1.Please provide information in relation to the existence of legislation... mainstream and/or specific social protection programmes with regard to persons...

1.Please provide information in relation to the existence of legislation and policies concerning
mainstream and/or specific social protection programmes with regard to persons with
disabilities, including:
Institutional framework in charge of its implementation
Legislative, administrative, judiciary and/or other measures aiming to ensure access of
persons with disabilities to mainstream social protection programmes (e.g., poverty
reduction, social insurance, health care, public work, housing);
Creation of disability-specific programmes (such as disability pensions, mobility grants
or others);
Fiscal adjustments or other similar measures
Information in relation to existence of Registrations and policies concerning mainstream and or
specific social protection program regard to PWD.
The 1977 constitution of Tanzania has recognized the right of person with disability and tried to
prohibit all forms of discrimination .In 2004 the Ministry of Labour Youth Development and
sports released the National Policy on Disability, Highlighting commitment to ensuring equal
right of person with disability.Tanzania then signed and ratified the CRPD in November
2009 and thus committed legally promote and thus commited to legally promote and protect
the rights of every Tanzanian living with disability. Finally the person with disability Act No 9
of 2010 was passed in the parliament in April 2010 as the National Law relating to persons with
In Tanzania there is no Legistrative ,administrative ,judiciary and /or measures aiming
to ensure access of PWD to mainstream to social protection program (eg poverty
reduction, social insurance ,health care ,public work, housing scheme).
In Tanzania no creation of disability specific programs (eg, Disability pension
,Disability grants and others)
There is no fiscal adjustments or other measures.
2. Please provide information on how persons with disabilities are consulted and actively
involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of social protection programmed.
In Tanzania People with disability are not consulted and involved in the design , implementation
and monitoring of social protection programs.
3. Please provide information in relation to difficulties and good practices on the design,
implementation and monitoring of mainstream and/or specific social protection programs with
regard to persons with disabilities, including:
Conditions of accessibility and the provision of reasonable accommodation;
Consideration of the specific needs of persons with disabilities within the services and/or
benefits of existing programmes;
Difficulties experienced by persons with disabilities and their families in fulfilling
requirements and/or conditions for accessing social protection programmes;
 Consideration to age, gender and race or ethnic-based differences and possible barriers;
 Conflicts between the requirements and/or benefits of existing programmes, and the
exercise by persons with disabilities of rights such as the enjoyment of legal capacity,
living independently and being included in the community, or work;
 Allocation of grants to personal budgets;
 Disability-sensitive training and awareness-raising for civil servants and/or external
 Existence of complaint or appeal mechanisms.
Difficulties and good practice on design, implementation and monitoring .
 Persons with disability are not consulted. Old structures and roads do not consider
people with disability, some of the new building have consideration to person with
disability but others do not .New roads do not consider PWD
 Despite the Law , PWD face extreme discrimination right from family level ,local
authority , Government officials and general public.
 Very bad traditions that cause PWD to be eliminated at birth once the condition is
 Extream poverty of families which have one or more PWD in the family.
 Law exist that require employers to employ at least 4% of work force to PWD but
stigma exist that implementation is overlooked at all levels.
 Schools are encouraged to register PWD and create inclusive environment. The hindrance
is lack of funds.
 In Tanzania there is no consideration in age, race, or ethics different for PWD.
 PWD and their family are not considered for any requirement only for political lipservices:
a) Continued killings of people with Albinism
b) Failure to implement the formation National advisory Board and to fund it.
c) No funds for DPOs which are left to fend for themselves and keep begging to
foreign donors. for their existence .
 There are no allocations to personal budgets.
 There are no training of Disability sensitive and awareness raising for civil servants
and/or external partners.
 Complaint or appeal mechanisms for PWD do not exist.
4. Please provide any information or data available, disaggregated by impairment, sex, age or
ethnic origin if possible, in relation to:
 Coverage of social protection programmed by persons with disabilities;
 Rates of poverty among persons with disabilities;
 Additional costs or expenses related to disability.
Protection programs data
Article 5 of CRPD recognize every one with dignity and respect parson with disability
Act 2010 section 6(b) state that The Government shall prohibit all forms of
discrimination on the bases of disability and guarantee person with disability equal and
effective legal protection against discrimination on all grounds:
1. Persons with disabilities who faced verbal abuse on a daily basis. (The events
were occurring in the vicinity of their neighborhood and wider family) 93%93
2. Persons with disabilities who experienced violence that they never reported to
relevant authorities. 56%56
3. Persons with disabilities who experienced violence that they never reported to
police. 7%
4. Persons with disabilities who experienced violence that they never reported to
community leaders. 31%
5. Persons with disabilities who were not satisfied with the support they received
6. Persons with disabilities who were not aware of their right to be protected
against discrimination, violence and degradation on the basis of their disability
7. .Women with disabilities who reported experiencing gender-based violence 7%7
8. Men with disabilities who reported experiencing gender-based violence 1%1 %
9. Persons with visual impairments subjected to verbal abuse. 79%79
10. Persons with intellectual impairments subjected to
verbal abuse. 80%80 %
11. Persons with hearing impairments reported having
experienced stoning. 20%20 %
12. Persons with intellectual impairment commonly
reported Gender-based violence.40%40
Access to Education
Person with disability Act 2010 section 27(1) state that person with disabilities of all age
and gender shall have the same right to education ,training in inclusive setting and the
the benefit of research as other citizen |”Article 24 of the CRPD requires state parties to
recognize the right of person with disability to education
Persons with disabilities who stated that accessing education was challenging
for them. 30%30
Persons with disabilities who faced physical access difficulties, lack of sign
language interpreters, and parents’ lack of knowledge and awareness about rights of
PWDs were reported as some of the barriers 47.7%
Persons with disabilities who faced costs and distance problems 10%10 %
Persons with disabilities who faced physical barriers 7.5%
Persons with disabilities who were facilitated by family 64%64 %
Persons with disabilities who faced accessible transport problems 13%13 %
Person with disability Act 2010 section 26(2) state that.Every health facility whether
public or private shall not deprive a person with disability the right to health care
services and shall take all reasonable and necessary measures to ensure access for
such person to health services “ Article 25 of CRPD recognize that person with disability
have the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health without
discrimination on the basis of disability.
Persons with disabilities for whom access to primary health care is
challenging23%23 %
Persons with disabilities who accessed hospital health services and were
satisfied with the quality of those services in terms of friendly staff and accessible
physical environment 30%
Persons with disabilities who faced distance problems 54%54 %
Persons with disabilities who faced SLI problems 15%
Persons with disabilities who faced physical barriers 10 %
. Persons with disabilities who were facilitated by family 38%
Persons with disabilities who were facilitated by welcoming staff 8.4%8
.4 %
Person with disability Act 2010 section 33(3) state that “Any employer who discriminate
against any person with disability in relation to employment commit an offence “.Article
27 of CRPD state that “ State parties recognize the right of person with disabilities to
work on an equal basis with others .State parties shall safeguard and promote the
realization of the right to work ,including those who acquire disability during the course
of employment.
Persons with disabilities who are fully engaged in some form of income
generating activity 72%72 %
PWD's for whom distance and transport were ba rriers in engaging in income
generating activities 29%29 %
PWD's for whom lack of assistive devices were barriers in engaging in income
generating activities 22%22 29. PWD's for whom distance was a barrier in
engaging in income generating activities 29%29 %
PWD's for whom unwelcoming workplace was a barrier in engaging in income
generating activities 18%18 31. PWD's who had accessible buildings,35%35 %
PWD's whose colleagues treated them well. 25%25 %
PWD's for who had accessible transport 18%
5. Please provide information in relation to the eligibility criteria used for accessing mainstream
and/or specific social protection programmed with regard to persons with disabilities, including:
Definition of disability and disability assessments used for eligibility determination;
Consistency of the eligibility criteria among different social protection programmes;
Use of income and/or poverty thresholds;
Consideration of disability-related extra costs in means-tested thresholds.
in relation to an individual means loss or limitation of
Opportunities to take part in the normal life of the
Community on an equal level with others due to physical,
Mental or social factors;
We are not aware of disability assessment .early detection of disability in hospitals
is not properly documented.DPOs do mot proper skills of early detection of