Anschutz Medical Campus HR Management meeting: Friday, January 9, 2015 from 9:30-10:30

Anschutz Medical Campus HR Management meeting:
o Friday, January 9, 2015
o from 9:30-10:30
o ED2 South, L28-1308
Denver Campus HR Management meeting:
o Friday, January 9, 2015
o from 3:00-4:00
o CU Building, Room #470
 Welcome
 On-line background checks –
o The new process is going well. Ari Liston and Duane Trantham are currently processing
background requests. Kaylene McCrum and Stephanie Perez are handling the preadverse process.
o The new Background Check Request form is to be completed by HR business partners
only. Applicants and employees should not complete the form. Please do not share the
link with applicants or employees.
o The current Background Check Request form link will be removed from public view
soon. A new link will be shared with HR business partners once the link has been
changed. Issues arose with employees completing the form causing multiple submittals
and additional follow-up.
o HireRight, Inc. will send an email to the applicant/employee with a link to the consent
form. They must follow the link to submit the actual consent form through HireRight.
o Please let applicants/employees know that they should check their junk email if they do
not find the email from HireRight in their in box.
o Typically a background check takes an average of three days to turnaround, HR will
contact you as soon as possible with a pass letter. Please note: court turnaround times
vary and in some cases take as long as 2 weeks.
o Suggestions offered: provide a notes box (this will not be added at this time), send a
response email indicating the consent form has been received (we are looking into this)
and provide an option for temporary employees (this has been added to the form).
 Affirmation form – effective October 1st there was a new form which can be found on the HR
web site. Please get rid of all the old forms and use the new form going forward.
 HR Ops staffing/search – there are two open positions in HR Operations due to Kayla Grayson
taking a position in Washington state and Hannah Bandle accepting an HR Consultant position
with Employment Services. The positions will be posted shortly, a link will be shared that you
are encouraged to pass around to those interested in applying. Link to posting:
 Awards and Recognition programs – an award program must first be written, then sent to
Kaylene McCrum for review before an award is given. The School of Medicine requires initial
review and approval by Lisa Stanford, then the documents should be forwarded to Kaylene for
final review and approval.
Working retirees o New letters of offer are required each January 1st for working retiree classified and
university staff positions. Nine month temporary faculty positions do not require a new
o January 1st is an opportune time to adjust salaries for university staff working retirees
only. Classified working retirees receive their increases during the regular salary cycle
(i.e. July 1).
o University staff working retiree appointments must now be included on the PMR.
ORLD (Organizational Relations, Learning and Development) updates –
o Doug Kasyon, Director, is now officed on the Anschutz Medical Campus with a new
office phone number: 303-724-9686.
o Karey Duarte has joined the team as the Employment Rights Compliance &
Investigations Manager. She will be looking into harassment and discrimination claims
along with ADA accommodations. Carey Duarte’s office phone number is: 303-7249694.
Faculty/Exempt Performance Evaluations – the cycle ended December 31, reviews can now be
scheduled with the evaluation due deadline by March 1 to the HR office. The two month review
time period provides time for budgeting. Brad Mathers has updated the forms on the HR web
site. Questions regarding the process can be directed to Brad Mathers or Doug Kasyon.
Denver Campus New Employee Orientations – due to space usage evaluations, beginning in
March Downtown Campus new employee orientation is currently planned to be in the Lawrence
Street Center, 2nd floor, Terrace Room.
January 2nd Holiday Leave management – FAQs were e-mailed on January 8th and have been
added to the HR web page under hot topics at If you had additional
questions, let us know. We will update if needed.
HR Management meeting notes are now on the HR website under hot topics at: You can pull up meeting minutes, agendas, and documents shared
during past meetings
Student worker transfers (search waivers) – We mentioned this as the last HR Management
meeting. You can continue to request search waivers for student workers. The criteria we are
looking at for the future are:
1) Working for us as a student for at least a semester
2) Meets all minimum qualifications
3) Job is related to duties performed as a student worker
4) Must have graduated
If you have any concerns about the proposed criteria, please contact Florie Montoya by
February 16, 2015.
University Staff offer letter templates – We have revised the University Staff offer letter
template and created specific templates based on eligible and not eligible for overtime
compensation, classified employee electing exemption, and Officer of the Administration. We
have also added a link for optional language. The templates are available at:
Second level approval guidance – We created a document that outlines the submission process
for second level approvals for state funded positions based on the type of position and campus
and department requirements.
The form can be found on the web at:
d/StateFundingApprovalSubmissionProcess.xls. Reminder that for university staff and classified
positions, the justification is attached to the description in Jobs at CU and for faculty and
research faculty positions, the justification should be e-mailed to
One year search waivers for faculty and research faculty – We would like your feedback on our
proposal to discontinue the use of search waivers for this group. We are considering
discontinuing effective this spring, unless there are major concerns. Please contact Florie
Montoya to discuss concerns by February 16, 2015.
Search and Search Waiver Process Flow Charts – We have created search and search waiver
process flow charts for university staff, classified staff, faculty, and research faculty. They are
located on the website at:
Affordable Care Act – The draft policy is pending the Provost’s approval. Kevin will share once
approved. The draft policy can be found on the HR web site at:
The Boulder and Colorado Springs offices have policies on their websites. Our policy will be