AP Case Study Overview Barbara Ericson March 2006

AP Case Study Overview
Barbara Ericson
March 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology
Learning Goals
• Understand the case-study design and
– What is the purpose of the case study?
– What are the classes?
– How to extend the case study?
– What is good about the design?
– How to study for the exam?
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• Provide a larger example of an object-oriented
– To use
• Run the program
• Look at the code and modify it
– To learn from
• An example of good design, documentation, and code
• Discuss design issues
– To extend
• Deepen understanding of inheritance and
polymorphism by using them to extend a program
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Example Simulation
• A simulation of a realworld environment
– A simulation of fish in
a lake
• Job simulation
– Master / apprentice
• Pat is learning from
Jamie about how to do
Object-Oriented design
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Setting the Stage
• Pat, gets a summer job programming for
marine biologists
• Needs to modify an existing program
written by Jamie
– Runs the program
– Tries to understand it
– Designs, codes, and tests modifications
– The narrative is her report
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What is in the Case Study?
• Source and class files for main
– Jar files for other classes
– In Code directory
• Narrative
– Report by Pat
– In Narrative directory
• Data files for setting up
– In DataFiles directory
• Javadoc html documentation
– In Documentation directory
• How to run in several
development environments
– In ExecutionInformation
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Narrative Chapters
1. Pat’s exploration
Run the program
Think about what is happening
2. Explanation of the classes by Jamie
3. Modifying behavior
Adding breeding and dying
4. Adding inheritance (specialization)
Adding slow and darter fish
5. Modifying the environment
Unbounded environment
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What is the Goal of the Program?
• “I worked on a simulation of fish moving in
a relatively small body of water, such as a
– First fish can only move
– Later the fish can breed and die (Chapter 3)
– Later add slow fish and darter fish (Chapter 4)
– Later add other environments (Chapter 5)
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Chapter 1 - Exploration
• Run the main methods in the simple
– SimpleMBSDemo1, SimpleMBSDemo2
• Underline the nouns and verbs in the
specification on the next slide
• Do a walk-through with students acting as
fish (blindfolded) and the environment
– Who does what?
• Use CRC cards to determine the Classes
you might need
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Chapter 1 – Analysis Exericse
• The marine biology simulation case study
is a simulation program designed to help
marine biologists study fish movement in a
small, bounded environment such as a
lake or bay.
– For modeling purposes, the biologists think of
the environment as a rectangular grid, with
fish moving from cell to cell in the grid. Each
cell contains zero or one fish.
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Fish in a Bounded Environment
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Exploring the Code – Chapter 2
• In this chapter you get a guided tour of the
• What are the main classes and interfaces?
– Simulation, Fish, Environment
• What other classes and interfaces are
– Locatable, Location, Direction, EnvDisplay,
RandNumGenerator, Debug
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Simulation Class
• A simulation of fish
would need a
simulation class
– To set up the
simulation objects
– To run the simulation
• Usually a simulation will
take place over time
• So we need something
to say that a unit of time
has passed
– A simulation time step
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Fish Class
• A simulation of fish
would require a Fish
– What data does a fish
need to know about
– What can fish do?
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BoundedEnvironment Class
• A simulation of fish in a
bounded environment
like a lake or bay
– Does it matter if it is a
lake or bay?
– What is a boundedenvironment?
– What data does the
environment need to
know about?
– What can an
environment do?
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The First Simple Simulation
• Create a bounded environment with a
number of rows and columns
• Create the fish and set their locations
• Create the display class to display the
– SimpleMBSDisplay
• Loop and tell each of the objects in the
simulation to do something each time
through the loop
– Update the display to show the changes
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The Second Simple Simulation
• The driver
– Creates an
Environment object
– Creates Fish objects
– Creates an EnvDisplay
• SimpleMBSDisplay
– Creates a Simulation
– Loops sending the
step message to the
simulation object
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What happens during a step?
Fish object
allObjec ts
is Empty
ge tDirection
ne ighborsOf
dire ction
is InEnv
ac t
dire ction
is InEnv
Fish object
ge tNeighbor
(pa rtial list of
ste p
Fish object
Fish object
ac t
dire ction
is InEnv
ac t
dire ction
is InEnv
ac t
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Step Method
public void step()
// Get all the fish in the environment and ask each
// one to perform the actions it does in a timestep.
Locatable[] theFishes = theEnv.allObjects();
for ( int index = 0; index < theFishes.length; index++ )
Debug.println("———— End of Timestep ————");
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Debug Class
• Used to handle messages for debugging
– You can turn on debugging messages
• turnOn()
– You can turn off debugging messages
• turnOff()
– You can print messages when debugging is
• print(message) or println(message)
– You can restore the previous state
• restoreState()
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Step Method Exercise
• Why is the return type from the method
allObjects() an array of Locatable objects?
– Look at the Fish.java class
– Look at the Locatable Javadoc documentation
• Why do you need to cast to Fish before
you send the message act?
– Do Locatable objects have an act method?
• Why do you need to send the message
showEnv() to the EnvDisplay object?
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What happens in the act method?
• Originally it checks that the fish is in the
– And if so sends the fish the move message
• The move method invokes nextLocation() to get
the new location to move to
– which works with environment to get a random next
location from the empty neighbors
» Removes the location behind the fish
• It checks if the new location is different from the
old location
– If so it calls changeLocation to do the move
– It gets the new direction to face from the environment
– It calls changeDirection to use the new direction
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Fish and Environment
• Fish and environment
have a bi-directional
– A fish keeps track of the
environment it is in
– The environment keeps
track of the Locatable
objects in it
– Fish are locatable objects
• When a fish object is
– It asks the environment to
add the fish
• When a fish object moves
– It needs to update the
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The Move Method
/** Moves this fish in its environment.
protected void move()
// Find a location to move to.
Debug.print("Fish " + toString() + " attempting to move. ");
Location nextLoc = nextLocation();
// If the next location is different, move there.
if ( ! nextLoc.equals(location()) )
// Move to new location.
Location oldLoc = location();
// Update direction in case fish had to turn to move.
Direction newDir = environment().getDirection(oldLoc, nextLoc);
Debug.println(" Moves to " + location() + direction());
Debug.println(" Does not move.");
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Move Method Exercise
• Why does the fish have to work with the environment
object to figure out where to move to?
– Why does the fish class determine which neighbors are
• When does the environment record that the fish changed
• Why are the locations checked to be equal using
equals() not ==?
• Why does the environment determine the new direction
for the fish to face?
• Why doesn’t the code check if the new direction is
different from the old direction before changing it?
• Why can’t fish go backwards?
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Partial Class Diagram
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Location Class
• Stores row and column information
– Implements Comparable
• A location is less than another
location when it is above
and to the left of the other
– Overrides equals
• True if the row and column
values are the same
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Direction Class
• Represents a
– Has constants for the
compass directions
– Can also create using
• 0 is North
• 90 is East
– Can get a new
• toRight, toLeft, reverse
– Overrides equals
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RandNumGenerator Class
• Class used to create and hold a pseudorandom number generator
– java.util.Random
• Used to pick something
– The color for a fish
– The location to move to
• Used to get consistent results
– Especially if you use the same seed
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Interfaces Used
• Locatable (object with a location)
– Has a method to get a location
– Used to allow you to put other types of objects in an
• Environment (tracks locatable objects in a grid)
– Has methods to add and return Locatable objects
– Has methods to get neighbors of a location
• Including a method to get a neighbor in a direction
– Has methods to get the direction between two locations
– Used to allow you to change the environment class (like
switch to unbounded environment)
• EnvDisplay (display an environment)
– Has a method to show the environment
– Used to allow different display classes
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Adding Breeding and Dying – Ch 3
• Problem Specification: A fish should ...
– have a 1 in 7 chance of breeding,
– breed into all empty neighboring locations,
– attempt to move when it does not breed,
– never move backwards, and
– have a 1 in 5 chance of dying after it has bred
or moved.
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Modified Act Algorithm
If this fish isn’t in the environment return
if a random number from 0-1 is in 1/7 range
try to breed into all empty neighbors
If breeding failed
try to move to an empty neighbor
but still can’t move backwards
If a random number from 0-1 is in 1/5 range
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Breed Algorithm
• Get a list of empty neighboring locations
• For each location in the list
– Create a new fish at that location
• Use the same environment as the parent
• Remember than the constructor for fish adds the
fish to the environment
• Use the same color as the parent
• To make it easier for subclasses to create
a child that is the same type
– Use a protected method generateChild(loc)
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Die Algorithm
• The only reference to a fish object is in the
– So remove the fish from the environment
• Sets the reference to the fish to null
– Then it can be garbage collected whenever
garbage collection runs
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Breeding and Dying Exercise
• How would you handle increasing the
odds that a fish will die as it ages?
• How would you handle requiring a male
and female to be in close contact before a
female fish can breed?
– How about if a fish has to be a certain age
before it can breed?
• How would you randomly assign the dying
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Advanced Simulations
– Open, create, edit and
save environment files
using the File menu
– Modify the random
number generation
using the Seed menu
– Modify what Run does
with the Run menu
– Zoom in or out with the
View menu
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Edit the Environment
• In the File menu click
Edit environment
• You can add new fish
by picking the type of
fish and color
– and then clicking in a
grid location
– You can save the
result as an
environment file
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Adding New Types of Fish – Chapter 4
• Darter Fish
– A darter fish darts two cells forward if both the first
and second cells in front of it are empty. If the first cell
is empty but the second cell is not, then the darter fish
moves forward only one space. If the first cell is not
empty, then the darter reverses its direction but does
not change its location.
• Slow Fish
– A slow fish moves so slowly that, even when it does
not breed, it only has a 1 in 5 chance of moving.
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Using Inheritance
• Darter Fish and Slow Fish are both types
of Fish
– They meet the substitution test
– They have the same attributes and operations
• But they specialize behavior
– So some methods will be overridden
• What method or methods would you override for
each new type of Fish?
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Darter Fish Changes
• Change the definition of nextLocation
– If the two locations ahead are both empty
• Return the location two positions ahead
– If the location just one ahead is empty but the next is filled
• Return the location one ahead
– If the first position ahead is filled
• Return the current location
• In move if the new location equals the current location
– Reverse the direction
• Modify generateChild to create a DarterFish
• Create constructors using super() to initialize inherited
private fields
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Darter Fish and Dynamic Binding
• The DarterFish class
needs to override
move, nextLocation,
and generateChild
– When a DarterFish
object gets an act
message it doesn’t
find one in DarterFish
so it calls the one in
– When it needs to
move it calls the one in
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Slow Fish Changes
• Add an attribute that represents the
probability of moving
– 1/5 chance
• Modify the nextLocation method to only
move to a random empty neighbor
– If a random number is in the 1/5 range
• Modify generateChild to create a SlowFish
• Create constructors
– Using super to initialize inherited fields
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Slow Fish and Dynamic Binding
• The SlowFish class
needs to override
nextLocation and
– When a SlowFish object
gets an act message it
doesn’t find one in
SlowFish so it calls the
one in Fish
– When it needs the
nextLocation it uses the
one from SlowFish
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Fish Types Exercise
• What would you need to do to create fish
that swam only diagonally?
• What would you need to do to create fish
that never die?
• What would you need to do to create fish
that only stay at the bottom two rows of
the environment?
• What would you need to do to create fish
that only have one baby?
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Adding Environment Types – Ch 5
• The original code used a BoundedEnv
– Represents a rectangular bounded
environment like a lake or a bay
• Pat is asked to add an UnboundedEnv
– To represent a much larger area like an ocean
– To represent areas that are not rectangular
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BoundedEnv Class
• Has a 2d array of Locatable objects
– Fast to check if a location is empty or get an
object at a location
• array[loc.row()][loc.col()]
– Slow to create an array of all objects
• Has to loop through the 2d array and if there is an
object at that location add it to the array to return
• Inherits from SquareEnvironment
– Abstract class that defines an environment
with square cells
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UnboundedEnv Class
• Stores a list of objects in the environment
– As an ArrayList
• Takes up less space for large environments
– No space saved for “empty” locations
– Slow to find an object at a location
• Must search the list to see if any of the objects are
at the location
– Fast to return an array of all objects in the list
• Can use toArray()
• Inherits from SquareEnvironment
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Array versus ArrayList
Fixed size once created
Can grow and shrink
Can contain objects and
Can only contain objects
Must declare element type
Element type is object
Fish[] myArray = new
ArrayList myList = new
myArray[index] = new
myList.add(new Fish(loc));
Fish f = myArray[index];
Fish f = (Fish)
for ( int k = 0;
for ( int k = 0; k < myList.size();
k++ )
k < myArray.length;
k++ )
myArray[index]); Georgia Institute of Technology
UnboundedEnv Details
• Returns -1 for the number of rows and columns
since it is unbounded
– Another idea would have been to move that out of the
interface and into BoundedEnv
• Must search through the ArrayList for
– Compare the current object’s location to the passed
loc using equals
• Checks that there isn’t more than one object at
the old or new location
– For recordMove()
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Running with UnboundedEnv
• Use data files from
• The display will show
the fish with 0,0 at the
top left
– You can use the scroll
bars to see the fish
that have moved
beyond the original
display area
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UnboundedEnv Exercises
• The same data file will result in different
fish configurations for a BoundedEnv
versus the UnboundedEnv
– And not just because there is no boundary so
there are more places to move to
• Do a fish simulation with students acting
as fish
– And change the order they are asked to move
• Do they end up in the same location after each
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Extensions to UnboundedEnv
• Modify UnboundedEnv to make it easy to
find an object at a location
– Use a java.util.TreeMap which maps a
Location object to a Locatable object
– And still keeps the keys in sorted order by
• What is the performance difference for
• Do you get more consistent test behavior?
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Map Interfaces and Classes
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Map Methods
• Add an value to the map for the key
Object put(Object key,Object value); // optional
• Get a value for a key
Object get(Object key);
• Remove the value with the key
Object remove (Object key); // optional
• Check if the key is in the map
boolean containsKey(Object key);
• Check if the value is in the map
boolean containsValue(Object value);
• Remove all objects from the map
void clear();
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Looping Through a Map
• Get a set of the keys
Set keySet = map.keySet();
• Get an iterator on the key set
Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator();
• Loop till no more items in the iterator
while (iterator.hasNext())
key = (String) iterator.next();
value = (String) map.get(key);
System.out.println(“key is “ + key + “ value is “ + value;
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Which Collection Should you Use?
• List - objects in order with duplicates allowed
– ArrayList - not thread-safe so fastest
– Vector - thread-safe
– LinkedList - best when frequent insertions and
deletions in the list
• Set - no order and no duplicates allowed
– HashSet - not sorted
– TreeSet - sorted based on Comparable interface
• Map
– HashMap - not thread-safe
– Hashtable - thread-safe
– TreeMap - keys are sorted
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What is good about the case study?
• Models good design, documentation, and
coding practices
• Larger group of classes than students
often encounter
– So plenty to learn from
• Uses a compelling problem
– Creating a simulation for scientist
• Context for design discussions
– Students learn by changing existing code
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Studying for the Exam
• Know the classes and their responsibilities
• Understand the code for the relevant classes
• Understand how Fish and Environment work
– What happens when fish are created, move, breed,
and die
• Understand how to create subclasses of Fish
• Understand the design decisions and tradeoffs
• Understand inheritance and polymorphism
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Graphical User Interface Help
• Click on Help and
then Help again
• Contains instructions
for customizing the
– Change how fish are
– Add new types of fish
– Add new types of
– Add a menu to control
breeding and dying
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• The case study is provided as an example
of a larger, well designed object-oriented
– With distributed responsibility
– With interfaces to allow different classes to be
“plugged-in” by implementing the interfaces
– With extensions to fish and environment
• Promotes design discussion and nontrivial test questions
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