Creating Learning Outcomes and Assignment Descriptions Today’s Learning Outcomes Respond to common misconceptions regarding the design of instruction Identify and utilize resources for setting measurable and achievable course goals related to communication competency Distinguish between activities and assignments Develop appropriate assignments for measuring students’ achievement of learning outcomes Develop appropriate activities for helping students to master learning outcomes Communicate learning outcomes, assignments, and activities clearly to students Confronting Misconceptions Common Misconceptions 1. Teaching is about sharing content 2. Creating a class is about deciding what content to cover 3. I only write learning outcomes because they are required by administrators 4. Most of the time I devote to a class is spent actually in the classroom or grading assignments 5. There’s an ideal teaching strategy The Reality 1. Teaching is about helping students to become competent in an area • Both what they know and what they can do 2. Creating a class involves a process of deciding what skills students need and how best to teach them 3. Learning outcomes are the driving force of the course 4. Designing a great class requires a lot of time up front, but this can reduce the time you spend lecturing and reteaching later. 5. How you teach depends on what you are trying to accomplish Creating Learning Outcomes Purpose? Good, Better, Best Move from a focus on what you want students to “know” or “understand” to what you want students to be able to do as evidence Avoid Phrases You Can’t Measure • learn how to • develop skills in • discover • appreciate • value • demonstrate understanding/knowledge of • be aware • gain the ability • acquire • examine • grow/increase – unless you are really measuring this Good, Better, Best Make sure you really capture what you want students to do as a result of your class. 1. Knowledge 2. Comprehension 3. Application Recall information Interpret information in one’s own words Use knowledge or generalization in a new situation arrange name define order duplicate recall label relate list repeat match reproduce memorize classify describe discuss explain express identify indicate locate apply choose demonstrate dramatize employ illustrate interpret 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation Break knowledge into parts and show relationships Bring together parts to form whole and build relationships for new situations Make judgments based on criteria analyze appraise calculate categorize compare contrast criticize diagram arrange assemble collect compose construct create design formulate appraise argue assess attack choose compare defend estimate differentiate discriminate distinguish examine experiment inventory question test report restate review select sort tell translate manage organize plan prepare propose set up synthesize write operate practice prepare schedule sketch solve use evaluate judge predict rate score select support value Morrison, Ross, Kalman, & Kemp (2011) Bloom’s Taxonomy Expanded Performance-Content Matrix Content Performance Recall Application Facts Concepts Principles and Rules Procedures Interpersonal Attitude (Morrison et al., 2011) Norm Referencing • National Communication Association • Field-specific • What does communication competency involve in your field? Components of Learning Outcome Behavior • Create a visual aid Context • for a 3-5 minute speech on treating a health condition Performance criteria • that shows an awareness of patient needs, is visually appealing and communicates treatment options clearly Instruction Activities Assignment s Learning Outcomes • • • • • • • • • • • • Listening Reading Researching Writing Presenting Discussing Designing Building Drawing Graphing Evaluating Defending Etc Developing Assignments • Focus on learning outcomes • What is proper evidence? • Feasible for you? • Feasible for your students? Assignment Description • What will students need to do - Be clear • What are you expecting - Be explicit • Think about your student’s perspective • Get some feedback from Giving Feedback Good teaching requires good listening. • Pre-assess • Periodically check for understanding • How will students know how they are doing? Lesson Planning Task Analysis Terminal Learning Outcomes Employ language that enhances the speaker's credibility, promotes the purpose, and the receiver's understanding. Enabling Learning Outcomes • Define credibility • Identify language that makes speakers appear more credible within a profession • Identify the language that is understood by the audience • Relate professional terminology to audience expectations Task Analysis Terminal Learning Outcomes Communicate in a style appropriate to the professional nurse, through writing, speaking, and group participation. Enabling Learning Outcomes • Choose appropriate technical vocabulary to communicate concepts • Exhibit empathy for patients through nonverbal gestures • Apply standard academic grammar principles to written reports • Determine group members’ perspectives on a topic through active listening and identify points of consensus Developing Activities No magic formula Round the learning cycle Match activity to outcome Learning Strategies Content Facts Concepts Principles and Rules Procedures Interpersonal Attitude Strategies Learning Strategies Content Strategies Facts Drills, lecture, mnemonic devices Concepts Hear/view examples, sort into categories, compare and contrast, lecture, drills Principles and Rules Hear/view examples, complete worked examples, solve a problem, computer simulation, drills, paraphrase Procedures View a demonstration, complete worked examples, solve a problem, computer simulation, list steps, paraphrase, practice Interpersonal View a demonstration, mental rehearsal, roleplaying, computer simulation, practice Attitude Defend a position, mental rehearsal In General • Don’t just do one thing • Carefully sequence activities • This requires: • Clearly defining learning outcomes • Listening to students • Providing feedback One Final Note Evaluation How will you know your class was successful? • Formative Evaluation – ongoing checkpoints • Midterm evaluation • Summative Evaluation – end of semester • Student products? • Student Feedback? • Self-reflection? References Morrison, G.R., Ross, S.M., Kalman, H.K., & Kemp, J.E. (2011). Designing effective instruction. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Shulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 5, 1–22. Questions?