1 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent College Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Agriculture Agr Economics 2.Upper Div. Agri Edu, Comm, Ldrshp, & Home Ec Edu Agriculture General Animal and Food Sciences Biosystems & Agr Engineering N 21 78 6 22 . . 27 3.Graduate 5 100 . . . . 5 1.Lower Div. 2 100 . . . . 2 2.Upper Div. 3 100 . . . . 3 1.Lower Div. 12 75 4 25 . . 16 2.Upper Div. 10 56 8 44 . . 18 1.Lower Div. 8 100 . . . . 8 2.Upper Div. 18 95 . . 1 5 19 3.Graduate 7 100 . . . . 7 1.Lower Div. 3 75 1 25 . . 4 2.Upper Div. 10 91 1 9 . . 11 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 2 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent N Community & Leadership Development 1.Lower Div. 1 33 2 67 . . 3 2.Upper Div. 11 65 5 29 1 6 17 3.Graduate 6 86 1 14 . . 7 1.Lower Div. . . 1 100 . . 1 2.Upper Div. 3 60 2 40 . . 5 10 100 . . . . 10 1.Lower Div. 6 75 2 25 . . 8 2.Upper Div. 5 56 3 33 1 11 9 3.Graduate 8 89 1 11 . . 9 1.Lower Div. 4 67 2 33 . . 6 2.Upper Div. 7 78 1 11 1 11 9 3.Graduate 6 86 1 14 . . 7 1.Lower Div. . . 1 100 . . 1 Entomology 3.Graduate Family Sciences Forestry Landscape Architecture 3 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Merchandising,Apparel & Textil Nutrition And Food Science Plant Pathology Plant and Soil Sciences School of Human Environmental Sciences N 2.Upper Div. 7 78 2 22 . . 9 1.Lower Div. 7 100 . . . . 7 2.Upper Div. 8 100 . . . . 8 3.Graduate 1 100 . . . . 1 1.Lower Div. 4 80 . . 1 20 5 2.Upper Div. 19 100 . . . . 19 3.Graduate 3 75 1 25 . . 4 2.Upper Div. 2 100 . . . . 2 3.Graduate 3 100 . . . . 3 1.Lower Div. 6 100 . . . . 6 2.Upper Div. 20 100 . . . . 20 3.Graduate 8 89 1 11 . . 9 1.Lower Div. 1 33 2 67 . . 3 4 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Veterinary Science College Total N 2.Upper Div. 3 60 2 40 . . 5 3.Graduate 1 100 . . . . 1 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 5 100 . . . . 5 1.Lower Div. 54 77 15 21 1 1 70 2.Upper Div. 148 81 30 16 4 2 182 64 93 5 7 . . 69 Level 3.Graduate 5 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Arts & Sciences N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Aerospace Studies 1.Lower Div. . . 8 100 . . 8 2.Upper Div. . . 4 100 . . 4 1.Lower Div. 41 84 8 16 . . 49 2.Upper Div. 7 70 2 20 1 10 10 3.Graduate 7 88 1 13 . . 8 1.Lower Div. 48 34 40 28 55 38 143 2.Upper Div. 8 67 2 17 2 17 12 1.Lower Div. 11 25 4 9 29 66 44 2.Upper Div. 39 93 3 7 . . 42 3.Graduate 10 100 . . . . 10 1.Lower Div. 68 76 20 22 1 1 89 2.Upper Div. 14 82 3 18 . . 17 Anthropology Arts and Sciences Biology Chemistry 6 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Earth and Environmental Sciences English Gender and Women's Studies Geography N 3.Graduate 15 94 1 6 . . 16 1.Lower Div. 18 67 9 33 . . 27 2.Upper Div. 7 78 2 22 . . 9 3.Graduate 3 100 . . . . 3 1.Lower Div. 28 56 10 20 12 24 50 2.Upper Div. 27 87 3 10 1 3 31 3.Graduate 12 100 . . . . 12 1.Lower Div. 3 38 . . 5 63 8 2.Upper Div. 8 100 . . . . 8 3.Graduate 2 100 . . . . 2 1.Lower Div. 63 98 . . 1 2 64 2.Upper Div. 15 88 2 12 . . 17 7 100 . . . . 7 3.Graduate 7 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Hispanic Studies 1.Lower Div. 7 11 13 20 44 69 64 2.Upper Div. 18 75 2 8 4 17 24 6 75 2 25 . . 8 1.Lower Div. 43 61 4 6 23 33 70 2.Upper Div. 26 87 2 7 2 7 30 3.Graduate 13 100 . . . . 13 1.Lower Div. 5 50 4 40 1 10 10 2.Upper Div. 6 86 1 14 . . 7 2.Upper Div. . . 1 100 . . 1 1.Lower Div. 128 68 25 13 35 19 188 2.Upper Div. 23 82 4 14 1 4 28 3.Graduate 7 100 . . . . 7 1.Lower Div. . . 5 100 . . 5 3.Graduate History IDP/Social Theory International Studies Program Mathematics Military Science and Leadership N 8 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Modern & Classical Languages Philosophy 2.Upper Div. . . 4 100 . . 4 1.Lower Div. 52 51 13 13 37 36 102 2.Upper Div. 36 88 5 12 . . 41 3.Graduate 10 91 1 9 . . 11 1.Lower Div. 20 50 5 13 15 38 40 2.Upper Div. 15 58 2 8 9 35 26 7 100 . . . . 7 1.Lower Div. 37 56 24 36 5 8 66 2.Upper Div. 12 86 2 14 . . 14 5 83 1 17 . . 6 1.Lower Div. 36 97 . . 1 3 37 2.Upper Div. 20 80 2 8 3 12 25 6 100 . . . . 6 3.Graduate Physics And Astronomy 3.Graduate Political Science N 3.Graduate 9 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Psychology Sociology 1.Lower Div. 74 95 . . 4 5 78 2.Upper Div. 22 85 2 8 2 8 26 3.Graduate 29 91 3 9 . . 32 1.Lower Div. 30 88 1 3 3 9 34 2.Upper Div. 18 72 3 12 4 16 25 8 100 . . . . 8 1.Lower Div. 64 66 6 6 27 28 97 2.Upper Div. 17 100 . . . . 17 3.Graduate 16 89 2 11 . . 18 1.Lower Div. 776 61 199 16 298 23 1273 2.Upper Div. 338 81 51 12 29 7 418 3.Graduate 163 94 11 6 . . 174 3.Graduate Statistics College Total N Level 10 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Business and Economics N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level B&E Accountancy 1.Lower Div. 13 72 4 22 1 6 18 2.Upper Div. 25 89 1 4 2 7 28 3 75 1 25 . . 4 1.Lower Div. 10 48 . . 11 52 21 2.Upper Div. 22 71 1 3 8 26 31 3.Graduate 11 100 . . . . 11 2.Upper Div. 18 75 4 17 2 8 24 3.Graduate 5 100 . . . . 5 1.Lower Div. 1 50 1 50 . . 2 30 91 3 9 . . 33 2.Upper Div. 8 62 1 8 4 31 13 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 12 75 . . 4 25 16 3.Graduate B&E Economics B&E Management Business and Economics 3.Graduate Decision Science and Information Systems Finance 2.Upper Div. 11 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent 3.Graduate Marketing 2 100 . . . . 2 13 68 4 21 2 11 19 . . 1 100 . . 1 1.Lower Div. 24 59 5 12 12 29 41 2.Upper Div. 98 75 11 8 22 17 131 3.Graduate 55 92 5 8 . . 60 2.Upper Div. 3.Graduate College Total N Level 12 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Communications & Inf Studies N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Communication 1.Lower Div. 17 44 16 41 6 15 39 2.Upper Div. 15 83 2 11 1 6 18 1.Lower Div. 27 36 13 17 35 47 75 3.Graduate 10 91 1 9 . . 11 2.Upper Div. . . 2 100 . . 2 3.Graduate 3 100 . . . . 3 1.Lower Div. 13 81 3 19 . . 16 2.Upper Div. 46 78 8 14 5 8 59 1.Lower Div. 57 44 32 25 41 32 130 2.Upper Div. 61 77 12 15 6 8 79 3.Graduate 13 93 1 7 . . 14 Communication and Information Studies Library & Information Science School Of Journalism & Telecommunication College Total Level 13 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Dentistry N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Dentistry 3.Graduate 12 92 1 8 . . 13 Dentistry Oral Health Practice 3.Graduate 20 74 7 26 . . 27 Dentistry Oral Health Science 3.Graduate 12 100 . . . . 12 Dentistry Periodontics 3.Graduate 5 71 2 29 . . 7 Oral Pathology 3.Graduate 3 100 . . . . 3 Prosthodontics 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 College Total Level 56 85 10 15 . . 66 3.Graduate 14 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Design Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Historic Preservation 3.Graduate School of Architecture School of Interior Design 3 50 3 50 . . 6 1.Lower Div. 10 56 8 44 . . 18 2.Upper Div. 15 88 2 12 . . 17 3.Graduate 10 91 1 9 . . 11 1.Lower Div. 2 100 . . . . 2 2.Upper Div. 11 85 2 15 . . 13 1 100 . . . . 1 1.Lower Div. 12 60 8 40 . . 20 2.Upper Div. 26 87 4 13 . . 30 3.Graduate 14 78 4 22 . . 18 3.Graduate College Total N Level 15 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Education N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Education 2.Upper Div. 1 50 1 50 . . 2 3.Graduate 3 100 . . . . 3 2.Upper Div. 17 49 17 49 1 3 35 3.Graduate 10 48 9 43 2 10 21 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 1.Lower Div. . . . . 5 100 5 2.Upper Div. 8 44 2 11 8 44 18 17 89 2 11 . . 19 1.Lower Div. . . 2 14 12 86 14 2.Upper Div. 7 39 10 56 1 6 18 3.Graduate 26 81 6 19 . . 32 1.Lower Div. 10 14 34 47 28 39 72 Education Curriculum & Instr Educational Leadership Studies Educational Policy Studies and Evaluatio 3.Graduate Educational, School and Counseling Psych Kinesiology - Health Promotion 16 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent STEM Education Special Education & Rehabilita 2.Upper Div. 22 67 8 24 3 9 33 3.Graduate 12 86 2 14 . . 14 2.Upper Div. 5 71 2 29 . . 7 3.Graduate 2 100 . . . . 2 1.Lower Div. . . 2 100 . . 2 2.Upper Div. 13 59 9 41 . . 22 6 67 2 22 1 11 9 1.Lower Div. 10 11 38 41 45 48 93 2.Upper Div. 74 54 49 36 13 10 136 3.Graduate 76 76 21 21 3 3 100 3.Graduate College Total N Level 17 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Engineering N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Chemical & Materials Engineeri 1.Lower Div. 8 100 . . . . 8 2.Upper Div. 23 96 1 4 . . 24 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 1.Lower Div. 2 25 6 75 . . 8 2.Upper Div. 18 69 7 27 1 4 26 7 88 1 13 . . 8 1.Lower Div. 52 90 4 7 2 3 58 2.Upper Div. 19 95 1 5 . . 20 3.Graduate 10 100 . . . . 10 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 5 100 . . . . 5 10 100 . . . . 10 Civil Engineering 3.Graduate Computer Science Ctr For Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering 1.Lower Div. 18 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent 2.Upper Div. Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering 25 89 3 11 . . 28 3.Graduate 9 100 . . . . 9 1.Lower Div. 8 89 1 11 . . 9 2.Upper Div. 6 60 4 40 . . 10 3.Graduate 1 100 . . . . 1 1.Lower Div. 10 91 1 9 . . 11 2.Upper Div. 30 79 4 11 4 11 38 3.Graduate 7 100 . . . . 7 1.Lower Div. 1 33 2 67 . . 3 2.Upper Div. 10 63 6 38 . . 16 2 67 1 33 . . 3 91 85 14 13 2 2 107 3.Graduate College Total N Level 1.Lower Div. 19 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent 2.Upper Div. 3.Graduate N 132 81 26 16 5 3 163 45 96 2 4 . . 47 20 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Fine Arts N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Arts Administration 1.Lower Div. . . 1 100 . . 1 2.Upper Div. 5 71 2 29 . . 7 1.Lower Div. 51 76 11 16 5 7 67 2.Upper Div. 46 78 11 19 2 3 59 3.Graduate 11 100 . . . . 11 1.Lower Div. 78 64 9 7 35 29 122 2.Upper Div. 55 85 9 14 1 2 65 3.Graduate 37 97 1 3 . . 38 1.Lower Div. 21 91 2 9 . . 23 2.Upper Div. 12 92 1 8 . . 13 3 100 . . . . 3 150 70 23 11 40 19 213 Fine Arts - Art Fine Arts - Music Fine Arts - Theatre Arts 3.Graduate College Total Level 21 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent N 1.Lower Div. 2.Upper Div. 3.Graduate Graduate School 118 82 23 16 3 2 144 51 98 1 2 . . 52 Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Graduate School 3.Graduate 2 22 7 78 . . 9 Martin School of Public Administration 3.Graduate 13 87 2 13 . . 15 Patterson School Of Diplomacy 3.Graduate 5 50 5 50 . . 10 College Total Level 20 59 14 41 . . 34 3.Graduate 22 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Health Sciences N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Clinical Sciences 1.Lower Div. 1 50 1 50 . . 2 2.Upper Div. 9 82 2 18 . . 11 16 100 . . . . 16 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 2 67 1 33 . . 3 1.Lower Div. 3 100 . . . . 3 2.Upper Div. 19 83 4 17 . . 23 3.Graduate 21 95 1 5 . . 22 1.Lower Div. 4 80 1 20 . . 5 2.Upper Div. 29 83 6 17 . . 35 3.Graduate 39 95 2 5 . . 41 3.Graduate Health Services Rehabilitation Science College Total Level 23 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Law Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Law Instruction 3.Graduate College Total Level 3.Graduate N 42 64 24 36 . . 66 42 64 24 36 . . 66 24 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Medicine N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Anatomy & Neurobiology 1.Lower Div. 3 100 . . . . 3 2.Upper Div. 8 100 . . . . 8 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 Anesthesiology 3.Graduate 6 86 1 14 . . 7 Behavioral Science 2.Upper Div. 2 100 . . . . 2 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 5 100 . . . . 5 Emergency Medicine 3.Graduate 7 100 . . . . 7 Family and Community Medicine 3.Graduate 1 100 . . . . 1 Graduate Center For Toxicology 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 1 100 . . . . 1 Integrated Biomedical Sciences 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 Internal Medicine 2.Upper Div. 3 100 . . . . 3 Biochemistry 25 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent N 3.Graduate 23 96 1 4 . . 24 Medicine 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 Microbiology and Immunology 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology 3.Graduate 58 91 6 9 . . 64 Neurology 3.Graduate 2 67 1 33 . . 3 Nutritional Sciences 3.Graduate 3 100 . . . . 3 Obstetrics & Gynecology 3.Graduate 5 100 . . . . 5 Ophthalmology & Visual Science 3.Graduate 1 100 . . . . 1 Pathology 3.Graduate 1 100 . . . . 1 Physiology 1.Lower Div. 3 100 . . . . 3 2.Upper Div. 3 100 . . . . 3 3.Graduate 5 100 . . . . 5 Psychiatry 3.Graduate 3 100 . . . . 3 Radiation Medicine 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 26 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Radiology 3.Graduate 2 50 2 50 . . 4 Surgery/General 3.Graduate 14 100 . . . . 14 College Total Level 1.Lower Div. 6 100 . . . . 6 2.Upper Div. 20 100 . . . . 20 161 94 11 6 . . 172 3.Graduate Nursing N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Nursing 1.Lower Div. . . 9 100 . . 9 2.Upper Div. 93 91 9 9 . . 102 3.Graduate 10 100 . . . . 10 1.Lower Div. . . 9 100 . . 9 2.Upper Div. 93 91 9 9 . . 102 3.Graduate 10 100 . . . . 10 College Total Level 27 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Other N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Chellgren Center 1.Lower Div. 6 55 5 45 . . 11 1.Lower Div. 4 31 2 15 7 54 13 2.Upper Div. . . 2 100 . . 2 1.Lower Div. 11 34 21 66 . . 32 2.Upper Div. 2 50 2 50 . . 4 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 1.Lower Div. 11 9 104 81 14 11 129 2.Upper Div. 2 100 . . . . 2 1.Lower Div. 32 17 132 71 21 11 185 2.Upper Div. 5 56 4 44 . . 9 College of Undergraduate Studies Experiential Education Honors Program Humanities Center University Wide College Total Level 28 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Pharmacy N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Pharmaceutical Sciences 3.Graduate 22 96 1 4 . . 23 Pharmacy Practice & Science 3.Graduate 57 92 5 8 . . 62 College Total Level 79 93 6 7 . . 85 3.Graduate 29 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Public Health N Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Dept Of Biostatistics 3.Graduate 4 100 . . . . 4 Dept Of Epidemiology 3.Graduate 1 100 . . . . 1 Dept Of Gerontology 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 3.Graduate 7 100 . . . . 7 Master Health Administration 3.Graduate 8 89 1 11 . . 9 Public Health 1.Lower Div. 3 100 . . . . 3 40 95 2 5 . . 42 1.Lower Div. 3 100 . . . . 3 2.Upper Div. 1 100 . . . . 1 60 95 3 5 . . 63 3.Graduate College Total Level 3.Graduate 30 UK Office of Institutional Research SACS Review: Fall 2011 Final Number of Courses by College, by Program, by Level, and by Instructor Type 1. Full Time 3. Graduate Teaching Assistant 2. Part Time Total Number of Courses Number Number Number of of of Courses Percent Courses Percent Courses Percent Social Work Program-Based on Course Prefix Level Social Work 1.Lower Div. 1 20 4 80 . . 5 2.Upper Div. 16 59 8 30 3 11 27 3.Graduate 21 32 43 66 1 2 65 1.Lower Div. 1 20 4 80 . . 5 2.Upper Div. 16 59 8 30 3 11 27 3.Graduate 21 32 43 66 1 2 65 1.Lower Div. 1220 56.48 480 22.22 460 21.30 2160 2.Upper Div. 1159 78.47 233 15.78 85 5.75 1477 969 85.30 163 14.35 4 0.35 1136 3348 70.14 876 18.35 549 11.50 4773 College Total Total Level Level 3.Graduate Total N