South Kitsap School District Policy Governance Policy Type: Executive Limitation

South Kitsap School District
Policy Governance
Policy Type: Executive Limitation
Asset Protection
The Superintendent shall not allow assets to be unprotected, inadequately maintained, inappropriately used, or
unnecessarily risked. Furthermore, the Superintendent will not knowingly or recklessly endanger the district’s
policies, public image or credibility, thereby jeopardizing the district’s ability to accomplish its mission.
Accordingly, the Superintendent may not:
1. Fail to prepare and maintain a current inventory of district property.
2. Fail to obtain insurance coverage against theft, casualty, and liability losses in accordance with Risk
Management Pool directions.
3. Allow un-bonded personnel access to funds in excess of $5,000.
4. Fail to take steps to ensure that a program of preventive maintenance is in place for district facilities and
5. Fail to conduct energy assessments and to make modifications which result in energy savings.
6. Recklessly expose the district, its Board, or staff to legal liability.
7. Approve any purchase in violation of the district’s procurement code.
8. Fail to implement procedures to protect intellectual property, information, records, and files from loss or
9. Receive, process, or disburse funds under controls which are insufficient under generally accepted
accounting principles for governments.
10. Acquire, encumber, or dispose of real property without approval of the Board.
Superintendent’s Interpretation:
The Superintendent is responsible for protecting the interests and assets of the district; the strict compliance
language of this EL reflects this responsibility. The compliance language this within asset protection EL reflects
clear language regarding expected adherence to laws, policies, and procedures, but is also symbolic of
organizational/operational standards that are critical to being a respected and trust school system (by staff and
community). It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to protect, monitor and manage district assets in a
manner that is clear, consistent, transparent and systemic.
I hereby present my monitoring report on Executive Limitations Policy EL-10 “Asset Protection" in accordance with the
monitoring schedule set forth in board policy. I certify that the information contained in the report is true as of June 15,
Evidence of Compliance: June 15, 2011
At the time of this report, I believe I am in compliance with the Board’s expectations associated with this policy. I have
not, to use language consistent with EL-10, allowed assets to be unprotected, inadequately maintained, inappropriately
used, or unnecessarily risked. Furthermore, I have not knowingly or recklessly endanger the district’s policies, public
image or credibility, thereby jeopardizing the districts ability to accomplish its mission.
Indicators Include:
Delegation and collaboration with Terri Patton, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services with
respects to fiscal management and all support services.
Collaborative information sharing and decision making relative to this EL with Cabinet and Directors
responsible for ensuring the limitations are adhered to.
 The Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) uses perpetual inventory software to track all food items and
supplies. This system is updated daily, and the data is housed on and is backed up onto the district
server. FNS equipment inventory is maintained and a physical inventory of all kitchen equipment is
completed twice a year.
 The ITS department has some internal systems to identify networked computers and perform remote
configurations. The ITS department compiles an annual count of computers by school to support the
OSPI Technology Survey.
 The Transportation department uses a perpetual inventory system to track all vehicles and maintenance
 The Special Services and Career Technology departments track and account for all equipment
purchased with federal funds separately.
 The conversion to the Skyward fiscal system July 2011 will enhance the capability to track assets
(See SIAW Coverage document attached)
(See SIAW Coverage document, Wrongful Acts & Criminal Action sections)
 The Facilities department conducts preventive maintenance and safety checks in life safety areas and
for high dollar value mechanical equipment that must be properly maintained to ensure its continued
efficient operation. Preventive maintenance work orders are integrated into the district online work
order system. Examples of assets managed under preventive maintenance programs include: HVAC
equipment; Elevator inspections; Fire bottle inspections; Annual bleacher inspections; Athletic field
seeding, fertilization and repairs; Hazardous tree identification and removal; and Mowing equipment
The FNS department has annual inspections of all large equipment to assure that they are maintained
and run at capacity. The FNS equipment inventory database is updated regularly and a maintenance
program is run twice a year.
The Transportation department conducts on-going preventative maintenance on all vehicles and
consistently receives outstanding external evaluations.
 Energy assessments are performed as part of the Energy Services Performance Contracting Program.
District participation in this program over the previous year has brought the South Kitsap School District
$1,285,000 in OSPI energy grants and a projected $595,000 in Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Utility
Incentive grants. As part of the program the District will also assume debt that will be repaid over a tenyear period with guaranteed energy savings. The grants and guaranteed energy savings will fund nearly
$3,000,000 in energy projects and equipment replacement over the next eighteen months.
 The Facilities Department also self-monitors energy performance through a PSE provided software
package entitled Utility Manager.
 The Information Technology Department uses a software package entitled Big Fix to ensure that desktop
and laptop computers district-wide are going into sleep mode at appropriate times to reduce electrical
 When compared with the previous year, the school year ending in August 2010 saw a reduction in
electrical use of 4.3% measured in kilowatt hours. When PSE factored in differences in climate between
to two years, measured in heating and cooling degree days, the adjusted energy savings in kWh was
actually 7.9%.
 Active compliance with Federal and State laws related to employment (ADA, FMLA, FLSA, Title VII)
monitored by the Human Resources Department. (In ten years, the District has experienced only one
EEOC complaint and one lawsuit related to employment; both were dismissed without grounds.)
 Effective and timely investigative practices related to employee misconduct, monitored by the Human
Resources Department.
 Effective use of SIAW pre-litigation program and additional legal consultation as needed. Settlement
agreements used when necessary to minimize litigation.
 Emphasis on effective hiring procedures by the Human Resources Department.
 Prevention focus to reduce the risk of worker and student injuries, including the district-wide use of
safety committees at all sites, an active Safety Manager role, training of custodians to report hazards,
prompt response from the Facilities Department to address hazards.
 Bus driver training programs with annual updates for all drivers.
 Annual safety inspections of facilities and vehicles.
 Competitive bids or quotations are solicited in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations;
or purchases are made under a state contract or inter-local agreement with another agency holding the
 Written purchasing procedures are accessible to staff and additional training is provided to staff when
there is a turnover of positions.
 Federal purchases require adherence to suspension debarment verification prior to purchase.
 Controls are in place for pre-approval by the budget administrator for all purchases using either a
purchase order or procurement card.
 Vouchers are reviewed each pay period prior to submission to school board for review and approval of
the payment affidavit by the Director of Business Services.
All FNS electronic data such as perpetual inventory program; POS data base data is backed up onto the
server daily; paper copies are stored at the FNS office. All student data pertaining to eligibility status
are housed on the district server, and a back up is created daily.
The ITS department maintains a business continuity/disaster recovery plan including rigorous backup
schedule with off-site, secure tape rotation as well as virtualized server platform for rapid recovery of
data and services.
Core student records, accounting, payroll and human resources systems are provided through the
Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative which also has strong security and backup
Staff network accounts are automatically activated and deactivated immediately after hiring or
termination. Security privileges are assigned based on an employee’s role and location within the district.
 The state auditor performs an annual audit of the financial statements in accordance with Government
Auditing Standards. The most recent audit report for the 2009-10 school year found these financial
statements in compliance.
 A modified accrual basis of accounting is used and recognizes revenues as soon as they are both
measurable and available. Expenditures are recognized when the goods or services have been received,
and accounted for during that fiscal period.
 Disbursement of Federal and State and other designated resources are accounted for with specific
account coding to provide for accurate accounting and audit of these funds.
 Procedures are in place to provide documentation of receipt of materials and services prior to
disbursement of funds.
 Approvals for the purchase and sale of real property are approved by Board resolution, following
legal counsel.
 The District’s most recent real property transaction was the purchase of a 2.28 acre parcel of land
adjacent to South Colby Elementary school. This purchase was approved via Board Resolution 1025
on May 2, 2007.