Assessment SIG Business Meeting Minutes Gaylord Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland

Assessment SIG Business Meeting Minutes
Gaylord Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland
July 14, 2015
Call to order 6:49am
 Lauren S announced that we are using a different approach this meeting. All
of the reports are posted on the web site
 Lauren thanked Jane Souza, the executive committee, all of the members of
different committees, those who contributed to the CAPE paper
 Lauren thanked Kathy Kelley who has agreed to stay on as the immediate
past chair for another year (now 3rd year she will serve in this capacity)
 Kathy Kelley installed the new officers.
 The SIG is looking for a secretary to serve a 2 year terms.
Remarks of the Chair
 Report is posted on the web site
 Increase visibility of the SIG
 Increase collaboration between SIGs
o Curriculum SIG – joined webinar
o Experiential SIG – interested in collaboration
 Scholarship and research taskforce – co-chaired by Margarita DiVall and Lisa
 Mentoring and networking taskforce – co-chaired by Wallace Marsh and
 Bylaws revision taskforce – co-chaired by Ashley Castleberry and Tara
Installation of the officers
 Past president Kathy Kelley installed the Chair and Chair Elect and reminded
attendees that the call for nominations is open.
Small group work
 Attendees divided into groups by interest and spent the rest of the meeting
brainstorming and discussing ideas.
Scholarship/ research taskforce:
Topic ideas
1. Culture of assessment
 Development of Culture of assessment – the biggest challenge
Leadership development of the assessment personnel – you get lip service on
how important assessment is but no participation (effective communication
strategies, persuasion skills, boundaries)
Having to work with 2 audiences of faculty/students and administration
Collecting data in a meaningful way and using the data in a meaningful way is
important and it does not always happen
2. Qualitative data assessment
 A lot of qualitative data available (reflection, etc)
 Need guidance
3. Systematic approach to Assessment
 Structure of assessment committees/ staff and the kinds of training they
have- this has potentially already being worked on by the Big 10
 Best practices on assessment plan development – The Big 10 is working on
this? But what about organizing all of the information and tracking it (best
practices). Meaningful data collection and meaningful data use.
4. Faculty – how is their classroom fit into the overall assessment plan
5. CAPE paper – next steps – Mike Fulford is interested in continuing that initiative.
Shared projects
1. Preparation for NAPLEX – different schools use different methods but what
works best? - Sullivan University/ Maryland – Lisa will lead this
2. CQI process - What experiential data should be collected and how it can be
fed to the assessment – Mitra reported that the experiential SIG is working
3. PCOA – use of data
 Working with NABP on providing peer data / collecting data on how people
are administering PCOA and in which administration windows