SUMMER 2013 CAM SYLLABUS ADDENDUM Important Dates for Summer 2013 Students are responsible for knowing all academic dates for each semester they are enrolled. Please see the Registrar’s website ( for the full academic calendar. The calendar information below applies to College of Arts & Media (CAM) majors. Non-CAM majors should consult their advising offices. June 10 First day of classes. June 14 Last day to DROP a full term course without a drop charge of $100. June 16 Last day to ADD a course (pending space availability) using the student portal UCDAccess. Note: If the class does not appear as “enrolled” on your schedule, you are not registered for the course. After this date you can add a full term course by submitting a Schedule Adjustment Form – see deadline and details below. Last day to be added to the waitlist of a course using the student portal UCDAccess. June 17 No adds permitted today. There are NO EXCEPTIONS!! Please plan your schedule accordingly. June 18 by 5PM Census Date Last day to ADD a full term course by submitting a Schedule Adjustment Form, with Instructor signature, to North Classroom 1003. If the class does not appear on June 19 as “enrolled” on your schedule, you are not registered for the class. (As of June 19, you must petition the CAM Dean’s/Advising Office (Arts 177) to add any full term class by submitting a CAM “Late Add Petition.” If the petition is approved, you will have to pay the full tuition; College Opportunity Fund does not apply. Requests to add a class late are rarely approved.) Late starting module or intensive courses may be added with a Schedule Adjustment Form in North Classroom 1003 up until the first day of the class. Last day to DROP a full term course online and receive a tuition adjustment (DROP CHARGES of $100 PER COURSE APPLY). After this date, you must submit to the CAM Dean’s/Advising Office (ARTS 177) a “Late Drop Petition.” Petitioning does not guarantee that the late drop will be approved. Even if your petition is approved, you will not receive a tuition reimbursement and the course will appear on your transcript. Last day to request No Credit or Pass/Fail without a petition to CAM Dean’s/Advising Office. Last day to apply for Summer graduation. July 4 Independence Day Holiday (campus closed, no classes) July 9 First day Registrar’s Office requires Dean’s signature/approval to drop a full term course or withdraw from the term. NOTE: CAM students must obtain Dean’s approval through a petition after Census Date August 3 End of semester Last day to authorize College Opportunity Fund (COF) via UCD Access. 1 August 12 Final grades available on UCD Access FCQ Administration: FCQs should be administered the last day or two of class. If the class does not appear as “enrolled” on your schedule, you are not registered for this course. It is your responsibility to verify that you are registered for the classes you are taking. General Information All students are responsible for keeping all contact information up to date with the University. University policy is that the University-assigned email is the required form of contact. If you do not check your school email, you will be missing important information from the College. If you forward University emails to an outside provider, you do so at your own risk. CAM Scholarships are awarded by academic year. Details of the application process and deadlines can be viewed at Degree Progress: Keeping on Track Students should review the restrictions and prerequisite requirements of every CAM course to ensure that they meet the requirements to be in the course. Restrictions and prerequisites can be found by performing a class search in UCD Access, clicking the section number of the course, and then checking for any “Enrollment Requirements.” Courses in the major area require a minimum grade of C/2.0 (in most cases) in order to take the next course in the sequence; note that grades of C-/1.7 or less will not fulfill the requirement for major-area courses. A student who does not earn a minimum C/2.0 grade in a CAM major course will be required to repeat that course with a C/2.0 grade before taking the next course in the sequence. Students should review the grades they have earned in prerequisite courses to ensure that they are eligible to take the next course in the sequence. Students participating in courses for which they do not meet the requirements risk: 1) being administratively dropped from the course, and/or 2) delaying progress to degree completion and/or graduation. Please consult a CAM advisor ( if you have any questions. Community Standards and Wellness The Office of Community Standards & Wellness serves as a resource to the entire University community through its efforts to meet the developmental and educational needs of students related to community expectations, civility and respect for self and others. The office supports community members with conflict management and resolution, and responding to inappropriate and threatening behaviors. They provide student-centered educational services, which promote personal development and individual responsibility. Office of Community Standards and Wellness: Student Code of Conduct: Resources for Students As a University of Colorado Denver student (anyone taking a CU Denver class), you are expected to abide by the University of Colorado Denver Student Code of Conduct. Resources for Students: %20Conduct%202012-2013.pdf Student Conduct: Resources for Faculty and Students CARE The Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team was created at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz campus to address the health and safety needs of students as well as the campus community. The purpose of the team is to assess whether individuals pose a risk 2 to themselves or others and to intervene when necessary, and more generally, to identify and provide assistance to those in need. The team takes a preventative approach to risk assessment by offering resources, referrals, and support to both the concerning individual and those impacted by their behavior. See the CARE Team website for helpful information regarding conduct issues. Submit a concern or report a case: CAM faculty who identify a conduct concern take the following actions: Notify the Department Chair and/or CAM Associate Dean of the concern and immediately submit a Student Health/Wellness Report Form to the Community Standards and Wellness Office (information above). Students and Faculty: In case of imminent harm or danger, immediately call the Auraria Campus Police Department by dialing 911 from any campus phone or 303-556-5000 from any telephone. CU Denver Honor Code All students are responsible to abide by the CU Denver Honor Code. Academic Honor Code and Discipline Policies at: ne_Policies All proceedings concerned with academic dishonesty against a student are confidential. o A faculty member, a student, or a representative of CAM may bring charges of academic dishonesty against a student. o A faculty member who has evidence that a student has violated the CU Denver Honor Code should take the following actions: Contact either Department Chair or Associate Dean to discuss process and procedures. Faculty member is asked to present the student with evidence and review the situation in a meeting with the student. The faculty member then determines the appropriate consequence(s). These may include a failing or zero grade on the assignment in question or a failing grade in the course. If the faculty member believes that issuance of a failing grade is an insufficient penalty, the faculty member may request additional consequences and submit the case for review to the Academic Policies, Procedures and Curriculum Committee of the College of Arts & Media. The faculty member must inform the student in writing of the decision and include the details of the Honor Code violation. A copy of the letter to the students must also be submitted to the Department Chair and to the CAM Associate Dean. Upon receipt of the letter from the faculty member the Associate Dean and Department Chair will review the case to ensure that the University’s Academic Policies have been followed and that the student’s due process has been protected. Students wishing to review, discuss, or dispute the consequence recommended by a faculty member should contact CAM’s Associate Dean. Steps for Students: How to address your academic concerns 3 When a CAM student has questions or concerns regarding academic issues such as project grades, final grades, attendance policies, etc., the student is encouraged to speak directly with the faculty member teaching the course. If resolution or clarity of understanding is not reached after a meeting or discussion between the student and faculty member , the following procedure should be followed: o The student contacts the Department Chair to discuss the concerns and his/her point of view. o The Department Chair speaks with the faculty member to ascertain the faculty member’s point of view. o The Department Chair facilitates a meeting between the student and faculty member to discuss the issue. o If the student still has concerns after completion of these procedures, the student should contact the CAM Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs and consider seeking a petition through CAM’s Academic Policies Committee. Student Privacy-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) FERPA was created to protect the privacy rights of the students. Because of privacy restrictions under FERPA, you will need to refer to the syllabus for each class for specific information regarding the collection and the return of student work. For more information on FERPA, please go to: Policy on Grades of “Incomplete” Information on the policy of grades of “Incomplete,” forms, and instructions are available at Arts 177 or by contacting CAM at . In order to receive a grade of “Incomplete,” the following five items must be completed and approved at all levels: 1. A student must have completed at least 75% of the course with a passing grade and must be able to document the circumstances beyond the student’s control which made the completion of the course impossible. 2. Students who feel they may qualify for an incomplete should discuss their situation with the faculty member teaching the course. 3. If the faculty member finds that the student meets the criteria for an Incomplete, the student and faculty member meet to complete the incomplete agreement form. This form must include a list of assignments required for completion of the course, along with deadlines. In addition to the form, a copy of the course syllabus and supporting documentation for the request (e.g., doctor’s note) are required. 4. The faculty must submit the completed form along with syllabus and supporting documentation to Arts 177 on or before the date and time that final grades are due. 5. Upon receipt of the form the Associate Dean (or delegate) will review the request and notify the faculty member and the student via email of approval or denial, as well as next steps. Disability Services Information To ensure that disability-related concerns are properly addressed, students with disabilities who require assistance to participate in this class are expected to contact the instructor as soon as possible. For further information regarding disability-related accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability Resources and Services in North Classroom 2514 or at 303-556-3450. Religious Holiday Accommodations Faculty in the University of Colorado system have a legal and moral obligation to provide reasonable accommodation to students who must be absent because of religious holidays. As with any anticipated absence from class, students need to inform faculty members at the beginning of the semester regarding any k 4