CNP Learning Contract (No Academic Credit)

CNP Learning Contract (No Academic Credit)
Student Name: John Doe
Phone: (859) 222-2222
Street Address: 359 Charlestown St.
City / State / Zip: Lexington, KY 40509
Supervisor’s Name: Jane Doe
Phone: (859) 222-2222
Street Address: 222 W. High Street
City / State / Zip: Lexington, KY 40509
College: College of Communications
Major: Communications
Class Level: Sophomore
Student ID: 0001000100
Internship Start Date: 1/1/15
Internship End Date: 4/29/15
Paid / Unpaid: Unpaid
Semester/Year: Spring 2015
Course: N/A
Credit Hours: N/A
Grade Option: N/A
Total Number of Weeks: 16
Average Hours per Week: 9
Total Hours Worked: 144
Work Schedule: Wednesday mornings 8am12noon (4hrs) and Thursday afternoons
12noon-5pm (5 hrs)
Organization Name: ACME Nonprofit
Describe the duties of your internship (job description):
Purpose: Assist ACME nonprofit in executing its mission by communicating information to media about
its programs and values.
Key Responsibilities:
Support ACME mission through public relations, external media, and other communications
Write feature stories and related articles to submit to local media
Prepare a monthly e-newsletter
Interview disaster response volunteers
Manage social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
Develop communication training for staff and volunteers
Assist with development of campaigns and communications (fact sheets, annual reports, etc.)
List your learning objectives for this internship (What do you expect to learn from this experience?
Objectives should be measurable and achievable):
1. Learn the mechanics and practice of external relations for a nonprofit organization through
media, electronic media, and other communications
2. Learn interviewing techniques for writing pieces for local media
3. Learn how to manage electronic and social media for a nonprofit organization
4. Learn how to develop and implement communication training for staff members
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Conditions of the Agreement:
The internship is related to an educational purpose and there is no guarantee or expectation
that the activity will result in employment with the Organization.
The Intern does not replace or displace any employee of the Organization.
The Intern will receive direct and close supervision by an appropriate supervisor.
If unpaid, Intern is not entitled to wages or any compensation or benefits for the time spent in
the internship.
The Organization and the University of Kentucky (and its affiliated members) are not liable for
injury sustained or health conditions that may arise for the unpaid intern during the course of
the internship.
The Intern specifically agrees to and acknowledges the following:
Organization may at any time in its sole discretion, terminate the internship without notice or
Intern agrees to complete the internship to the best of his/her ability, and will maintain a
regular internship schedule determined by the Intern and their supervisor.
Intern will demonstrate honesty, punctuality, courtesy, cooperative attitude, appropriate dress
and a willingness to learn.
Intern will obey the policies, rules and regulations of the Organization and comply with the
Organization’s business practices and procedures.
Intern will furnish his/her supervisor with all necessary information pertaining to his/her
internship, including related assignments and reports.
Under no circumstances will the Intern terminate the internship without first conferring with
Intern’s supervisor and the UK CNP director.
Transportation to and from the internship site is the responsibility of the Intern.
Intern assumes all of the risks of participating in the internship program.
Student: John Doe
Jane Doe
Organization Supervisor
CNP Director: Todd Stoltzfus
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