CHANGROK SOH, Ph.D. Email: 311 Seoungbuk-Dong, Seoungbuk-Gu Seoul, Korea T: +82-2-3290-2402 F: +82-2-929-0402 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 1987 – 1992 Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University Degree Earned: Doctorate Degree Majors: Comparative and Developmental Political Analysis International Technology Policy and Management International Trade and Commercial Policies Asia International Relations 1984 – 1987 Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University Degree Earned: Masters of Arts in Law and Diplomacy 1980 – 1984 Seoul National University - Department of International Relations Degree Earned: Bachelors Degree in Political Science WORK EXPERIENCE Mar. 1996 – Present Professor Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University Dec. 2010 – Present President Human Asia Jul. 2010 – Present International Human Rights Committee Commissioner National Human Right Commission of Korea Jun. 2010 – Present Self Evaluation Committee Commissioner Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Jan. 2012 – Present International Affairs Committee Commissioner Korean Social Science Research Council Feb. 2008 – Present Outside Director Phoenix Communications Inc. Jan. 2007 – Present Director for the Steering Committee The Korean Association for Public Administration Mar. 2005 – Present Director Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights Jan. 2002 – Present Director The Korean Association of International Studies Mar. 1996 – Present Research Associate International Trade and Business Institute (ITBI) Jan. 2006 – Nov. 2010 Deputy Director Asia Center for Human Rights Aug. 2009 – Mar. 2010 Visiting Professor Sam Nunn School, Georgia Institute of Technology Mar. 2009 – Jun. 2009 Visiting Scholar East-West Center (Honolulu, Hawaii) Dec. 2006 – Dec. 2008 Dean Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University Sep. 2007 – Dec. 2008 Dean Division of International Studies, Korea University Dec. 2006 – Feb. 2008 Director Global Research Institute, Korea University Jan. 2005 – Dec. 2007 Director for the Steering Committee The Korean Association for Policy Studies Jan.2006 – Dec. 2006 Research Director The Korean Association of International Studies Feb. 2002 – Feb. 2003 Visiting Professor The Wagner School, New York University Mar. 1998 – Mar. 2002 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University, Jun. 1992 – Feb.1994 Research Associate (BRIE) Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (University of California, Berkeley) Jun. 1992 – Jun. 1993 Research Fellow Pacific Basic Research Center (J. F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University) Dec. 1991 – Jun. 1993 Visiting Research Associate Center for Technology and International Affairs (The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University) May.1991 – Oct. 1991 Intern East-West Center (Honolulu Hawaii) Jun. 1989- Dec.1989 Secretariat’s Office UN (Geneva Switzerland) PUBLICATIONS “Characteristics of the Korean Human Rights Governance and Possibility of Diffusion into the Asian Region.” (In Korean) (Korean Unification Studies. Vol. 15, No 2, 2011) Improving North Korean Human Rights Situation- Peaceful Engagement and International Experiences (In Korean) (Seoul: Hanul, 2010) “A Study on Good Governance of Support Policy for North Korean Defectors: Focusing on Employment Policy.” East and West Studies. Vol. 22, No 1, 2010. “Theoretical Considerations Why Countries Provide Development Aid,” Journal of International Politics, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2010. Diffusion and Internalization of Governance (In Korean) (Seoul: DaeKyung, 2009). “Institutionalization of Regional Metagovernance Framework to Enhance Human Security in East Asia.” GIARI Working Paper, Vol. 2008-E-2, 2008 “Multilateral Cooperation to Advocate Human Security in East Asia.” Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2007. A Method of Improvement and Vitalization for Peace and Prosperity of Korean Peninsula (In Korean) (Seoul: Korean Institute of National Unification, 2007). “Enhancing Human Security in North Korea through Development of a Human Rights Regime in Asia.” Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2007. “Enhancing Human Security in North Korea: A Multilateral Approach,” Non-Governmental Six Party Talks on Cooperation In Northeast Asia, The Korea Association of International Studies, 2006. Global Governance and Korea (In Korean) (Hanyang University Press, 2006). Survey Study on Peace and Prosperity of Korean Peninsula (In Korean) (Seoul: Korean Institute of National Unification, 2006). Establishing Desirable Governance of Unification Policy for Integration of South and North Korea (In Korean) (Seoul: Korean Institute of National Unification, 2005). “North Korean Human Rights and East Asian Human Rights Governance: Focusing on International Regime Theory,” The Institute of Peace Affairs, Vol. 44, 2005. “United States Foreign Policy and United Nations: The Case of the War in Iraq,” The Korean Journal of International Relations, Vol. 44, No. 5, 2004. “The Role of NGOs in International Economic Organizations: Critical Theory Perspectives,” Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2004. “Heavy and Chemical Industrialization (HCI) Policy as a Mega-policy,” Korea Journal of Policy Studies, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2004. International Organization: Politics of Global Governance (Seoul: Dasan Publishing Co., 2004). “Theories of Global Governance,” Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2003. “High-tech Industrial Policies of the United States and Japan,” (in Korean) in Young-Kwan Yoon, ed. Globalization and Korea (Seoul: Eulyoo Pubishing Co., 2003). “Theoretical Approaches to Global Governance,” Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2002. Politics of Governance (in Korean) (Seoul: Bummunsa, 2002). “The Influence of the United States on ‘WTO Plus’ in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,” Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2000. “Dilemma of Politics of Reform in North Korea: Where Is It Going?” East Asian Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2000. “Global Governance and International Organization.” (in Korean) a paper presented at Summer Academic Conference of The Korean Political Science Association in July 4 2001. “Realism in Theories of International Political Economy.” (in Korean) Contemporary International Political Economy, edited by Jung-dong Yeo and Jong-chan Lee (Seoul: Beopmoonsa, 2000). “Political Economy of Trade Negotiation: The Case Analysis of Korean Trade Negotiations with the United States in Automobile Industry.” (in Korean) Journal of Trade Law, Vol.32, 2000. The World after the Cold War: Issues and Dilemmas (Seoul: Graduate School of International Studies in Korea University, 1999). Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Trade Negotiations with the United States: The Case of Automobile Industry (in Korean) (Seoul: International Trade and Business Institute, 1999). Korean Economic Diplomacy from 1993 to 1997 (in Korean) (Seoul: International Trade and Business Institute, 1998). From Investment to Innovation?: The Korean Political Economy and Changes in Industrial Competitiveness (Seoul: Global Research Institute, Korea University, 1997). “Technological Dependence and Limits to Growth of the Korean Economy.” Europe-Asia: The Stakes of Interdependence (Le Harvre: University of Le Harvre, 1997). “International Competitiveness of Korean Semiconductor Industry.” Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1997 (43-77). "Industrial Strategies of Korea and Taiwan in the Age of Globalization." Middle Powers in the Age of Globalization: Implications for Korean Political Economy and Unification -- Korean Association of International Studies' International Conference Series No.5 (Seoul: KAIS, 1996). "U.S.-Korea Industrial and Technological Cooperation: Implication for Regional Integration in the AsiaPacific." Co-authored with Denis F. Simon. Economic and Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia, University of Chicago, 1996. “Comparative Study of Industrial Strategies of the United States and Japan: The Case of Co-Research and Development Program of Government and Enterprise in High-tech Industry.” (in Korean) Asian Studies, Vol. 34, No.1, 1996. "Orbital Mechanics of South Korea's Technological Development: An Examination of the 'Gravitational' Pushes and Pulls." Co-authored with Denis F. Simon. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1994 (437-455). "Korea's Technological Development." Co-authored with Denis Simon. Pacific Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1994 (89-103). "Legacy of Mega-policy (Heavy and Chemical Industrialization): Can Korea Succeed in HighTechnology?" Great Policies in Asia, edited by John Montgomery (Pacific Basin Research Center, Harvard JFK School of Government, 1994). "Political Economy and Technology Innovation: Implications for Development of High-tech Industries in Korea." The Korea Journal of Policy Studies (Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University, 1993).