Senate Minutes Friday, February 15th, 2013 I.

Senate Minutes
Friday, February 15th, 2013
Call to Order: 11:08 A.M.
Roll Call: Aaron Torres, Alex Hubert, Nikte Contreras, Anthony Cortes, Tyler Doumany,
Forrest Spellman, Lubna Mazin, Desiree Valdez, Bhawana Mohan, Thomas Oduro, Tiffany
Davis, Sharice Basss, Isioma Egbune, Jordan Alvarez, Rebecca Elmore, Michael Gruber,
Jenny Kim, Joe Halter, Shalvi Gandhi, Natalie Ta, Natalia Gayou, Gordon Hamby
Adoption of Agenda: Jenny Kim moved, Lubna Mazin second. Approved.
Approval/Correction of Minutes
 Natalie Ta asked for an amendment to be made to the minutes of 2-8-2013.
 An event was proposed to be organized instead of a Rally after members will return from Leg
Con. This event will reflect the learning of the senate members at the Leg Con
Guest Speaker(s): Tara Buckley, Title IX Investigator and Trainer
 Role and Responsibilities of Tara Buckley include handling complaints pertaining to sexual
discrimination, violence, etc.
 Discussion at the SGA meeting took place to inform the student body of this confidential
service provided on campus.
 Tara Buckley has an open door policy and she also informed the student body of other
confidential resources on campus
 Confidential Resources
1. Counseling Center, 4th floor at North Classroom
2. Phoenix Center: Provides confidential advocacy support and criminal complaint
3. Ombuds Office: Handles any complaints against staff
 Complaints can be filed through the University, Auraria Police and the Denver Police.
VI. Financial report
 Leg Con will not turn out to be as expensive as it was proposed to be. For more details please
contact the Finance and Funding Committee at the University of Colorado Denver.
VII. Unfinished Business: None
VIII. New Business:
Confirmation: College Council members
Executive session to vote on the new members took place between 11:37 to 11:43.
Two new College Council members appointed and sworn in by Aaron Torres
Names: Reema Terupalli and Celeb Carr. Atiyah Malik hired, but could not attend the meeting
due to other commitments.
Proposal: Budget approval for Spirit Day
Isioma Egbune moved, Jenny Kim second.
Natalie Ta requested to remove 7th and 8th of March from the budget proposal.
Spirit Thursdays is moving to Spirit Mondays to target a different audience. However, Spirit
Thursdays will not be cancelled completely and will take place every once in a while. Events
and Planning Committee will be coordinating with Freshmen Council to plan a larger event.
Voting on budget proposal for 25th February event took place. Motion passed unanimously.
SACAB Update
New budget for RTD has been approved. Amount changed from $74 to $77 for the whole
Rachel Feltmen appointed as the new MSU representative.
Looking to hire to CCD representatives.
Auraria Board meeting takes place at 7:00 AM on Monday at Tivoli 320
As of Wednesday RTD stickers will not be valid.
SEP is organizing a bike to school day.
Presidential Address/Update
Chancellor Ellimen takes responsibility as a full chancellor.
Request made to SGA to be more focused and enthusiastic this semester.
Head shots of new members of SGA and bios requested. Information to be emailed to Shalvi
Final meeting for SGA will take place on 10th May. A year end event will be organized.
Formal business meeting will take place on 3rd May.
17th May meeting is cancelled keeping in mind that it will exam week for most students.
Vice-Presidential Address/update
XII. From the Floor:
Standing Committee updates
Events and Planning
Update on pictures for Spirit Day Poster
Update on planning of masquerade dance
Finance and Funding
 SFRC meeting will start from 1st March
Working on retreat in downtown on Saturday
Legislation and Drafting
 Working on Cu Branding and other resolutions
 Revising the attendance policy
 Working on two proclamations
Freshmen Council
 Combining forces with events and planning to organize an event that includes the mascot
 Oath for the office to be revised
Update on Tabor Bill Resolution
PODSOC meeting will take place on the 28th of Feb
Ex-officio updates
NSSE survey is coming out
Everyone’s opinion on the Leg Con was heard at the meeting on 2-8-2013. If anyone wants to
restrict anything regarding the funding of Leg Con, it should be done before the budget proposal
is approved and not after.
Graduation concert will take place on 3rd of May
Update on CU Denver Live
Adhoc committee updates
General business from the floor
Daniel has invited SGA to attend a consensus workshop. Workshop will be taking place on
Sunday at 11:30 PM.
Update on Exel, a student led protest. For more information please contact Anthony Cortes.
Open house is on 3rd March, Sunday. For more information please contact Lubna Mazin.
Alex Hubert: Update on invitation to walk down to cherry creek at the cherry creek cleaning
event in summer.
Isioma Egbune requested to compile the names of votes for the 8 people motion and 11 people
motion that was made for the budget proposal of Leg Con.
Request moved to next meeting. This Friday's session (2-22-2013), when it comes time to
approving the minutes, a motion should be made to amend the minutes with the proposed
changes. A second will be needed on the motion. This will be followed by discussion and
XIII. Thought for the day
Senator Kim
XIV. Adjournment: 12: 36 PM