2014-2015 Warren Lavey and Dr. Holly Rosencranz Climate Change Impact...

2014-2015 Warren Lavey and Dr. Holly Rosencranz Climate Change Impact Award
The Global Health Program at the UIC School of Public Health is proud to announce the 2014-2015 Global
Climate Change Impact Award. The award was created to encourage research and dissemination of
information on the adverse public health impacts of global climate change. There are many synergies between
efforts to improve public health and efforts to sustain the environment. Focus on health outcomes and threats
will help the public and policymakers support stronger actions to limit and adapt to climate change.
Additionally, research on a wide range of public health issues should assess climate-related impacts, risks and
benefits in evaluating problems and planning remedial programs.
Funds will be awarded to support students to conduct a global health field practicum or thesis during the
2014-2015 academic year (includes summer 2015). The field experience must address mitigation or adaptation
strategies pertaining to global climate change and its public health implications. Such experiences may tackle
health issues sensitive to climatic variability (such as vector-borne or respiratory diseases), address the public
health implications related to the decline of water quality and quantity, or be relevant to risks of extreme
weather, among others. As climate change impacts range widely, we expect varied focus across the
Eligibility Requirements
The applicant must:
 Be a degree seeking student in the School of Public Health;
 Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better (4.0 scale);
 Use the funds to meet a MPH field experience (practicum) or MS/PhD thesis requirement;
 Undertake a global public health project outside the U.S or domestically with a particular focus on
public health implications of global climate change. Should s/he be selected:
o Complete the proposed field experience during the 2014-2015 academic year (includes
summer 2015);
o Be enrolled for 3-5 MPH field experience or MS/PhD thesis hours ;
o Purchase emergency evacuation insurance if traveling abroad;
o Submit a 2-pg summary of the experience within 1 month of completion;
o Attend SPH Annual Research and Awards Day on April 10, 2015.
Selection Criteria
The selection committee will consider those applications that appear the most educational, realistic, and likely
to advance the student’s understanding of global public health though practice and/or research and the extent
to which the project contributes to the growing knowledge base of climate change. To this end, selection will
be based on:
For MPH students:
 A well-conceptualized field experience that is organized around a clearly stated overall learning goal
that reflects the application of basic public health concepts and specialty knowledge to address a
specific public health issue;
 The appropriateness of proposed learning objectives and related activities to be met through the field
For MS/PhD students:
 How well the proposed research experience is likely to advance the student’s knowledge and/or skills
in conducting global health research;
 The extent to which the proposed research activities will help to facilitate or advance the student’s
thesis research.
For all applicants:
 The extent to which the project contributes to public health discourse on global climate change;
 The extent to which the proposed field experience is likely to advance the student’s knowledge of key
aspects of global public health;
 The extent to which the student’s background preparation affords the ability to effectively carry out
the proposed project or research;
 A strong letter of support for both the applicant and the field experience from a proposed on-site MPH
preceptor or research supervisor (MS/PhD);
 The ability of the host organization to offer an appropriate and supportive environment for conducting
the proposed research or field experience;
 Signed approval by the applicant’s academic or thesis advisor for the proposed field or research
Applicant Packet: Applicants must submit:
A completed SPH Climate Change Impact Award application form signed by the applicant’s MPH field
experience advisor or MS/PhD thesis advisor indicating approval of the proposed field or research
experience (available from Alyson Lofthouse, 1158 SPHPI;
A Cover Letter (3-page limit) that includes:
o A brief but clear description of the proposed field or research experience;
o For MPH applicants:
 A description of the overall learning goal to be met through the field experience;
 The proposed learning objectives and related activities for meeting the overall goal;
 A description of the ability of the host organization to offer an appropriate and
supportive environment for conducting the proposed field experience.
o For MS/PhD applicants:
 A statement indicating how the proposed research activities supported by the
scholarship will help to advance the student’s proposed thesis research.
o For all applicants:
 A description of how the proposed research experience is likely to contribute to
discourse on climate change and advance the student’s knowledge or skills in
conducting global health research;
 A description of the background preparation maintained in order to effectively carry
out the proposed project;
 A description of available on-site field-experience supervision or research
 Evidence of language competency if appropriate to the activities to be undertaken;
 A feasible plan and timeline in undertaking and completing the field experience.
A letter confirming willingness to provide adequate oversight from a proposed on-site preceptor at the
host organization or from the research supervisor;
A budget and explanatory narrative estimating total practicum expenses to be incurred. Indicate which
costs will be offset by the scholarship and also any other sources of financial support that would be
used to help offset the total cost of the experience;
A copy of the applicant’s UIC transcript (available within my.uic.edu).
DEADLINE: COMPLETE applications are due on Monday, March 19, 2015. Awardees will be notified in mid
Please note: You must be in good financial standing to receive this award. Receiving this award may affect
your financial aid package. We encourage you to contact Student Financial Aid Services to determine your
financial standing. This award is deemed taxable by the Internal Revenue Service and as such will need to be
reported when filing your taxes
Please direct questions to: Alyson Lofthouse, 1158 SPHPI, MC 923, 312-996-0054 or Alofth2@uic.edu.
School of Public Health
Warren Lavey and Dr. Holly Rosencranz Climate Change Impact Award
Application Form
Degree Program (MPH/MS):
Academic Requirement and Semester Hours to be Fulfilled through the Field Experience:
MPH Field Placement Hours
MS Thesis Hours
SPH Academic Advisor:
Advisor Email:
Title of the Proposed Project:
Location of the Proposed Activities:
Proposed Start and End Date of Proposed Project:
Proposed Travel Dates:
Name and Contact Information for Host Organization:
Name and Contact Information for Site Preceptor or Research Supervisor:
Application Check List
o Completed application form
o Cover letter from applicant
o Email/letter of support from host preceptor or research supervisor
o Budget
o Copy of UIC transcript
Signature of UIC MPH or MS Thesis Advisor indicating support for the proposed field
Send COMPLETE applications by the due date to:
Alyson Lofthouse, MUPP
Associate Director, Global Health Program
UIC School of Public Health
1603 W. Taylor Street, Room 1158 (M/C 923)
Chicago, Illinois 60612
Phone: 312/996-0054
Fax: 312/996-1374
Email: alofth2@uic.edu