AP Psychology Syllabus 2015/2016 Livingston High School

AP Psychology Syllabus 2015/2016
Livingston High School
Teacher: Mrs. Joanna Sima
Email: jsima@livingston.org
Homebase: A110
About AP Psychology
Why should you study psychology? This is a question we will be informally answering
throughout the year. As you begin to learn more about psychology, you will begin to ask yourself
“ why would anyone NOT study psychology?”. As we delve through the various topics, you will
find yourself gaining a greater appreciation for the scientific process, the variety in human
biology and behavior, and the complexity of human thought. This journey will be one that will
be difficult at times but hopefully will be fulfilling in the end as you develop an understanding of
the processes governing your own thoughts and behavior as well as that of others.
The Advanced Placement test for AP Psychology is on Monday, May 2nd, 2016 at 12
noon. Students will have the opportunity to gain as much as 3 college credits (depending on the
college/university). This AP Psychology course is College Board Certified and audited. The
course is demanding and quickly paced. Each unit will include study review readings,
reading/vocab quizzes, additional homework such as webquests, classroom demonstrations of
psychological phenomena, application activities, and a test that mirrors the AP Test model . The
course will also focus on the AP Psychology writing component of the test which features a
scientific method of writing, much different from traditional English or History classes.
About the AP Test for Psychology:
The AP Psychology Exam includes a 70-minute 100 question multiple-choice section that
accounts for two- thirds of the exam grade and a 50-minute free-response section made up of
two questions that accounts for one- third of the exam grade.
Multiple-choice scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are
not deducted for incorrect answers, and no points are awarded for unanswered questions.
Because points are not deducted for incorrect answers, students are encouraged to answer all
multiple-choice questions. On any questions students do not know the answer to, students
should eliminate as many choices as they can, and then select the best answer among
the remaining choices.
Free-response questions are an appropriate tool for evaluating a student’s mastery of
scientific research principles and ability to make connections among constructs from different
psychological domains (e.g., development, personality, learning). Students may be asked to
analyze a general problem in psychology (e.g., depression, adaptation) using concepts from
different theoretical frameworks or subdomains in the field, or to design, analyze, or critique a
research study.
Myers’ Psychology for AP by David G. Myers (2nd. Edition)
Other Resources
Hock, R. (2009). Forty Studies that Changed Psychology: Explorations into the History of
Psychological Research (6th ed.). Michigan: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Topics Studied
Topic 1: Foundations of Psychological Research (10-14%)
Approximately 12 days
Myers Unit 1 pgs 1-7
Myers Unit 2 pg 38-69
Unit Questions: To what extent can the soft science of psychology be distinguished from its
philosophical roots?
Essential Questions:
What is the science of psychology and its historical origins?
Who are some famous psychologists?
What is meant by approaches, perspectives and schools of thought in psychology?
What are psychology’s subfields and what careers are available?
How important is critical thinking for good science?
What research methods and experimental design are used in social science?
What controls can reduce researcher bias?
What are the ethical guidelines that govern research?
What statistics are used to analyze research?
What are the purposes and basic concepts of statistics?
Topic 2: Social Psychology (8-10%)
Approximately 9 days
Myers Unit 14: pages 753-820
Unit Question:To what extent are social behaviors learned?
Essential Questions:
How do social conditions affect our judgment and attitudes?
How do cultural affiliations affect behavior?
How can prejudice lead to discrimination?
How do social situations influence behavior?
What are famous studies with human subjects that influenced the ethics of social psychology?
What psychological principles influence attraction and relationships?
Topic 3: Biological Bases of Behavior (8-10%)
Approximately 9 days
Myers Unit 3: pages 75-149
Unit Question:To what extent do biological systems determine human behavior?
Essential Questions:
How has understanding of the brain changed over time?
What are the localized functions of brain areas?
How can behavior be explained according to brain structures involved?
How do neurons function?
What is the structure and function of the nervous system?
How do the ear and eye aid in the processing of brain activity?
What is the structure and function of the endocrine system?
How do genetic variations in the brain impact overall functioning?
Topic 4: Sensation and Perception (6-8%)
Approximately 7 days
Myers Unit 4: pages 150-216
Unit Question:To what extent can an individual be aware of his or her surroundings?
Essential Questions:
To what extent is an individual understands of the external world dependent on sensory
How does sensation differ from perception?
What are human perceptual tendencies and how can they create illusions?
How do different bodily senses function?
Topic 5: Consciousness(2-4%)
Approximately 3 days
Myers Unit 5: pages 217-261
Unit Question:To what extent can an individual be aware of his or her surroundings?
Essential Questions:
What is consciousness and what meant by an altered state of consciousness?
What is the nature of sleep and why do we need it?
How do different theories explain why we dream?
To what extent can an individual’s consciousness be directed?
How do psychoactive drugs affect consciousness?
Topic 6: Learning and Cognition (15-19%)
Approximately 17 days
Myers Unit 6: pages 262-315;
Myers Unit 7: pages 316-388
Unit Question:To what extent are learning and cognition a biological basis of behavior?
Essential Questions:
How do learning theories explain how we learn?
How does culture affect learning?
To what extent does observation impact the learning process?
How does cognition involve both external and internal processes?
How does the cognitive process of memory work?
How does language develop?
Topic 7: Motivation and Emotion (6-8%)
Approximately 7 days
Myers Unit 8: pages 389-459
Unit Question:To what extent can motivation and emotion create balance in an individual’s life?
Essential Questions:
What theories help to explain the influences on motivation?
How do cognitive and physiological mechanisms influence motivation and emotion?
How does stress and biological drives impact one’s physical and psychological well-being?
Topic 8: Developmental Psychology (7-9%)
Approximately 8 days
Myers Unit 9: pages 460- 553
Unit Question:To what extent is early psychological development crucial to long-term mental
Essential Questions:
To what extent is the measurement of early psychological development important?
To what extent are theories of childhood development important to understanding overall
How do biological and environmental influences impact development?
Topic 9: Personality and Intelligence: Theory and Assessment (10-14%)
Approximately 12 days
Myers Unit 10: pages 554-605
Myers Unit 11: pages 606-648
Unit Question:To what extent can “personality” and “intelligence” be defined and assessed?
Essential Questions:
To what extent have theories and testing of personality development been able to explain
differences among individuals?
How has continued research in testing shaped the understanding of intelligence?
Topic 10: Abnormal Psychology and Treatment (12-16%)
Approximately 14 days
Myers Unit 12: pages 649-706
Myers Unit 13: pages 707-752
Unit Question:How can understanding mental disorders make societies more empathetic?
Essential Questions:
To what extent has the failures of past practice resulted in a deeper understanding of mental
disorders and treatment?
To what extent can diagnostic tools identify mental disorders?
What are different treatment options to assist in quelling the symptoms of mental disorders?
Student Responsibilities:
AP Psychology is equivalent, and in some cases more than, an introductory psychology course
that you would take at the undergraduate university level. With this in mind, your level of
commitment to this class will be similar to the level of commitment that you be expected to
display as a first year college student.
Your responsibilities for this course include, but are not limited to:
o Completing assigned readings from your text and other resources
o Memorizing vocabulary and relevant terms for each chapter
o Utilizing the google classroom
o Preparing and studying for quizzes and tests
o Participating actively in class discussions
o Utilizing email to communicate with your teacher and other students
o Taking notes in class and being engaged
Class Rules
You will be expected to follow these rules at all times in this class.
1. Respect everyone at all times
2. Do not use your cell phone during class activities/lectures unless otherwise instructed
3. Raise your hand to speak and do not interrupt others
4. Do not pack up before the lesson has officially ended
Your grade will calculated on a points basis. Each marking period grade will primarily rely on
formal assessments such as tests and quizzes.
Submitting Assignments
All typed homework assignments will be submitted via google classroom before the beginning of
class on the due date. Late penalties will incur for late submissions
Attendance is very important as class will provide critical explanation to aid your reading. Due
to the quick pace of the class, it will be your job to get information you missed from the website
or a classmate. If you are absent on a test day, you will be expected to take the test the first day
you return during lunch or after school.
Post AP test World
The time following the AP test will be devoted to further exploring areas of interest that we are
unable to explore earlier due to time constraints.
Succeeding in AP Psych
Although this is a vigorous course, if you put in the effort, success is in your grasp. Like in a
college course, the responsibility falls on you to complete your work and study effectively. That
being said, since this is high school, you still have a very valuable resource...ME! I am available
for extra help before school, during lunch, and after school. It is your responsibility to seek out
my help if you are struggling before tests and assessments.