Multicultural Forum on Workplace Diversity

Multicultural Forum on Workplace Diversity
Pursuing the Dream: Inclusion, Opportunity, & Empowerment
February 20-21, 2007
St. Paul, MN
Diversity Development: Techniques for Recruiting a Diverse Workplace
Dr. Edward Hubbard, Hubbard & Hubbard Inc.
Recruiting a diverse workforce…includes your brand image and reputation on the street
to the cultural sensitivity of your (admission recruiters) as well as what is done to retain,
develop, promote, and utilize the talents of a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment
(taken from Multicultural Forum conference booklet).
According to Dr. Hubbard, diversity is not about representation, it is about utilization.
The University’s ability to utilize people’s skills and incorporate their ideas will assist in
retaining a diverse institution. As we move toward the realization of being a top 20
institution, the emphases cannot solely be on recruiting a diverse student body and faculty
pool. It is paramount we provide an environment that is conducive to meeting the
academic, social, and personal needs of students and faculty. What is our campus
climate? Do faculty members, staff, and students feel that this university is welcoming
and receptive to their ideas?
If the focus of the university is simple enrolling a certain percentage of students who
represent different ethnic, socioeconomic, or religious backgrounds, but no consideration
is given to making these students a vibrant part of campus life, then we as administrators,
faculty and staff are providing a disservice.
We can apply this same mindset to inviting guests to our homes, but not making any
provisions for their visit. Our guests would be less apt to return if we simple handed
them a key, told them we were glad they had joined us, and then did not spend any time
with them during their visit. Not only would they not schedule a second visit, they would
consider us poor hosts and tell others that we lacked hospitality.
To effectively retain our students, we must move beyond the recruitment stage. Students
must have an opportunity to become actively involved in campus life, conduct research
with professors, and develop leadership skills. In essence, we have to create an
environment where people feel valued.
Questions to ponder concerning our recruiting techniques
Do our admission officers and senior administrations take diversity
training classes? Is it realistic to expect that our recruiting efforts are
going to be fruitful without training these individuals?
What does our literature/website look like? Dr. Hubbard argues that is
issues pertaining to diversity are more than TWO clicks away from the
homepage, then the website is outdated.
Are we recruiting at places that are traditional AND convenient? Have we
learned how to think outside of the box?
Recruitment Strategies
Establish an ongoing presence/relationship at high schools, Special
Olympics, conferences for empowering women, community events, etc.
(think outside of the box).
Identify barriers that would cause perspective students, faculty members
and staff not to matriculate at UK.
Let’s Keep Talking About Race
Rebecca Robinson, RBC Dain Rauscher
Jeffrey Cookson, Employers Association
This session focused on equipping participants with the necessary tools to foster
discussion about race in the workplace. Participants were placed in small groups where
they were asked to identify methods that have facilitated these discussions on race. They
were also challenged to list ways in which they have been able to educate others on this
sensitive topic. Following is the summation of these methods that were recorded by each
small group:
What has helped you learn?
Having open discussions
Exposure to information
Staying open-minded
Self-awareness (constant re-checking, critical thinking)
Learn by teaching and helping
Protesting, writing and researching
Learn by listening
Sharing your experience
There are two sides to every story
Comments from inter-racial couples with children
Discussions on topics regarding diversity
Presentations on diverse groups
Individual personal stories
Listening to one another’s perspectives
Open-minded people/willing to teach
Multiple lens perspective
Trial and error
Open to feedback
Challenging my perception
Experience – “heart felt” change/immersion – you are the minority
Attend forums
Ask questions
Other people
Speak truth to power
Thinking outside the box
Making false assumptions
Open communication
Asking “uncomfortable” questions
Crash/Black Baby, White hands
Immersion experiences
Movie Crash
Bill Cosby – on rap music
Samuel Betances
Margaret Sanger
How have you educated others?
Encourage candid conversations
The play Hot Comb
Exposure to “my experience”
Ask questions – “why do you think that way?”
Telling someone the truth instead of ignoring
Giving honest feedback
Not letting an event/meeting end without an understanding
Have an “open” conversation
Understanding not understanding and knowing ignorance is not an excuse
Frank conversation
Learn a language (available at not cost to city of MN employees)
Book discussions where diversity council picks the book and execs lead
Culture clubs/presentations
Not being afraid to speak up
Being aware
Leadership supporting open dialogue
Using relevant news articles on gender, race, sexual orientation
Level playing field activities
Being open/honest (build relationships)
Introduce topic of diversity in new hire orientation
Speakers list with diverse representation
Expand cultural competence via training/seminar
Sharing your own experiences in an effort to stimulate dialogue
Morgan Sparlock 30 days Series
The movie The Color Purple
MBA recruitment
Six Steps to Discussing Race (taken from handouts presented at session)
Be ready
Identify the behavior
Apply to principles
Set limits
Find an ally
Be vigilant
Personal Action Plan (taken from handouts presented at session)
When thinking of race and my personal life, I most struggle with…..
Resources that can support my overcoming these struggles include….
New/next actions I will engage include…..
I will implement these actions on the following timeline….
ProGroup Players
Undoubtedly, this theatrical troupe provided the most innovative and non-threatening
manner to discuss diversity. Actors presented topics such as racial biases, gender
differences, and ageism. Each performance was led by a facilitator who engaged the
audience to discuss these issues in small group settings. We were then challenged to
develop an action play. *Some of the performances included:
Shakespeare Guy:
His language and culture is totally different from the mainstream
culture. This scenario depicts bias in action and its impact from the perspective of the
Bias Zone:
Explores where bias comes from, and how it affects decision making,
promotions, ways in which we relate to students.
Change Agent Duo: This skit introduces Check, Check and Double-Check models,
tools for acting as a Change Agent.
Check yourself
What is my perspective?
Am I making any assumptions or judgments based on my personal biases?
Am I willing to challenge these assumptions or judgements?
Am I willing to get out of my comfort zone?
Check Others
What is the other person’s perspective?
What are they thinking/feeling/expecting?
Have I acknowledged their emotions?
Am I missing information or someone’s opinion?
Double Check
Does my decision support our organization’s mission, values, and
diversity goals?
Are my words and actions demonstrating appreciation of differences?
Am I supporting a respectful environment for everyone?
Talk Show – Becoming a Change Agent:
A talk-show format is presented where
individuals are portrayed as naïve, a perpetuator, an avoider, or a fighter. Participants
interact with the actors by serving as audience members, who must use the Check, Check,
and Double-Check model to facilitate change.
*What category do you fall into:
Acts with no knowledge or awareness of biases and or prejudices and their
Aware of biases and prejudices but continues behaviors and reinforces and
rewards bigotry.
Aware of biases and prejudices but does nothing and plays it safe.
Tolerates unjust behavior.
Change Agent
Acts as role model. Takes action when appropriate and addresses
behaviors when necessary. Takes risks.
Attacks all actions and confronts all behaviors. Always on the lookout for
*All information is taken from ProGroup Players’ DVD jacket and Change Agent