Assessment SIG Business Meeting Minutes Gaylord Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland July 14, 2015 Call to order 6:49am Announcements: Lauren S announced that we are using a different approach this meeting. All of the reports are posted on the web site Lauren thanked Jane Souza, the executive committee, all of the members of different committees, those who contributed to the CAPE paper Lauren thanked Kathy Kelley who has agreed to stay on as the immediate past chair for another year (now 3rd year she will serve in this capacity) Kathy Kelley installed the new officers. The SIG is looking for a secretary to serve a 2 year terms. Remarks of the Chair Report is posted on the web site Increase visibility of the SIG Increase collaboration between SIGs o Curriculum SIG – joined webinar o Experiential SIG – interested in collaboration Scholarship and research taskforce – co-chaired by Margarita DiVall and Lisa Lebovitz Mentoring and networking taskforce – co-chaired by Wallace Marsh and Melinda Bylaws revision taskforce – co-chaired by Ashley Castleberry and Tara Jenkins Installation of the officers Past president Kathy Kelley installed the Chair and Chair Elect and reminded attendees that the call for nominations is open. Small group work Attendees divided into groups by interest and spent the rest of the meeting brainstorming and discussing ideas. Scholarship/ research taskforce: Topic ideas 1. Culture of assessment Development of Culture of assessment – the biggest challenge Leadership development of the assessment personnel – you get lip service on how important assessment is but no participation (effective communication strategies, persuasion skills, boundaries) Having to work with 2 audiences of faculty/students and administration Collecting data in a meaningful way and using the data in a meaningful way is important and it does not always happen 2. Qualitative data assessment A lot of qualitative data available (reflection, etc) Need guidance 3. Systematic approach to Assessment Structure of assessment committees/ staff and the kinds of training they have- this has potentially already being worked on by the Big 10 Best practices on assessment plan development – The Big 10 is working on this? But what about organizing all of the information and tracking it (best practices). Meaningful data collection and meaningful data use. 4. Faculty – how is their classroom fit into the overall assessment plan 5. CAPE paper – next steps – Mike Fulford is interested in continuing that initiative. Shared projects 1. Preparation for NAPLEX – different schools use different methods but what works best? - Sullivan University/ Maryland – Lisa will lead this 2. CQI process - What experiential data should be collected and how it can be fed to the assessment – Mitra reported that the experiential SIG is working 3. PCOA – use of data Working with NABP on providing peer data / collecting data on how people are administering PCOA and in which administration windows