Westman just recently turned twenty years old. He has been aging one year for every one of our centuries, since he turned ten years old in our year 1000. I asked Westman to describe the single most interesting event in each of his last ten years. This was his answer. WESTMAN The Last Ten Years 10years old The first of a series of strange journeys 10 Mother sent me on a journey to a faraway land. I saw strange people and places, and learned that the world is a bigger place than I ever knew. The Crusades 11 years old I met my grandfather 11 He seemed incredibly wise and I was comforted just by knowing that I came from him 11 The Rediscovery of Aristotle 12 years old I argued with Vincent --insisting that he take me more seriously. 12 I even made him sign a piece of paper promising to take my wishes into account 12 13 years old Adolescence -a dramatic explosion I began to create – to paint, to write music and poetry 13 Mother was delighted. She supported me every step of the way 14 years old My voice changed The Guttenberg Printing Press 15 years old I fought with mother I insisted that I could and would think for myself She was not pleased. The Reformation 15 Martin Luther 16 years old I discovered that the world is a logical place 16 SCIENCE Copernicus SCIENCE Newton GALILEO 17 years old I fought with Vincent 17 Political Revolution I would no longer do whatever Vincent wanted. I would think for myself and be free and independent. 18 years old I began to work Industry 18 and 19 The Days Henry Ford .. and buy 18 years old Night Uncertainty sets in What used to be certain is not any more Sigmund Freud Charles Darwin Karl Marx 19 years old The Day Back to work 19 years old The Night The unknown and the unease run even deeper Relativity 2 E = MC The Uncertainty Principle 2 E = MC Uncertainty Relativity Quantum Mechanics Uncertainty Undecidability Quantum Probability Mechanics Relativity Uncertainty Undecidability Quantum Probability Mechanics Relativity Westman –Now 20 years old The theme of the millennium The ascendance of the individual A review 1000 The Crusades 1100 Aristotle Rediscovered 1200 The Magna Carta 1300 The Renaissance 1400 The Printing Press 1500 The Reformation 1600 Scientific Revolution 1700 Political Revolution 1800 and 1900 Productive Days & Uncertain Nights 1000 The Crusades 1100 Aristotle Rediscovered 1200 The Magna Carta 1300 The Renaissance 1400 The Printing Press 1500 The Reformation 1600 Scientific Revolution 1700 Political Revolution 1800 and 1900 Productive Days & Uncertain Nights