September 25, 2008 2:30pm-4:30pm

September 25, 2008
 Task Force membership
 Task Force process
 Task Force subcommittees
 Vision (DRAFT)
The University of Kentucky will be recognized world-wide for
excellence in teaching, research and service. The university
will provide the support needed to ensure that all members
of the university community can be engaged effectively in the
international educational and research marketplace. Every
student will develop a broad international perspective
through curricular, extracurricular, on-campus, and/or offcampus experiences. Faculty, staff and students will take
full advantage of connections across academic programs at all
levels of study to encourage international experiences that
broaden perspectives, emphasize interdisciplinary and
inter-professional training, and inspire student
partnerships with faculty to explore knowledge at the fluid
borders of academic disciplines.
Research-related recommendations
• Funding decisions and resources for international
research should largely remain in the Colleges, since
each College knows best where its investments will
yield dividends.
• Multi-College grants should be managed from a
centralized International Research entity.
• This entity would also manage such issues as housing for
international visiting scholars or collaborators, and other
such arrangements that enhance and facilitate the efforts
of individual Colleges.
Research-related recommendations
* Some funds should be available centrally, to
incentivize international research or travel; but these
funds should mainly be allocated as a “match” or
enhancement to individual College investments.
Research-related recommendations
Each College should designate an Associate Dean or
other representative to guide investment in the area of
international research.
Such decentralization will support creativity within disciplines
and Colleges, while also providing an avenue to centralize
information and to increase the visibility and coherence of such
These College representatives should form an Advisory Board that
could meet periodically to exchange information, foster
collaborations among Colleges, exchange best practices, and
strengthen linkages between on-campus international expertise
and curricular/co-curricular initiatives.
Partnership-related recommendations
• Each college should establish a point person for
international agreements
• UK’s international collaborations should become
more centralized so that certain activities are
performed that assist the Colleges and other units
establish international agreements and deal with
hosting of international scholars and groups.
• While programmatic efforts to establish international relationships
should remain at the unit level, some common activities supporting
UK’s international collaborations should be performed through a more
centralized organization.
• Such activities include hosting visitors, assisting with international
agreements, coordinating multi-college research projects and other
activities that go beyond the capabilities of most colleges.
Partnership-related recommendations
• The Provost should encourage Deans to work together
on collaborations and exchanges.
• Consider offering UK degrees on international
Curriculum-related recommendations
* Conduct an in-depth search on:
a) potential for including international study
within each curricula of each college
b) curricular approaches to international activities
at each of the benchmark universities
Curriculum-related recommendations
 Explore the feasibility of establishing a certificate in
Intercultural Competence beginning with
undergraduate students (e.g., Penn State Model).
 Students would work with an International Advisor regarding
coursework and intercultural experience required to obtain this
 The certificate would require students to take a common core
course focused on intercultural awareness and then select two
courses from a list of existing courses to be identified by an advisory
committee. The required intercultural experience might form the
basis of one of these courses.
Curriculum-related recommendations
• Curriculum Integration. The University of Minnesota
Curriculum Integration (CI) program, Assess, Match,
Motivate, should be adopted by UK.
• This project would entail working closely with departments/
divisions to produce Selected Education Abroad Sheets (SEAS) for
each major, highlighting EA opportunities favored by
* USP/General Studies. Participation in an Education
Abroad program (3 week minimum) should satisfy a
USP requirement, either a cross-cultural or experiential
education requirement.
Communication-related recommendations
 Create a centralized web presence for
internationalization, ideally through an international
link off the UK home page.
 That link would include links to international content housed on
college sites, but we see a number of benefits to having a centralized
web presence. Such a site will provide a convenient, easy-to-find,
easy-to-use portal to international activity at UK for both internal
and external audiences.
 The site would be maintained by the communications staff
member in OIA; once the site is built, updating should be such that
it could be handled out of that office.
Communication-related recommendations
 Develop a component of a website on International
Experiences at UK that will describe in detail all
opportunities for international study.
Courses would be identified according to a number of
categories, for example:
Epoch: Historical, Contemporary
Language: any modern foreign language
Countries: China, Ecuador
Non-country Specific: International Law, Introduction to
Comparative Religion
Communication-related recommendations
• Increase international visibility of the Commonwealth
of Kentucky and the University of Kentucky
Engage the professional services of national recruitment
organizations such as Peterson’s, Hobson’s, etc for increasing
name recognition and recruitment of international students.
Participate in international students recruitment fairs
Pursue greater involvement with international alumni through
visits when abroad and international alumni e-letter and to
solicit their help in international recruitment efforts.
Pursue greater involvement with international alumni through
visits when abroad and international alumni e-letter and to
solicit their help in international recruitment efforts.
Communication-related recommendations
Invite the active participation of University of Kentucky
international student groups in outreach activities aimed at
prospective international students.
Build relationships with overseas advisors and engage them in
promoting the university to overseas students.
Further develop UK’s relationship with internationally focused
education organizations, such as IIE, Fulbright Commissions,
AMIDEAST and others.
Collaborate with local organizations such as Rotary Club, World
Trade Center (WTC) and Sister Cities in recruiting international
Establish an International Student Ambassador Circle to advise
prospective students.
Collaborate with UK Internationalization Taskforce and
subcommittees on identifying faculty and staff involved who are
willing to recruit undergraduates while traveling abroad.
Communication-related recommendations
•Include a segment on international students in the current SEE BLUE Campaign to
enhance the marketing of UK to international students.
•Include “Global UK” pages in the next edition of the UK’s View Book
•Improve visibility of the University of Kentucky and the Commonwealth of
Kentucky by producing appropriate recruitment materials for global
•Send promotional materials to Education USA overseas adviser centers,
schools, and US schools with high international populations.
•Work jointly with Communications subcommittee to develop a website for
international students recruitment.
•Advertise the strengths and rankings of the various programs (Medicine,
Pharmacy, Engineering, Health Sciences, Dentistry, etc) through an aggressive
marketing strategy with the Communications subcommittee.
Incentive-related recommendations
• Mini-grants
• Award mini-grants to faculty, staff and students for the development
of innovative ideas for expanding and intensifying international
student experiences on campus.
• Fund mini-grants that support activities designed to increase the
academic engagement of study abroad students. One such grant could
be modeled after the U Minnesota Intercultural Engagement Grants,
"offered for programs that engage both international students and
returned study abroad students with a focus on intercultural
engagement and student development.“
• Fund mini-grants "offered for activities to increase faculty and staff
involvement in and awareness of study abroad at the college,
department or unit level. Successful proposals should enhance the
culture of study abroad within the unit, college or department by
engaging faculty or staff." (U Minnesota- Innovation for Broader
Engagement Grants)
• Fund competitive mini-grants for faculty development and
familiarization tours to EA sites.
Incentive-related recommendations
• UK Sponsored (faculty-led) EA Programs.
• Pay minimum salaries and stipends for directing and teaching UK-
Sponsored programs from the General Fund, rather than the program
fees charged to students.
• Continue to offer the programs without charging tuition for the
associated academic courses.
• Where possible, the Research Office should assist
with starting projects that show promise of
becoming self-sustaining financially.
Development-related recommendations
• Structure for Development.
• A central structure should be set up to focus on Development
and promotional work with international corporations,
foundations, and donors, and to facilitate such efforts that
might be ongoing within each College.
• This would provide potential new funds directly to the Colleges,
in order to further enhance international research, curriculum
development, education abroad, etc.
• Because of its potential to attract corporate investment or
corporate support of particular programs, and to involve
multiple Colleges, as well as to reduce duplication of effort, this
initiative should be housed within an international research
Development-related recommendations
• Scholarships for students studying abroad.
• Increase the International Education Fee (IEF), current $3/semester
• Increase College-Specific Scholarships for EA
• Work with UK Development Office to develop an EA fund-raising
campaign and to locate potential donors.
• Work with UK Alumni Association to develop an EA Alumni
communication strategy that will target UK EA Alumni for fund
• Work with the office of the vice president for research to explore grant
opportunities for EA support, such as first-generation students,
students from Appalachia, multicultural students, students from nontraditional disciplines, students going to non-traditional destinations,
and students with disabilities
Development-related recommendations
• Funding for undergraduate international students.
• Explore issues of financial aid, scholarships and other funding
opportunities within and outside the University for needy
international students.
• Create academic scholarships for incoming international
undergraduate freshmen and transfer students.
• Explore local/external funding sources for the establishment of
an international student scholarship endowment.
• Revise institutional policies so as to extend in-state tuition and
reduced tuition to attract more international undergraduate
students of high academic standing.
Development-related recommendations
• Create an integrated application process for scholarships and for
admissions, where eligible students would be automatically considered
for academic scholarships without having to submit a separate
• Establish a working inter-departmental team, consisting of OIA,
Admissions, Academic Scholarships, colleges and schools to ensure
that UK’s international student recruitment, admissions processing,
student services, and orientation activities follow the cutting edge of
best practices.
Assessment-related recommendations
 Develop an international assessment plan that:
 1) articulates with the UK strategic plan for internationalization;
 2) addresses the purposes for assessment, as defined by the Task
Force, Task Force Subcommittees, the Internationalization Strategic
Plan, and college-level strategic plan goals and objectives having an
international focus; and
 3) serves internationalization efforts at the
university and college levels, thus providing a mechanism for
ongoing monitoring, evaluating, and modifying
internationalization initiatives.
Assessment-related recommendations
 Develop a structure for centralized oversight of the
assessment process that:
 1) promotes university and college internationalization efforts;
 2) recognizes the value of both university- and college-wide efforts;
 3) encourages ongoing cooperation and communication between
colleges and the administration.
Assessment-related recommendations
* Allocate sufficient financial resources, physical space
and equipment, and skilled personnel to ensure
fidelity to the assessment process, including the use
and adaptation of existing tools and development of
additional assessment tools, such as the Faculty/Staff
Survey of International Experiences and Interests, as
Assessment-related recommendations
• Develop and implement an ongoing plan for
analyzing, interpreting, and disseminating accurate
information that can be easily understood and
interpreted by multiple stakeholders.
• Create sustainable mechanism for tracking
international research activity, through a system
which has the appropriate parameters for easily
identifying international research/program projects.
Assessment-related recommendations
* Work with UK Assessment Office to develop
instruments to measure outcomes of EA experiences.