MINUTES Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting June 15, 2010

Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting
June 15, 2010
8:30 am – 10:00 am
CU Denver Building Room 299
Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, Sharon Harper, Joy Demots, John Lanning, Cliff
Young, Yuk Lee, Clark Strickland, Aaron Wishon, Ellen Stevens, Martina Juarez-Lopez,
Laura Argys, Teri Burleson, Rene Galindo
Minutes: The 6/1/10 minutes were approved.
 Creative Leadership Academy for Deans, Associate Deans, and Department Chairs
hosted by Provost Nairn, 8/19/10, 9:00am-4:00pm, location TBD
 Auraria Science Building Addition Ribbon Cutting, 8/20/10, 9:00a.m.
 New Student Convocation, 8/20/10 11:00a.m. at King Center, BBQ immediately
following Convocation
 Celebration of Faculty Excellence, 9/10/10, 3:00p.m., NC Atrium
 HLC Accreditation Site Visit, April 4-6, 2011
Discussion Items:
Remote Computing Audit/Findings (handout): Aaron discussed the internal audit
findings that resulted in a two-year compliance plan for remote computing at UC Denver.
Using a two-year phase-in, the plan includes the following key points:
 Consolidate and simplify IT policies as part of current campus initiatives.
 Develop new policy language that explicitly covers the definition of
remote computing and how devices are secured.
 Require that all devices connecting to campus (via a non-campus remote
network) have passwords, security patches and are encrypted.
 Faculty, staff and students should select a smart phone that can be
encrypted at their next contract renewal. A list of example devices will be
published on the IT Services website soon.
Next Steps: Aaron will revise his handout prior to our next meeting.
Pooled Courses Faculty On-line Grading: Teri and Martina discussed plans for
online grading in the new ISIS. MSCD instructors teaching common pool classes will
need access to the system. The group had questions about online grading:
 Will there be training for instructors?
 What security measures will be in place?
 Will MSCD instructors have a ucdenver.edu address? Will there be costs?
 How will grade changes be handled?
 How will this affect other courses that aren’t part of the common pool?
Next Steps: Teri and Martina will discuss plans in more detail at a future meeting.
Information Items:
- No meeting on 6/29/10 (5th Tuesday)
- No meeting on 7/6/10 or 7/20/10
FAUE website – please add to your “favorites”: