Equality and Diversity Essentials: Online Training for Staff Instructions for logging on

Equality and Diversity Essentials:
Online Training for Staff
Instructions for logging on
 Use your ordinary staff email address as your username.
 The password the first time you logon will be 4rwh7iw2.
 You are then invited to change this. We suggest you use your usual University
 Once through to the My Courses screen, select Equality and Diversity Essentials
(under Equality and Diversity in Practice).
AH/Equality and Diversity Team/March 2013
 As the course is accessed via the Internet, you can logon from any machine at a
location convenient for you.
 There are some questions at the end to test your understanding. You will need
to get 80% or more to pass but if you don't, don't worry, just have look at the
relevant sections and have another go!
 There are a number of built in accessibility features to help you set up the
training to suit your own needs. These include audio soundtrack, contrast, zoom
and subtitles on the film clips. It is compatible with most common screen
readers. It can be navigated by voice control with appropriate speech
recognition software. If you would like to use audio with headphones and don’t
have access to any they can be ordered from 3800,IT Call Centre
 You do not have to complete the training in one session. You can stop at any
section and go back another time as the system will remember where you are.
 Please make sure you log out and exit the training properly otherwise your work
will not be saved.
 To start the training follow the link below:
Equality and Diversity Essentials or type in http://staffs.elumos.net
 If you experience any problems please contact diversity@staffs.ac.uk or
telephone 01782 292775; Ext 2775.
 If you experience any problems with your computer in accessing the training
contact Karl Gimblett in Information Services on 01782 294333 or email
AH/Equality and Diversity Team/March 2013
Equality and Diversity Essentials is a compulsory refresher training on equality for all
staff. It takes the form of an online eLearning package provided by Cylix.
It is important that all staff understand their responsibilities under the equality
legislation as this underpins many of the key themes of the University Plan, including
widening participation and overall student experience. The legislation has changed
considerably since the last time we required all staff to undertake equality training.
During this spring and summer all staff will have an opportunity to complete the
training, which is being rolled out on a department by department basis. Time will
be allowed during working hours for staff to complete the training, including
those working only a few hours a week, along with access to a computer if needed.
This will be arranged with the relevant heads of department as the training is rolled
New staff will continue to attend our "Making the Difference: An Introduction to
Equality" as part of their induction to the University. Other training sessions on
specific aspects of equality are available. For more information visit:
AH/Equality and Diversity Team/March 2013