Internship Goals Agreement

Internship Goals Agreement
Academic Learning and Application: related to ideas, concepts, or theories of your major or minor.
Professional Skills Development: skills specific to your academic major/minor or an occupation; and/or general skills such as
oral/written communication, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, technical, etc.
Personal Development: self-confidence, career awareness, clarification of work or values, etc.
Intern Goals
Major Tasks to Accomplish Goal
How Will Goal Be Accomplished?
Example: Build teaching skills to prepare for
potential graduate school experience as a
Teaching Assistant
Example: Provide teaching assistance during lab
activities. Engage in instructional planning, including lab
preparation and quiz development
Example: Receive feedback from lab
instructors on performance.
Development of instructional
Academic 1:
Academic 2 :
Professional Skill 1:
Professional Skill 2:
Personal Skill 1:
Personal Skill 2:
By signing below, you acknowledge that as the intern and supervisor you have met and agreed upon the above goals.
Intern Signature:
Date ___________________
Supervisor Signature:
Date ___________________