Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP Draft Minutes of the 6 IHDP-Scientific Committee Meeting February 27 - March 2, 1998 Bonn 1 th 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 The Scientific Committee met at the Hotel Königshof, Adenauer Allee 9, Bonn. The meeting began with an informal working lunch on Saturday, February 27 in the Rotunda of the hotel. In attendance on February 27: Eckart Ehlers (Chair), Arild Underdal (Vice-Chair), Peter de Jánosi (Treasurer), Carlo Jaeger, Gilberto Gallopin, Anne Whyte, Mauricio Tolmasquim, J.W.M. la Rivière (ICSU), Oran Young (IDGEC), Roland Fuchs (START), Steve Lonergan (GECHS), Larry Kohler (Executive Director), Jill Jäger, (Executive Director Designate), Ramine Shaw and Ike Holtmann (Intern. Science Project Co-ordinators), Laura Siklossy (Administrative Assistant), Renate Duckat and Marcel Braun (Research Assistants). Excused from the meeting: Tyson, Sawyerr, Gates, Opschoor. Chair Eckart Ehlers opened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. in the “Weißer Saal”. He welcomed Jill Jäger (designated Executive Director starting April 1, 1999), Gilberto Gallopin and Carlo Jaeger (new members of the SC), who introduced themselves briefly. SC-IHDP.6/I Agenda and Schedule of Work 22 Decision 23 24 25 The Draft Agenda and Schedule of Work were adopted without amendment. 26 Decision 27 28 The revised and amended Draft Minutes of the 5th Scientific Committee Meeting (March 1998 in Bonn) were adopted as presented. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SC-IHDP.6/II Minutes of the 5th Session SC-IHDP SC-IHDP.6/III Issues for Decision 1)National Human Dimensions Committees The Executive Director reported on the IHDP proposal to ISSC to mobilise “seed money” amounting to US$10K total in 1998 and US$20K total in 1999. These resources are intended for initial networking activities among the national human dimensions researchers under the auspices of the national committees included in the IHDP Directory of the National Human Dimensions Committees and Programmes or potential new Committees/Programmes. Each accepted proposal receives up to US$2000, and to date four specific proposals from the National Committees of Nepal, Vietnam, Ivory Coast and Yemen have been accepted by the Secretariat. Yemen has submitted the final report and inventory of researchers; reports from the others are pending. The general response has been positive and reflects the need in the national human dimensions communities. Bulgaria, Peru and the Philippines have also approached the Secretariat. The current level of support from the IHDP is minimal and an area in which the IHDP would like to increase its contributions significantly. Roland Fuchs noted similarities between START’s capacity building programs and IHDP’s “seed money” initiative and indicated his interest in closer collaboration with the IHDP, especially as START has started to prepare a compilation of national and regional contacts. The SC-IHDP 1 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 48 49 50 recommended the continuation and strengthening of the IHDP effort to support existing and new national committees. Particular emphasis should be placed on encouraging national researchers to collaborate in the implementation of IHDP Science Projects. 51 Decision The SC encouraged the Secretariat to continue to strengthen its efforts in this initiative and to devise appropriate mechanisms for follow-up action. 52 53 54 55 ACTION The Directory of the National Human Dimensions Committees and Programmes should be finalised and printed for distribution at the OSM/6/99 in Japan. 56 57 58 59 60 2a)IHDP Endorsement Policies The SC reviewed and discussed the proposed Endorsement Policies contained in document SC-IHDP.6/III/2a. 61 Decision The IHDP document Annex 1 on Endorsement Policies was adopted unanimously and the Secretariat was asked to circulate it to the SC members and Projects. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 During the discussion Anne Whyte expressed her concern regarding the Secretariat’s delay in circulating the draft document prepared by her and P. S. Ramakrishnan following the last meeting. She that the issue of an “Overarching Theme” continued an immediate and necessary exercise in defining the central mandate and mission of the IHDP and providing the scientific rationale to situate the IHDP within the GEC programmes generally and within the social sciences specifically. This should be a broad statement and distinct from the application of practical endorsement mechanisms. The Secretariat apologised for not having followed up this process. A working group consisting of Anne Whyte, Carlo Jaeger, Peter de Jánosi and Jill Jäger drafted an outline of the future “Overarching Theme” document which is to include:1)a definition of GEC, 2)what the human dimensions of GEC are, 3)the four central questions related to HD, 4)what IHDP is.....and its goals, 5)IHDP’s science projects, 6)IHDP’s structure, 7)HD of GEC wiring diagram. 77 78 79 ACTION The Secretariat should circulate immediately the draft of the “Overarching Theme” to the SC for comments at the beginning of March , and a final version should be available as soon as possible. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 2b)IHDP Guidelines for Project Implementation Plans The SC discussed in detail the document prepared by the Secretariat. The SC stressed, however, that they foresaw a much more evolving document rather than a long and heavy formal text. The view was that every effort should be made to not lose the momentum of the projects but to have a more strategic document(1-3/5) rather than a document covering ten years. 87 Decision IHDP document SC-IHDP.6/III/2b Annex 1, Guidelines for Implementation Plans, was adopted unanimously. 88 2 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Later, during the discussion of the draft LUCC Implementation Plan, the SC stressed that implementation plans are rather “strategies”, and as such “evolving” documents setting out a concrete operational series of interlocking activities. The discussion revealed that networking in the developing countries usually ends with the specific regional workshop or activity organised by the science project. The projects lack the „glue money“ to follow-up and it is difficult to identify pertinent local researchers. It was suggested that the National Committees could act as „post office“ to relay funding requests at regional level. A new model could call for short, annual or 2-year period reports by the science projects on activities, budgets, participants, progress. 104 Timetable 105 106 107 108 109 110 May 1999 Glossy IHDP Brochure as hand-out May 1999 GECHS Science Plan June 1999: IDGEC Science Plan. June 1999: LUCC Implementation Plan June 1999 final version Directory of Funding Opportunities August 1999 IT Science Plan The discussion made clear the need for a clearly defined IHDP Publications Strategy, taking into consideration the following: 1. An IHDP Book Series should be pursued encompassing 1 or 2 top-rate volumes per year, produced professionally with a reputable publisher. 2. The Working Papers series, i.e. “grey literature”, should not be continued by the IHDP Secretariat but taken up by each of the science projects and produced by them, as appropriate. 3. The IHDP web sites should increasingly provide a forum for dissemination of IHDP publications. 4. The IHDP should encourage IHDP researchers to contribute to reputable GEC journals. 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 3)IHDP Publications Since Udo Bünnagel left the IHDP (May 1998), the Secretariat no longer had a half-time specialist available for publications and information issues. The role of editor of the newsletter, UPDATE, has been assigned to Ramine Shaw. The Secretariat envisages the following publications for 1999: 123 124 ACTION The Secretariat should prepare a clearly defined Publications Strategy for review at the next SC session. 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 4)IHDP Secretariat The Executive Director briefly reported on the status of Secretariat staff now composed of the Executive Director, two International Scientific Project Co-ordinators, one Administrative Assistant (all full-time), and two part-time student Research Assistants (each 15 hrs/wk). The new Executive Director, Dr. Jill Jäger, will assume office starting April 1, 1999. There is a priority need for a full-time Deputy Executive Director (DED) to alleviate the representational responsibilities of the ED at networking and scientific meetings, as well as to act as liaison to international, federal, regional and local administrative bodies. Also, due to budget constraints requiring personnel cut-back, the DED would likely need to assume responsibilities now delegated to one of the current Scientific Project Co-ordinators. It was agreed that the DED should reside in Bonn and be selected in a simplified process following an international 3 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 competition. ACTION The Secretariat should produce a job description asap and place the call for applications on the IHDP web page. 5)IHDP-SAC I The mandate from IHDP’s sponsors dictates that the IHDP should hold its first Scientific Advisory Committee meeting with “adhering bodies”. every three years. The IHDP Secretariat officers proposed to hold the meeting back-to-back with the Open Science Meeting in Japan in June 1999 in order to achieve greatest possible attendance and sent out notification end February prior to the SC meeting. The OSM convenors agreed to provide meeting facilities on June 23 from 2 – 6 p.m. The discussion highlighted the following: 1)The time for discussion available was insufficient to be considered a SAC session. Therefore, the proposed meeting should rather be a “consultative”, contact meeting to facilitate initial networking among and between National Committee representatives; a formal, official SAC-I should be convened at a later date. Both sponsors agreed to this proposal. 2)The “Consultative Meeting” on June 23 should include a brief introduction of IHDP with an overview its progress and activities to date, followed by 5-minute presentations by those National Committee representatives already in Japan for the OSM. The IHDP will not provide funding assistance for travel to this consultative meeting in June. 3)The “Consultative Meeting” in June should seek input from the participants on the goals, structure and timing of the future official SAC meeting. 4)When selecting the venue for the official future SAC, the IHDP should try to identify one of the IGFA members who had indicated the possibility of an in-kind country contribution to host an IHDP meeting. 5) 6)Links with UN and others UN The Executive Director reported briefly on past and ongoing efforts to strengthen collaboration with the UN system and especially with UNEP. The SC specifically thanked the Executive Director for his various efforts with Dr. Toepfer/UNEP, and for having mobilised funds from UNEP for the Health and Environment initiative. IACCA The Executive Director will attend the Paris March 10-12, 1999 meeting for one day, in an effort to continue IHDP’s efforts to keep a window of collaboration open in the field of climate impacts and and to contact Gordon McBean re GECHS establishment and funding of the IPO. SC-IHDP.6/VI IHDP Science Projects 1)GECHS Global Environmental Change and Human Security Steve Lonergan reported on progress in the GECHS project regarding funding for the IPO and on the Draft Science Plan in particular, which now includes a more comprehensive component on methodologies, theories and concepts. The SC recommended that now the priorities be placed on implementation rather than on discussing definitions. Lonergan reiterated the value-added of IHDP in terms of mobilising funds. 4 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 186 Timetable 187 188 189 190 191 192 March 1999: The final version of the Draft Science Plan has been submitted to the SC-IHDP for final approval. The SC members have 30 days from March 2, 1999 to respond to the IHDP Secretariat. June 1999: The Co-ordinating Committee will review the comments and, if appropriate, approve the formal text on behalf of the SC. It is hoped to have the published final version of the GECHS Science Plan available for distribution in Japan. 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 ACTION As a formal procedure, the Secretariat should send a cover letter and the final approved version of the Draft Science Plan to the original outside reviewers following final approval by the SC. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. and was immediately followed by a “surprise” reception for Dr. Larry R. Kohler, whose contract terminates end March 1999. ____________________________________ On Sunday, February 28, the Chairman convened the meeting at 8:30 a.m. Present were Roland Fuchs (START) until 10 a.m., Anne Whyte, Eric Lambin (LUCC), P.S. Ramakrishnan, Carlo Jaeger, Maurits la Rivère, Eckart Ehlers (Chair), Arild Underdal (Vice-Chair), Gilberto Gallopin, Peter de Jánosi, Oran Young (IDGEC), Pier Vellinga (IT) at 11:30 a.m., Steve Lonergan (GECHS) until 10 a.m., Mauricio Tolmasquim and from the Secretariat Larry Kohler (ED), Jill Jäger, (ED Designate), Ike Holtmann, Ramine Shaw, Laura Siklossy. SC-IHDP.6/VI Links 7)START Roland Fuchs reported on the START programme and budget. Adequate funding is more and more difficult to mobilise; the standing budget encompasses USD 4 millions including in-kind donations, operational money under USD 1 mio., and research funds of USD 1.5 mio. It was noted that the IHDP could coordinate ENRICH funds for START. There is a definite need for a geo-reference base itemizing where which activitiy has been initiated. The lack of such a database has led to missed opportunities. SC-IHDP.6/VI 6) Selection of SPC/SSC members Criteria The discussion clarified the difference between the Scientific Planning Committee/SPC (involved in programme development) and the Scientific Steering Committee/SSC (involved in mature programme management). It also elucidated the many facetted demands made on the members of those committees, which requires a „critical mass“ i.e. certain size in order to deal with the various networking, disciplinary, regional and thematic issues which arise in the project. It was also reiterated that committee work is voluntary (overtime, weekends, evenings), and that the members „play different roles“ during the various phases of project development. The (large) committees lend visibility to the IHDP. Negative aspects of a large 5 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 committee include the expense of travel and a certain unwieldiness in decision-making. There is no formal „job description“ for committee members, only the expectation that they manage the project as it develops. There was general agreement on the need to specify an „executive board“ within the committee to facilitate the decision-making process (and as a “protective mechanism“ towards the rest of the world), when submitting nominations. The Chairs were requested to submit a one-page „justification“ clarifying the composition of the committee as a “team” and how the criteria are reflected in the nominations. 242 Decision The SC approved document VI/6 with Annexes 1 and 2 subject to the incorporation of amendments which were specified during the discussion. 243 244 245 246 ACTION The Secretariat will incorporate the specified amendments into document VI/6 and Annexes 1 and 2 and circulate all three documents in their final revised form. 247 248 249 250 SC-IHDP.6/VI/ IHDP Science Projects 2)Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (IDGEC) 251 Timetable 252 May 1999: 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 Oran Young reported on the three foci identified for the implementation stage of the project: Focus 1: causality, where he envisages a possible partnership with LUCC; Focus 2: performance, where he envisages possible partnerships, for example related to the issue of “scale” with GEC organsisations; Focus 3: design, where he envisages partnerships focussing on the carbon sequestration regimes. Young invited ideas and reactions from the SC members on the implementation strategy of IDGEC. He introduced a possible slate of 13 for the SSC and the criteria he has followed in making these nominations (disciplinary coverage, scholarly productivity, scientific credibility, links to other projects, links to relevant international organisations, appropriate regional expertise). He urged the SC to make rapid decisions/approval on his slate in order to avoid a slowdown in the project momentum and to be able to convene the first SSC during the OSM in Japan (6/99). 267 Decision The final version of the Draft Science Plan will be published by the Secretariat. The SC unanimously approved Oran Young as the Chair of the SSC-IDGEC, who is now officially an ex officio member of the SC. 268 269 ACTION The SC agreed that the Executive Director and the Project Chair should devise a slate of nominees. The Secretariat should approach each nominee, asking formally if he/she would be willing to join the SSC and requesting CVs. The list of nominees, their CVs and a one page „team justification“ from the SSC Chair should be distributed by the Secretariat to the SC members for approval. 270 271 SC-IHDP.6/VI IHDP Science Projects 6 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 4)Land Use and Land Cover Change (LUCC) 283 Decision Eric Lambin reported on the development of the LUCC Implementation Plan, which is still under revision. The IGBP has approved the Plan on the condition that its four reviewers agree with the revisions and that the IHDP also gives its approval. Lambin reviewed how the SC should now go forward to finalize the Draft. It was suggested that the term „Plan“ should be replaced by „Strategy“, as it is actually an evolving, bottom-up process and not a rigid advance planning structure. A working group consisting of João Morais, P.S. Ramakrishnan, Eric Lambin, Eckart Ehlers and Larry Kohler met to review the IHDP’s comments and to establish a procedure and schedule for the final review and approval of the Draft Implementation Plan. The SC appointed a sub-committee consisting of Ramakrishnan, Ehlers and Lambin to review all comments received on the Draft Implementation Plan for inclusion within the Draft, which will then be revised and submitted to the Secretariat in a final version by March 22, 1999. 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 SC-IHDP.6/VI IHDP Science Projects 3)Industrial Transformation (IT) Pier Vellinga, Chair of the SPC, presented three documents: a Summary of Regional Workshops, the Draft Science Plan and the Research Directions. He reported on the reformulation of the IT project goals and aims and the identification of seven research themes, which are reflected in the Draft Science Plan as a direct result of the process of regional workshops and the Open Meeting in February 1999. The Draft Science Plan was now ready for the review process by the SC. Given the extensive consultative process already carried out, the SC agreed it was not necessary to require further outside review. The SC expressed concern about the broad scope of the Science Plan and the number (7) of core projects and indicated that it would be necessary to set priorities within the Science Plan and Implementation Strategy. Vellinga requested that a (at least preliminary) published version of the final Science Plan be available for dissemination at the OSM in Japan (6/99). Decision Mauricio Tolmasquim, liaison for the IT project, was selected to head the sub-committee consisting of Jill Jäger, Larry Kohler and Pier Vellinga to oversee a simplified and rapid review process of the DSP. 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 Timetable March: 1 April: 20 April: 15 May: June IT collects comments and incorporates them into the DSP. Deadline for all comments from SC members to the Bonn Secretariat which should forward them for simplified review to sub-committee of 3. the revised DSP is circulated within the SPC-IT for comment. the DSP is submitted to the Secretariat for circulation among the Co-ordinating Committee for approval, if appropriate, on behalf of the SC. published version of the DSP for dissemination at the OSM in Japan (6/99). 310 311 Decision The SC unanimously endorsed Pier Vellinga as Chair of the future SPC, effective as soon as 7 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP the DSP is approved. They also indicated that the SSC should reflect a balance between project and more independent specialists in the field. 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 Vellinga agreed to continue as Chair, assuming that funding from the Dutch government is forthcoming for the IPO by the Fall. The SC requested that he propose a slate of nominees for the SPC. The Secretariat should approach each nominee, asking formally if he/she would be willing to join the SSC and requesting CVs. The list of nominees, their CVs and a one page „team justification“ from the Project Chair should be distributed by the Secretariat to the SC members for approval. The meeting was adjourned at 6 p.m. ____________________________ 330 ACTION???????????????????? The meeting was convened on Monday, March 1 at 8:30 a.m. Present were Anne Whyte, Eric Lambin, P.S. Ramakrishnan, Carlo Jaeger, Maurits de la Rivière, Berrien Moore, Eckart Ehlers, Arild Underdal, Peter de Jánosi, Oran Young, Mauricio Tolmasquim, Joao Morais (p.m.) and from the Secretariat Larry Kohler, Jill Jäger (ED Designate), Ike Holtmann, Ramine Shaw, Laura Siklossy (11 a.m.). SC-IHDP.6/VI IHDP Science Projects 5)IPOs and Foci Offices The Secretariat will provide a document outlining the function and relationships of these offices 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 SC-IHDP.6/VII IHDP Initiatives and Activities 1)Open Science Meeting in Japan Jill Jäger reported briefly on the planning progress and current status of the Shonan meeting. Environment and health and integrated assessments are areas which are poorly represented at the meeting. The role of the IHDP in future Open Meetings was discussed 2)International Human Dimensions Workshop Action The SC endorsed START/IHDP workshop co-sponsorship in future and requested that the Secretariat . The next IHDW will take place in 2000 in Bonn. 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 Ramine Shaw ???? reported???? The IHDP should take an active role in capacity building in future, and this should be reflected in the Mission Statement. The funding in future should not come out of the core IHDP funds; instead alternative funding must be found. A comprehensive follow-up strategy must de developed for the future. 3)CLIMAG This meeting is scheduled for June 21-23 in Geneva. Anne Whyte was requested to participate on behalf of the IHDP. 4)ENRICH Projects 8 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 5)Environment and Health 6)Environment Across Cultures Conference 7) to 11):?????? 12)Possible New Initiatives IHDP-DIS Workshop LUCC has detailed experience in establishing this type of initiative. ACTION???????????????????? A sub-committee was established to prepare a position paper for the IHDP on this issue composed of Lambin, Vellinga, Lonergan, Young and one SC member. 375 376 Euro-Symposium on Human Choice and Climate Change 377 Decision???????????????????? The IHDP should applaud this initiative but not be actively involved in any way. 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 SC-IHDP.6/VIII IHDP Sponsors 1)ISSC a)World Social Science Report (WSSR) 385 Decision???????????????????? This document should be circulated to a more broad scientific community for comments and feedback. 386 387 388 389 390 2)ICSU World Science Conference Maurits la Rivière reported briefly on the status of the conference, indicating that ICSU was dealing with heavy bureaucratic obstacles. 391 Decision???????????????????? Arild Underdal was asked to attend on behalf of IHDP. 392 393 394 395 9 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 SC-IHDP.6/VIII IHDP Sponsors 2b)ICSU Grants 2000 Larry Kohler reported that the IHDP initiated a collaborative proposal with IGU and HED to procure an ICSU grant under this programme of USD 100,000 for 1999. This initiative on Health and the Environment is under the active leadership of Prof. Mark Rosenberg of Queen’s University, Ontario. It was agreed that the IHDP would not, at this time, engage in any new initiatives requiring an application for these funds, which end in 2000. The Project Chairs and SSCs were urged to take advantage of this opportunity if their project activities fit the prerequisites set out for an application, and the IHDP Secretariat would offer every assistance. SC-IHDP.6/IX Partner GEC Programmes 1)IGBP Berrien Moore reported that the IGBP Systhesis Process will be the focus of the upcoming IGBP Congress May 6-13 in Tokyo. The IGBP is „taking stock“ of their five mature projects (IGAC, PAGES, BAHC, GCTE, ???????), three younger projects (LOICZ, GLOBEC, LUCC) and other elements (DIS, GAIM) to discover overarching themes. At this time, the focus is on the interface between the atmosphere and the ocean surface and the interface between the atmosphere and the human element, i.e. megacities. Two newer activities 1)carbon cycle and 2)water are emerging on which IGBP invites active collaboration with WCRP and IHDP: The respective working group leaders have been asked to actively seek collaboration with IHDP projects. In the short-term, a 50-page paper on the carbon cycle will be published (6/99), and longer termed initiatives are planned. A direct output of the Synthesis Process will be a book of the planet conveying knowledge, questions and problems as „informed uncertainties“. An IGBP integration task team has been formed for the book initiatve, and integration of a member of the IHDP is possible. A communication strategy is being developed to maximize the outreach (educational, to interested public and policy-makers) through various media including film. IGBP is very concerned about the status of DIVERSITAS and would like to be actively involved in any collaborative support. The IGBP will not actively pursue any new mountain region initiative at this time, although they intend to keep the dialogue going into the future. Timetable May 1999 June/July 2001 IGBP Congress IGBP Open Meeting in Amsterdam; final draft of book of the planet 2)DIVERSITAS Two DIVERSITAS initiatives 1)June 1999 Workshop on Biodiversity and 2)International Biodiversity Observation Year (IBOY) were discussed. It was agreed that the IHDP should have a clearly defined constructive position of support for DIVERSITAS in general, but in particular the Workshop should be delayed (possibly 10/99) in order to allow for proper preparation. The Chairs and Directors in August 1998 agreed to active collaboration after DIVERSITAS had found solid financial backing. 5)IAI/APN/ENRICH IAI has recently offered IHDP „associate member status“. This issue and its implications for the IHDP were discussed. The IAI has a good network in the natural sciences and the IHDP should explore cautiously possible points of interest with the IAI while avoiding less constructive involvement. It should also pose the question “What can the IAI do for IHDP?”. 10 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 445 Decision The SC encouraged the Executive Director to continue the dialogue with IAI and to offer assistance in a brokerage role only. 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 APN Larry Kohler reported that the IHDP enjoys ongoing good relations with the APN, which has supported various IHDP activities, i.e. Workshop on Water and Human Security in South East Asia and Oceania and preparatory workshops within the region for IT. The Secretariat was asked to contribute comments and input to APN for their development of an APN Strategic Plan. EU/ENRICH Larry Kohler reported on IHDP relations with ENRICH, which was successful in securing funding – directly or indirectly - for the following initiatives: a)IHDP-IDGEC: Workshop in Stockholm 12/97 towards developing the Science Plan. b)IHDP-IT: Regional Workshops and one Open Meeting towards developing the Science Plan. c)IHDP-NHDP: EU Symposium and two Regional Workshops towards exchanging research results, data and experience between national human dimensions programmes. d)NES: Network on Environment and Security, a collaborative effort under the leadership of Prof. Michael Redclift (Keele University, UK) and involving IHDP-GECHS. The IHDP has submitted a proposal to the EU to secure an additional DM50,000/25,500 EUROs in funding as a contribution to travel and subsistence expenses. 6)Chairs and Directors Meeting DIVERSITAS is official host of the 1999 Chairs and Directors Meeting. Berrien Moore suggested meeting back-to-back with the IUGG in July in Birmingham/UK. Possible date to be confirmed: July 21/22, 1999. SC-IHDP.6/IV Financial Matters ACTION The Secretariat should send letters of thanks to all guests who attended the March 1 dinner. 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 Larry Kohler gave a brief overview of the IHDP financial status, mentioning that the German contribution (BMBF + NRW + University of Bonn), which brought the IHDP to Bonn, still remains the major source of funding, followed by American contributors (NSF, COSSA). He indicated that the prognosis for a 3-year prolongation of BMBF core funding beyond October 31, 1999 was quite good – the IHDP Secretariat submitted a proposal in December 1998 but approval is still pending. Substantial funding from BMBF beyond October 2002 is not very likely. The state government of Northrhine-Westfalia renewed its 1998 contribution (DM 50,000) in 1999 (DM 100,000), and the University of Bonn is continuing to offer office space, communication services and administrative backup free of charge. The role of IGFA in the IHDP development was reviewed briefly: The 1998 IGFA assessment of the IHDP was finally articulated in a very positive form in the Executive Summary and IGFA sent a formal letter to its members, asking for an indication of their support to the IHDP a)core resources, b) IPOs, c)for developing country researchers, or d)in-kind. The responses were overwhelmingly disappointing – if at all, with “strings attached” i.e. non-fungible funds - 11 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP 490 491 492 and the financial outlook for IHDP core funding is dire. The IHDP should take advantage of a meeting between Uno Svedin and Hansvolker Ziegler (BMBF) on March 17 in Bonn. 493 Decision The SC agreed that 1)the disappointment in IGFA’s efforts on behalf of the IHDP should be articulated formally in writing while maintaining diplomacy; 2)the Executive Director should actively and personally approach the new Chair of IGFA (K. Broch-Mathison) to report on IHDP progress, seeking a frank discussion and soliciting IGFA support; 3)the Secretariat should follow IGFA recommendation to approach all known national committees with a letter soliciting membership dues; 4)SC members should actively lobby to mobilise funding through targeted visits; 5)The IHDP should address other regions – China, Japan, India, Brazil – in an effort to move away from the EU-US axis. 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 The Treasurer presented Budget Tables 1-4 and indicated that the proposed ideal budget expenditures for 1999 exceeded the proposed income for 1999. The SC could not approve an unbalanced budget, and the Treasurer presented expenditure cuts in several categories, resulting in a proposed budget for 1999 which is balanced but which also severely reduces IHDP programme flexibility, especially for new initiatives or emergencies. The Treasurer strongly urged the SC members to consider new ways and channels to mobilise core funding and to assume a more active role in approaching IGFA, private foundations, the UN and others. A final discussion of financial issues was adjourned to the following day. 504 Decision The SC agreed that 1)the Secretariat will revise Table 1 to reflect a balanced, “reality strikes” budget to be distributed to the SC members; 2)the Executive Director will decide how best to utilise any additional funds (NRW, etc.), i. a. to generate or support new initiatives; 3)the IHDP should continue to refrain from borrowing money. 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 The formal meeting was adjourned early and the working groups (LUCC, Overarching Theme) met for discussion. _____________________________ The meeting was convened on March 2, 1999 at 8:30 a.m. Present were Anne Whyte, Jill Jäger, João Morais, Maurits la Rivière, Eckart Ehlers, Arild Underdal, Peter de Jánosi, Kurt Pawlik, Oran Young, Mauricio Tolmasquim and from the Secretariat Larry Kohler, Ramine Shaw, Ike Holtmann and Laura Siklossy. SC-IHDP.6/IV Financial Matters 4)Voluntary Membership Contribution Scheme Decision 12 Top Copy 6th SC-IHDP The SC approved the proposed scale of voluntary contributions and the Membership Contribution Scheme. 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 The SC encouraged the Secretariat to 1)send annual invoices for membership contributions and to publish individual donor figures and to 2)send informal invitations to representatives of possible donors to observe IHDP workshops, activities, open meetings, in order to make the IHDP programme visible and transparent – and worthy of funding. The discussion highlighted the following: a)A need to broaden the base of donors in order to avoid “restricted internationalism”, b)A need to encourage increments in individual contributions, c)A need to stress the need for flexible, “no strings attached” core funding. 534 ACTION SC-IHDP.6/V Nomination of Candidates for the Scientific Committee The present SC includes members from Brazil, Argentina, Switzerland, Canada, Holland, Germany, Norway, Ghana, India and the US. The Committee must be strengthened and broadened, setting Southeast Asian representation as a priority. A new Chair will be needed 2001. The SC appointed a sub-committee composed of Underdal, Jäger and either Gallopin or Jaeger to examine this issue. 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 SC-IHDP.6/X Looking Forward The discussion set several priorities for the next 36 months and concluded that the agenda item “Looking Forward” should be set at the beginning of the next SC-IHDP meeting in order to ignite a discussion on future IHDP foci: 1)concentration on moving the science projects into the implementational/operational stage, which implies restricting new initiatives while continuing to develop synergies with other GEC colleagues and within projects; 2)strengthened effort to develop links to and enter dialogue with policy-makers, which implies synthesising IHDP research results: 3)remain aware of state-of-the-art in research activities on e.g., food, water, health and urbanisation, , and remain open to collaborate as much as possible, i.e. out of existing projects or between projects, i.e. IGBP/megacities, water; 4)as the current science projects are nearing a mature stage, the IHDP should begin to take a longer-term view of future concrete initiatives and involve social scientists, natural scientists and national committees in the discussion. The SC-IHDP agreed to two tentative dates for the next Session: February 25-28 or March 24-27, 2000. (first choice) The Secretariat asks you to email your availability asap. 558 559 13