vocab: 1. Audible Range 2. pitch 3. ultrasonic Return Group test Chapter 11, Individual test will be after Chapter 12 and will combine the Chapters Quiz on Sound packet Quick notes on Chapter 12 AP Review sheet due on Thursday Thursday will be sound Labs. Homework: Complete Sound homework by Thursday Quiz on Sound Packet 1. The damping of a sound wave (decrease in amplitude) as it travels is called 2. Sounds with a higher frequency than audible are called _________________sounds What effect occurs when a car moving towards you pushes its sound waves closer together in front so the sound you actually hear has a higher frequency. ___________________________motion means that the speed is greater than the speed of sound. The vibration of an object that is made to vibrate by another vibrating object in contact. 3. 4. 5. 1. Attenuation 2. Ultrasonic 3. Doppler 4. Supersonic 5. Forced vibration