Museum Studies Certificate Program Internship Guideline 1.

Museum Studies Certificate Program
Internship Guidelines
Develop a learning contract indicating the goals and objectives for your fieldwork/internship/
practicum. This should include anticipated activities, which have been agreed upon by your site
supervisor. Under each goal, include sample strategies for achieving that goal, which include anticipated
activities on which you and your supervisor have agreed. Goals should be related to the field, clear and
concise, specific, achievable, and measurable.
Send one signed copy of the agreement to your Museum Studies advisor.
Give another copy to your internship supervisor.
Keep another copy for your records.
Complete a schedule of assignments and evaluations with your supervisor.
Send one signed copy of the agreement to your Museum Studies advisor.
Give another copy to your site/agency supervisor.
Keep another copy for your records.
Keep a weekly journal of your experiences and contacts related to your field activities. Include
brief statements evaluating your activities in terms of effectiveness and your assessment about their
appropriateness. Please specify which objective or activity your weekly activities relate to on your
Learning Contract.
Guidelines for Weekly Journals
Mondays will be the deadline for the previous week's entry. The weekly journals are to be 1-2
pages highlighting your week's activities and reflections. You may want to comment on the progress of
your learning goals and objectives, and share any particularly rewarding or challenging experiences you
encountered that week.
The journals are a safe place to share possible frustrations you are having with your internship, so
your Museum Studies advisor can address any problems and help you work towards positive solutions.
The weekly journals will be kept confidential, and will NOT be shared with your internship supervisor.
Complete 45 clock hours of time for each semester hour of credit.
Remind your supervisor about her/his supervisor mid-semester evaluation, due the 8 week of
the term. (Supervisors are responsible for completing and returning students’ evaluations, which will be
sent to your Museum Studies advisor.
If feasible, assist in arranging a site visit for your Museum Studies advisor.
Before the end of the semester, prepare a brief final internship report (2-5 pages) describing
your practicum experience. Relate your discussion to the original goals and objectives, what you learned
from your experience, and how your experiences relate to your coursework in the field. Evaluate the
internship site and give advice for future interns.
Remind your supervisor about her/his supervisor final evaluation. (Supervisors are responsible
for completing and returning students’ evaluations, which will be sent to your Museum Studies advisor.)
Your paper, evaluations, and journal are due the week before final exams. Submit both your
Museum Studies advisor. No grade will be given without them.
Your grade will be based on your self-evaluation, your supervisor’s evaluation of your work,
your journal, and your final paper. You must complete all required clock hours to pass the course.
Museum Studies Certificate Program
Internship Learning Contract
Schedule of Assignments & Evaluations
Intern___________________________________ Student ID _______________
Museum Studies Advisor______________________________________________
Internship Supervisor ________________________________________________
The intern is responsible for submitting the assignments and supervisor evaluations to the
University advisor no later than the dates listed below.
Learning Contract & Schedule of Assignments
(both signed by intern and agency supervisor)
Meeting with Museum Studies Advisor
Agency Supervisor’s Mid-Semester Evaluation
of Intern’s Performance
Site visit with Museum Studies Advisor (if
feasible & within 200 miles)
Weekly Journal
Final Internship Report
Agency Supervisor’s Final Evaluation of
Intern’s Performance
Week to Complete or Turn
in to University Advisor
One week after start date
8th week of semester
Dates Turned in
End of week before final
End of week before final
This form will be kept in your file as a checklist for assignments and evaluations received
by your University advisor.
Keep a copy for your records.
Give another copy to your supervisor.
Intern Signature _________________________________ Date _______
Internship Supervisor Signature _____________________ Date _______
Museum Studies Advisor Signature ___________________ Date _______
Student ID Number: ___________________________
Museum Studies Internship Advisor: __________________________________________________
Course # and Title: _________________________________________________________________
Semester: ________________________________ Semester Hours Enrolled: ____________________
Internship Grading is Pass/Fail.
Internship Site Information
Name of Site, City and State: ___________________________________________________________
Site Supervisor:_____________________________________________________________________
Supervisor’s E-mail:_________________________________________ Phone #: __________________
Internship Schedule
45 clock hours required for each semester hour of credit
1 SH = 45 hrs or 2-3 hrs/week for 16 weeks
2 SH = 90 hrs or 5-6 hrs/week for 16 weeks
3 SH = 135 hrs or 8-9 hrs/week for 16 weeks
Start Date: _______________ End Date: ___________Total # Weeks / Hours: ___________________
Weekly Schedule: ______________________________
Internship Goals & Objectives
Strategy for Achieving Goals (Anticipated Activities)
Means of Evaluation
Intern Signature: _____________________ Site Advisor Signature:____________________________
UI Museum Studies Internship Supervisor Signature: __________________________
Make Three Copies of this Agreement
1. Send one signed copy to your Museum Studies internship supervisor
2. Give one copy to your site advisor
3. Keep one copy for your records
After you return this copy to your Museum Studies internship supervisor, s/he will give you an internship
packet including you an internship packet including schedule of assignments as well as mid-term and final evaluations to
be completed during your internship.
Friendly Reminder: Remember to meet with your Museum Studies Internship Advisor before your internship begins.
Agency Supervisor’s Mid-Semester Evaluation of Intern’s Performance
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The University of Iowa
This evaluation is to be completed by the agency supervisor and discussed with the intern prior to submission to the
university advisor.
Intern Name: _____________________________________________ Semester: ____________________
Agency: ______________________________________Agency Supervisor: ________________________
Project: ______________________________________________________________________________
Based on the intern’s performance during the first half of the semester, rate the student on the competencies listed
below. Please use the following scale and place the appropriate number in the space provided before each statement.
Then, please provide written comments and/or observations about the intern’s performance. Thank you.
NA = Not Applicable
1 = Unacceptable
2 = Improvement Needed
3 = Average
4 = Good
5 = Superior
Knowledge Competencies
______ Objectives: Based on the job description of the intern position, the intern is meeting specified
criteria and is fulfilling the Agency’s goals as outlined.
______ Intern and Project Goals: Intern’s progress toward goal attainment and project completion is
______ Application of Knowledge: Applies previously learned academic content to the work setting.
______ Processing: Actively applies assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation steps to
work assignments.
______ Organization Skills: Displays ability to analyze complex situations and problems to systematic
knowledge and takes appropriate courses of action.
______ Technical/Clinical Skills: Demonstrates appropriate development of technical and/or clinical
______ Leadership Skills: Demonstrates appropriate development of ability to supervise, to lead and
direct people, programs, and/or resources.
______ Evaluation Skills: Assesses self realistically in relation to education, experience, and internship
Interpersonal Competencies
______ Oral Communication: Communicates ideas and feelings to others in easily understandable
fashion. Oral communication is clear and effective.
______ Written Communication: Presents clear, concise, and thorough written work. Grammar and
spelling are appropriate.
______ Empathy: Displays empathy toward clients, supervisors, coworkers.
______ Respect: Demonstrates respect and tact with clients, supervisors, and coworkers.
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Agency’ Supervisor’s Mid-Semester Evaluation of Intern’s Performance
Professional Attitudes and Behaviors
______ Professional Attitude and Behavior: Intern displays positive, optimistic and constructive
attitude. Remains calm and composed, especially in times of strain and anxiety.
______ Adaptability: Adjusts to new situations, new clients, new staff, changes in assignments.
______ Creativity: Displays imagination, ingenuity, creativity with common sense.
______ Motivation, Enthusiasm, Initiative: Demonstrates motivation and enthusiasm for work
responsibilities, and initiative when appropriate.
______ Time Management: Demonstrates desirable work habits ( e.g. consistently on time, reliable,
completes assignments in efficient manner).
Professional Judgment
______ Professional Judgment: Analyzes situations and makes appropriate comments, advice, and
decisions in relation to the goals of the Agency.
______ Constructive Criticism: Accepts constructive criticism.
______ Supervision: Seeks/accepts direct and indirect supervision when appropriate.
______ Ethics: Follows ethical standards of the profession and Agency.
General Comments and/or Observations:
Agency Supervisor Signature
Intern Signature
Agency Supervisor’s Final Evaluation of Intern’s Performance
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The University of Iowa
This Evaluation is to be completed by the agency supervisor and discussed with the intern prior to submission to the
university advisor.
Intern Name: _______________________________________ Semester: _______________________
Agency: ________________________________ Agency Supervisor: ___________________________
Project: ____________________________________________________________________________
Based on the intern’s performance throughout the entire semester, rate the student on the competencies listed below.
Please use the following scale and place the appropriate number in the space provided before each statement. Then,
please provide written comments and/or observations about the intern’s performance. Thank you.
NA = Not Applicable
1 = Unacceptable
2 = Improvement Needed
3 = Average
4 = Good
5 = Superior
Knowledge Competencies
______ Objectives: Based on the job description of the intern position, the intern met specified
criteria and fulfilled the Agency’s goals as outlined.
______ Intern and Project Goals: Intern’s progress toward goal attainment and project completion was
______ Application of Knowledge: Applied previously learned academic content to the work setting.
______ Processing: Actively applied assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation steps to
work assignments.
______ Organization Skills: Displayed ability to analyze complex situations and problems to systematic
knowledge and took appropriate courses of action.
______ Technical/Clinical Skills: Demonstrated appropriate development of technical and/or clinical
______ Leadership Skills: Demonstrated appropriate development of ability to supervise, to lead and
direct people, programs, and/or resources.
______ Evaluation Skills: Assesses self realistically in relation to education, experience, and internship
Interpersonal Competencies
______ Oral Communication: Communicated ideas and feelings to others in easily understandable
fashion. Oral communication was clear and effective.
______ Written Communication: Presented clear, concise, and thorough written work. Grammar and
spelling were appropriate.
______ Empathy: Displayed empathy toward clients, supervisors, coworkers.
______ Respect: Demonstrated respect and tact with clients, supervisors, and coworkers.
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Agency’ Supervisor’s Final Semester Evaluation of Intern’s Performance
Professional Attitudes and Behaviors
______ Professional Attitude and Behavior: Intern displayed positive, optimistic and constructive
attitude. Remained calm and composed, especially in times of strain and anxiety.
______ Adaptability: Adjusted to new situations, new clients, new staff, changes in assignments.
______ Creativity: Displayed imagination, ingenuity, creativity with common sense.
______ Motivation, Enthusiasm, Initiative: Demonstrated motivation and enthusiasm for work
responsibilities, and initiative when appropriate.
______ Time Management: Demonstrated desirable work habits ( e.g. consistently on time, reliable,
completed assignments in efficient manner).
Professional Judgment
______ Professional Judgment: Analyzed situations and made appropriate comments, advice, and
decisions in relation to the goals of the Agency.
______ Constructive Criticism: Accepted constructive criticism.
______ Supervision: Sought/accepted direct and indirect supervision when appropriate.
______ Ethics: Followed ethical standards of the profession and Agency.
General Comments and/or Observations:
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Agency’ Supervisor’s Final Semester Evaluation of Intern’s Performance
My attitude toward retention of this student for my staff, if a position were available, is as follows:
______ Particularly wish to retain
______ Pleased to retain
______ Satisfied to retain
______ Prefer not to retain
Please supplement the above rating with a brief narrative statement noting characteristics or abilities that will
particularly qualify, or problems that will affect the student for the profession. Thank you.
Agency Supervisor Signature
Intern Signature