Tobacco Production Update Bob Pearce, Gary Palmer, Andy Bailey Extension Tobacco Specialists Kenny Seebold Extension Plant Pathologist Topics • Nitrogen sources for tobacco • Revised nitrogen rates for tobacco • Sucker control options – No MH options • Variety update • Disease update Nitrogen Fertilizer Issues • Economics – Leaf prices down – N fertilizer prices up • Price tied to natural gas • Transportation costs up • Nitrosamine concerns – Tobacco companies want less N applied • Quality concerns – Too little: thin body, poor yield – Too much: delayed maturity, fat stems Ammonium Nitrate Issues • Most common N source for tobacco growers • Homeland security concerns – Can be used to make explosives – Easy availability • Some manufacturing plants have closed – Tighter supplies – Higher costs • Sales regulations – Permits needed to purchase large quantity? – Some dealers reluctant to stock? Price Per Unit of Nitrogen for Selected Fertilizer Materials Anhydrous Ammonia Ammonium Nitrate Urea UAN Solutions Ammonium Sufate 0.600 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 Year 20 02 19 99 19 96 19 93 19 90 19 87 19 84 19 81 19 78 19 75 19 72 19 69 19 66 19 63 0.000 19 60 Price ($/lb N) 0.500 Alternative N Sources • Anhydrous ammonia (82% N) – Lowest cost per unit of N – Limited availability – Special equipment needed • Stored as liquid under pressure • Special injectors needed • Used in illegal meth production – Feasible only if equipment already available – Placement concerns • Delayed uptake • Phyto-toxicity if close to plants Alternative N Sources • Anhydrous ammonia (82% N) – Reaction in soil • NH3 + 2O2 → H+ + NO3- +H2O • Same lime requirement as AN – Suggestions for use • Inject 6 to 8 inches deep • 7 to 10 days before setting Alternative N Sources • Ammonium sulfate (21% N) – Specialty fertilizer • Use on acid loving crops • Use on high pH soils – Relatively high cost per unit N – Limited availability – Soil reaction • (NH4)2SO4 + 4O2 → 4H+ +2NO3-+ SO42- + 2H2O • 3X lime requirement of AN – Not feasible for large scale use on tobacco Alternative N Sources • Urea (46% N) – Intermediate cost – Handling similar to ammonium nitrate • Can impregnate some chemicals • Same lime requirement as AN – Converted to nitrate in the soil • Subject to loss if surface applied – Apply to dry soil – Incorporate or water in • Delayed uptake (Don’t use for sidedress) – Feasible alternative if managed properly Alternative N Sources • Non Pressure Solutions (28 – 32% N) – Intermediate cost – Mixture of urea, ammonium nitrate, and water – Relatively easy to transport, store, and apply • Most nurse tanks • Many types of sprayers – Corrosive to equipment – Should be incorporated – Can be used a a carrier for spray applications – Limited availability – Feasible for tobacco production Alternative N Sources • Calcium – Ammonium Nitrate (27% N) – Ammonium nitrate mixed with lime • 78% ammonium nitrate – Theoretically similar to ammonium nitrate • Can impregnate some chemicals ? – Relatively high cost? – Availability? – Limited practical experience Alternative N Sources • Sodium Nitrate (16% N) • Calcium Nitrate (15.5% N) • Sodium-Potassium Nitrate (15% N) – – – – – Immediate uptake (good for sidedress) Good for low pH soils Erratic availability High cost Low analysis – high transport cost Conversion to Nitrate in soil % of Fertilizer as NO3-N N Source Weeks After Application 0 3 6 Ammonium Nitrate Anhydrous Ammonia Urea UAN Solution Nitrate Sources 50 0 0 25 100 80 20 50 60 100 90 65 75 80 100 Effects of Ammonium Nitrate Application on Soil pH Anhydrous Ammonia, Urea, UAN solutions : similar 0N 240 lbs N Soil pH 6.4 6.2 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 21-Aug 14-Aug 7-Aug 31-Jul 24-Jul 17-Jul 10-Jul 3-Jul 26-Jun 19-Jun 12-Jun 5-Jun 29-May 22-May 15-May 8-May 1-May 5 Effect of Liming an Acid Soil Prior to Use of Urea and Sodium Nitrate Sources of Nitrogen Sodium Nitrate Urea 7 6.3 6.5 5.8 Soil pH 6 6 5.5 5.3 5.7 5 4.5 4.7 4 0 5 7.5 Tons of Lime/A Both N sources applied at 225 lb N/A pre-plant. Soil pH (water) measured at midseason of each year. Soil pH before liming was 5.4. Effect of Liming an Acid Soil Prior to Use of Urea and Sodium Nitrate Sources of Nitrogen Sodium Nitrate Yield lb/a 3000 2765 2800 2612 2600 2772 2750 2647 2400 2200 2358 2000 0 5 Tons of Lime/A Both N sources applied at 225 lb N/A pre-plant. 7.5 Urea Nitrogen Source Study Harrison Co. – Keith Smith Farm 3000 2846 2889 2878 2867 178 323 313 323 342 68 1058 1169 1086 1007 2500 Yield lb/a 2000 148 1500 1000 187 1040 928 1030 1039 425 478 438 480 87 AN U CN SN LSD 500 0 Flyings Lugs Leaf Tips Total 100 units AN Broadcast Sidedressed with 170 units each, AN = Ammonium Nitrate, U= Urea, CN = Calcium Nitrate, SN = Sodium Nitrate Conventional Fertility Trial Monroe Co. – Al Pedigo Farm 2500 1847 2169 1977 1926 1939 657 540 544 850 888 850 469 498 544 450 AN + 645 CN 450 AN + 625 SN 450 AN + 217 U 400 2000 Yield lb/a 662 1500 1000 515 976 829 110 241 500 532 502 135 0 Broadcast Sidedress Flyings 450 AN + 300 AN Lugs 750 AN + Leaf Total LSD Number = lbs of product, AN = Ammonium Nitrate, CN = Calcium Nitrate, SN = Sodium Nitrate, U= Urea No-till Fertility Trial Monroe Co. – Al Pedigo Farm 3000 2404 2567 2654 705 817 2348 2425 295 Yield lb/a 2500 2000 735 710 725 1062 1062 577 638 450 AN + 625 SN 450 AN + 217 U 119 1500 1113 1000 1082 500 750 587 1164 674 181 102 0 Broadcast Sidedress Flyings 450 AN + 300 AN Lugs 750 AN + Leaf Total 450 AN + 645 CN LSD Number = lbs of product, AN = Ammonium Nitrate, CN = Calcium Nitrate, SN = Sodium Nitrate, U= Urea Effects of Sidedressing Different Sources of Nitrogen on Burley Yield Elliot Co. – Tracy D. Kitchen Farm 2500 2000 2229 1942 482 2130 2108 436 486 905 873 Yield lb/a 442 1500 991 815 1000 500 757 686 790 750 300 Am Nitrate 222 Urea 645 Ca Nitrate 625 Na Nitrate 0 Flyings Lugs Leaf 450 Ammonium Nitrate Broadcast followed by 100 lb/a of Nitrogen Sidedressed. Am = Ammonium, Ca = Calcium & Na = Sodium. There were no significant differences. Effect of Nitrogen Source on Burley Yield Marshall Co. – Glen Thompson Farm 3000 2579 2605 2650 2684 225 Yield lb/a 2500 2000 1114 1176 1303 1203 310 1092 1048 970 1084 223 373 381 377 397 57 Am Nitrate Urea Ca Nitrate Na Nitrate LSD 1500 1000 500 0 FLYINGS LUGS LEAF 150 units Urea Broadcast Sidedressed with 100 units each at sidedressing, Ca = Calcium and Na = Sodium Revised Nitrogen Rates • AGR-1 will have a new table for N on tobacco – – – – – Based on crop history (same as old) No additional N for continuous tobacco Soil drainage formally considered “Typical” recommendation 50 lbs. N/A less Rate lower if sidedressing is practiced • Economically sound recommendations • Reduce incidence of over-application Revised Nitrogen Recommendations for Burley and Dark Tobacco. Well Drained Soil Moderately Well Drained Soil ------------Lb N/A-----------Low N levels: following tobacco or row crops 225-250 250-275 Medium N levels: first-year tobacco following a grass or grass-legume sod 200-225 225-250 High N levels: first-year tobacco following legume sod or legume cover crop 150-175 175-200 Effects of Nitrogen Rates on Burley Tobacco at Spindletop Farm (Maury Silt Loam) 1991 1992 4000 Yield lb/a 3500 3000 2500 2000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 N rate (lb/a) – MacKown, Sutton and Crafts-Brander – 1994 350 400 Nrate across location years and method 4500 2 y = -0.0061x + 4.0053x + 2180.2 Leaf Yield (lbs. A) 4000 2 R = 0.1249 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 N rate (lbs./A) 250 300 350 400 Effect of N rate and method of application on burley tobacco yield. Poly. (Preplant) Poly. (Split ) Yield (lbs/A) 3000 2750 2500 2250 2000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 N rate (lbs/A) If 1/3 or more is sidedressed reduce total amount of N by 15 to 25 lbs./A Summary • Encourage growers to compare costs and consider alternative N sources • Revised N rates – – – – Rates lowered by about 50 lbs./A Will not significantly lower yield Improved quality Promotes desired chemical properties • Reduce rate if sidedressing is practiced