SURF X4L Repurposing of Content for Use in VLEs Who are SURF X4L? Staffordshire University, Shrewsbury College of Art & Technology and Stoke College Other Partners are RNCB, WM-RSC, FENC and vendors VLEs include COSE, Learnwise and TekniCAL What is SURF X4L doing? All about finding, reusing and repurposing content in VLEs Looking at tools, pedagogy and methods Looking at standards Staff development and Culture Change What will SURF X4L do? Train staff to find, acquire, reuse & repurpose content to: Put into SURF VLEs Put into repositories for others to reuse & repurpose Produce pedagogic and good practice guides Produce new versions of COSE and other tools SURF X4L @ Staffordshire University Main technical effort in investigating tools & systems and writing code to enable COSE content to be exported as standalone content. Content produced in COSE can now be saved as specification conformant content packages, needing only a javascript enabled browser for navigation & viewing. Such packages can be viewed in RELOAD, uploaded to the JORUM Intralibrary repository, and, as demonstrated using the ADL Sample RTE, with some modifications, run a SCORM conformant environment. See screenshots below, or ask for a demo to learn more Still much work to do, but the first project phase has been quite encouraging. Priorities now addressing structuring the content for aggregation & disaggregation to aid re-use, investigating changes to COSE architecture to progress with SCORM, more work in exchanging content with the proprietary VLEs (Blackboard, Learnwise and TekniCAL) used by project partners. SURF X4L << Standalone COSE content package loaded into RELOAD Standalone COSE content package in the RELOAD viewer >> SURF X4L << standalone COSE content packages uploaded into Intralibrary standalone COSE content package in the Intralibrary viewer >> SURF X4L << COSE content package in the ADL SCORM RTE standalone COSE content package in the Intralibrary viewer >> SURF X4L @ Shrewsbury College Wide range of learning materials, tools & learning objects made available to staff: NLN Materials FENC Materials JISC Collections RDN Materials SURF X4L @ Shrewsbury College Produced range of materials for each curriculum area •Word documents (converted using authoring tool) •PowerPoint •Web page creation •Hot Potatoes •Teknical question designer & authoring tools A range of sample materials for each subject: •Introduction •Resources •Quizzes •Summary A learning package created from a series of learning objects or ‘chunks’ of learning SURF X4L @ Shrewsbury College Use of Teknical authoring tool Standard word document Creation of an interactive learning package SURF X4L @ Shrewsbury College Uploaded a range of materials onto Shrewsbury College’s VLE Virtual Campus (Teknical) Structure set up for each curriculum area and school Staff beginning to produce more material & use the system Integration of collaborative tools SURF X4L @ Shrewsbury College NEXT… Continue production of learning materials in various formats Assisting staff to produce materials /objects Further development of metadata and compliancy Transfer of learning packages from one VLE to another SURF X4L @ Stoke College Evaluation of Authoring Packages Standalone Packages Plugins for Applications – – – – – – Recombo LWP Lectora LRN3 Toolkit Canvas Crocodile Clips – PPT/Frontpage LRN Export – Teknical – courseGenie SURF X4L @ Stoke College Authoring Packages & Delivery Environments Standalone Packages – Recombo – LWP – Lectora – LRN3 Toolkit – Canvas – Crocodile Clips VLE – Learnwise – COSE Plugins for Applications – PPT/Frontpage LRN Export – Teknical – courseGenie Standalone – LRN3 Toolkit – ADL RTE – Teknical Viewer – Black Arrow SURF X4L @ Stoke College Methodology Data Sources Subject Areas Mixed Legacy Food Sample topics –Variety of subject areas/levels –Differing Media/delivery requirements –Wide range of data sources Materials Technology –FENC AMSPAR –In House Authored Meetings Skills Free Public Libraries Web Design NLN Resources Electronics I & II Dyslexia Awareness Granada Media Libraries Brickwork In House created Media CIMA Accountancy –Sound/Video/Flash Foundation Degrees (with Staffs Uni) SURF X4L @ Stoke College Findings so far… •Interoperability currently rather poor •No one authoring environment or delivery system copes well •Some not at all SURF X4L Contacts at Warwick Mark Stiles Eddie Clarke Richard Booth Steve Blakemore