STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate Awards taught in the academic year 2015-16 FORM AM1 For provision delivered by university staff NOTES FOR COMPLETION (Please see Guidance Notes for further information). Section 1 Authorship: List the host faculty involved in delivery and the names of all authors. Section 2 The provision being monitored: List all awards being covered; mode of delivery (F2F = face to face, BL = blended learning, DL = distance learning); site of delivery (this could be a university site or another site); any PSRB (professional, statutory or regulatory body) who accredits any awards; and whether or not an award is continuing to recruit. Section 3 Module Monitoring: List any missing module monitoring forms, and note any issues which have been raised about particular modules. Section 4 External Examiners: List the names of the Award External Examiners who moderate the provision and whether or not their reports have been received. Their reports and your draft responses should be appended. Section 5 Action Plan from the previous year: The action plan from the previous year should be appended with the progress column completed. Actions carried forward should appear on the new action plan. Section 6 Student Experience: List the key strengths and weaknesses highlighted by students in student surveys and Course Management Committees. Section 7 Academic Standards & Section 8: Quality of Learning Opportunities: Briefly evaluate the areas listed in these sections using bullet points. Please ensure you refer to comments made by External Examiners and Students (cross-referencing with Section 6 where necessary). Section 9 Statistical Information: Please provide a brief analysis of statistical information. Section 10 Staffordshire Graduate Attributes: Briefly reflect on how successfully the Staffordshire Graduate Attributes (Discipline Expertise, Professionalism, Global Citizenship, Communication and Teamwork, Reflective and Critical Learner, Lifelong Learning, Employability, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship) have been embedded into the curriculum. Section 11 Summary of issues: List the main issues which have arisen. Section 12 Action Plan for the forthcoming academic year: Collate all the actions listed in the previous sections. The indicator of success will be the source of evidence used to judge success and this may well be the same source of evidence which was used to highlight that action was needed. The progress column is for you to complete over the course of the year. Appendix Engagement with Employers: List the employers who have engaged with the awards and the nature of that engagement. If there are a large number it may be more appropriate to group them. 1 Please append: Action Plan from last year. Award External Examiner Reports and Responses. Please use and reference the following sources of evidence (where applicable) as you complete the form: External Examiner Comments (EE) Student Viewfinder Survey (SVS) Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) Course Management Committee Minutes (CMC) Module Monitoring Forms (MM) Destination of Leavers in Higher Education (DLHE) National Student Survey (NSS) Portfolio Performance Review Data (PPR) Delivery Team Comments (DT) Statistical Data (STATS) 1. AUTHORSHIP Host Faculty: ACT / BEL / CES / HS Author(s): 2. THE PROVISION BEING MONITORED Award (s) Please add additional rows as required. Mode of Delivery Site of Delivery F2F/BL/DL Eg Stoke PSRB Accreditation Where applicable. Will recruitment continue? Yes/No 3. MODULE MONITORING Have all module monitoring reports been received? Yes / No If No Which reports are missing? Please list any specific concerns raised through module monitoring. 2 4. EXTERNAL EXAMINERS Please list the names of the Award External Examiners who monitor this provision. Report received and appended with draft response? Yes / No Yes / No 5. ACTION PLAN FROM THE PREVIOUS YEAR Please append the action plan from last year’s form with the progress column completed. If any actions have not yet been completed please transfer them to this year’s action plan. 6. STUDENT EXPERIENCE: STUDENT SURVEYS and COURSE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES Please number and cross-reference any actions arising from your analysis in the action plan in Section 12. Area Key Strengths and Weaknesses Source of evidence Use survey data and Course Management Committee Minutes to highlight key strengths and weaknesses of awards as raised by students. Compare results to national benchmarks and previous year’s performance where possible. Overall Satisfaction Actions Assessment & Feedback Actions Teaching & Learning Actions Academic Support Actions Course Organisation & Management Actions 3 Personal/Skills Development Actions Learning Resources Actions Placements (where applicable) Other Actions Please summarise the top 3 SUCCESSES highlighted by students. 1. 2. 3. Please summarise the top 3 PRIORITIES FOR ACTION highlighted by students. 1. 2. 3. 7. ACADEMIC STANDARDS Please number and cross-reference any actions arising from your analysis in the action plan in Section 12. 7.1 Curriculum Design and Development Source of Evidence Please reflect on how far the curriculum design continues to be appropriate and highlight any areas which have been or will be developed further. Actions 4 7.2 Aims and Learning Outcomes Source of Evidence Please reflect on the effectiveness of the aims and the learning outcomes and highlight any areas which have been or will be developed further. Actions 7.3 Assessment Process Source of Evidence Please reflect on how appropriate the assessment is in testing learning outcomes and outline any proposed changes for the next academic year. Actions 8. QUALITY OF LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Please number and cross-reference any actions arising from your analysis in the Action Plan in Section 12. 8.1 Teaching, Learning and Assessment Source of Evidence Please reflect on developments in TLA strategies and practice either on specific modules or across awards. Actions 8.2 Inclusive learning Source of Evidence Please reflect on the strategies used to enable students of all abilities, previous experiences and cultural backgrounds to learn effectively. Actions 5 Source of Evidence 8.3 Engagement with Employers Please reflect on the engagement of employers in the curriculum and how this has informed curriculum plans going forward. Actions 8.4 Student Placements /Work-based Learning Source of Evidence Please reflect on the operation of any placements or work-based learning opportunities which are embedded in awards. Actions 8.5 Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Source of Evidence Please reflect on how well TEL is being utilised and developed. Include developments in use of VLEs as a learning tool and developments in e-assessment. Actions 8.6 Student Support Source of Evidence Please reflect on how students are supported (eg student induction, personal tutoring student mentoring) and outline any plans for future development. Actions 6 8.7 Learning Resources: Staff Development Source of Evidence Please reflect on curriculum/learning and teaching related staff development undertaken by the award team over the academic year and priorities for future staff development. Actions 8.8 Learning Resources: Physical Resources Source of Evidence Please reflect on the continued fitness for purpose of physical resources. Include areas for consideration by the Faculty Management Team, working with relevant university services and departments. Actions 8.9 Quality Enhancement Theme: Personal Tutoring Source of Evidence Please comment on the effectiveness of your courses’ personal tutoring strategy, using the following prompts as a guide to your reflection: 1. Outline your personal tutorial strategy over the levels of the courses considered. 2. Are personal tutorials embedded in modules or are they outside modules? Why? 3. How does the scheme ensure that students engage with their personal tutorials? 4. What themes do personal tutorials cover? 5. How do personal tutors take into account the educational background of the student? 6. How does the personal tutorial approach ensure effective support of the student in terms of their engagement, learning, retention and attainment? Actions 7 9. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Please comment on statistical information. 9.1 Student Enrolment Source of Evidence Using statistical information please provide a commentary on trends in enrolment over the last 2 years. Actions 9.2 Student Retention Source of Evidence Using statistical information please reflect on withdrawal rates, comparing these to previous years. Actions 9.3 Student Progression Source of Evidence Using statistical information, please reflect on progression rates between levels, compared to previous years? Actions 9.4 Student Achievement Source of Evidence Using statistical information please reflect on achievement levels compared to previous years (eg for undergraduate programmes, the number of students gaining good degree classifications (1st or 2:1) compared to results in previous years). Actions 8 9.5 Employability Source of Evidence Using data such as the ‘Destination of Leavers from Higher Education’ (DLHE) survey, please comment on the progression of graduates into employment or higher levels of study within 6 months of graduating? Actions 10. STAFFORDSHIRE GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES Please summarise how well the attributes have been embedded and how this has impacted on student performance. Consider how you might develop and embed the attributes further. Summary of points Source of Evidence Actions 11. SUMMARY OF ISSUES HIGHLIGHTED BY ANNUAL MONITORING Please summarise the top 3 PRIORITIES FOR ACTION highlighted through this monitoring process. 1. 2. 3. Please summarise the overall top 3 SUCCESSES highlighted through this monitoring process. 1. 2. 3. 9 12. ACTION PLAN FOR THE FORTHCOMING ACADEMIC YEAR Please collate the actions to be addressed as highlighted in previous sections of the form. Please add additional rows as required. No. Action Please state clearly the action required. Section No. Indicator of Success By Whom By When Progress Where in the form was this raised. How will the team assess whether the action has been successful. Who will carry out the action. Please give an estimated month. Please complete through the year as progress is made. Delivery Team Actions Faculty Management Team Actions (including those which require work with university services) 10 FACULTY APPROVAL Date this report was approved by the Course Leader(s) Date this report was approved by the Head of School/ AGL Date the final report was approved by the faculty panel APPENDIX ENGAGEMENT WITH EMPLOYERS Please list all employers/placement providers who have been involved with the award(s). Name of Employer New or continuing engagement 11 Nature of relationship eg placements, guest lecture, live project