Topics Sufficient Additional evidence seen or noted

Institutional Approval – Checklist
An introduction to the partner, its history and
development, noting its experience of
delivering higher education and what familiarity
it has with UK higher education
Any current or past affiliations with other higher
education institutions
The ethos and environment of the partner – the
compatibility of the mission/operation
statements, equal opportunities
A Strategic Plan or similar document
Current student numbers and academic
The staffing establishment recording the nature
of the appointments (full/part
time/temporary/permanent. It would be
desirable for University representatives where
it is possible to meet current staff
Financial and legal status of the partner
organisation including where appropriate
copies of financial accounts and evidence of
the institution’s power to award degrees
evidence in
the INF or
Additional evidence seen or noted
Not applicable to
this partnership
TIER 4 status for any UK proposed partners
An overview of the management structure
An overview of student support arrangements
An overview of the quality assurance systems
in place
Learning resources – the extent of the library
provision, the quality of IT access/provision (for
staff and students), classrooms and technical
support available
Regulatory issues – policies and procedures on
assessment, invigilation practice, plagiarism
and cheating, appeals and student complaints
Quality of existing student experience via
wherever possible a meeting with students
Disability, equality and diversity issues
Evidence from any external inspections by
professional, statutory or regulatory bodies