Study Guide Distributed on 5/5/16 to... TO BE COMPLETED BY 5/10 for a grade. ...

Study Guide Distributed on 5/5/16 to _____________________________________
TO BE COMPLETED BY 5/10 for a grade. Test on the US Constitution ~May 18, 2016
What is a constitution? ________________________________________
The Articles of Confederation was our nation’s first constitution. Why
didn’t it work out? ________________________________________________
Why was Shay’s Rebellion important? _____________________________
They had a meeting in Philadelphia to fix the problems with the
Articles of Confederation – what was the meeting called?
Why did they agree to keep the meeting secret? ________________________
Was the meeting successful? _____ Why or Why not _______________________
Who were the framers? _______________________________________________
Where was the constitutional convention held? ________________________
When was the constitution ratified? ____________________________
What three issues had to be agreed on before they could get a new
constitution started? 1._______________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
Study Guide Distributed on 5/5/16 to _____________________________________
TO BE COMPLETED BY 5/10 for a grade. Test on the US Constitution ~May 18, 2016
Be able to explain the importance of the Great Compromise (Tell what
the New Jersey and Virginia Plans were)___________________________
What is the Census? __________________________________________________
Why is the census important? _________________________________________
How many people are in the Congress? ________________________________
How many representatives does NJ have in the Senate now? ___________
How many reps do we have in the House of Representatives? ____________
What is the Electoral College? ________________________________________
What are the four steps to making a law?
What is an Executive Order? _______________________________________
Study Guide Distributed on 5/5/16 to _____________________________________
TO BE COMPLETED BY 5/10 for a grade. Test on the US Constitution ~May 18, 2016
What is the Cabinet? _________________________________________________
Know the names of:
The current President ~ _____________________________
The Vice President ~
The First President ~
The Secretary of State ~ _____________________________
One Supreme Court Justice ~ _________________________
One Framer ~ _____________________________________
What are the three most important words in our Constitution
_____ ______ _______________ and tell why: ___________________________
What is the difference between a constitutional and a dictatorial
government? _______________________________________________________
What is a republic? _________________________________________________
Why don’t we have a direct democracy? _______________________________
Study Guide Distributed on 5/5/16 to _____________________________________
TO BE COMPLETED BY 5/10 for a grade. Test on the US Constitution ~May 18, 2016
What is common good? ______________________________________________
What is Civic Virtue? _________________________________________________
What are some Responsibilities of Citizens? ___________________________
What is the most important thing we can do as citizens?_____________
Tell why _____________________________________________________
Know what one of the phrases of the preamble relates to. Be able to tell
about an issue in the news that relates to ONE of the phrases.
Study Guide Distributed on 5/5/16 to _____________________________________
TO BE COMPLETED BY 5/10 for a grade. Test on the US Constitution ~May 18, 2016
Know the branches of government and what they do
Main job
What is the system that LIMITS power known as?
Know how each of the branches powers’ are limited.
How it’s limited
What is the highest court in the land? ________________________________
And how many Justices are on it? ____________________________________
How long do they serve? ____________________________________________
Why do scales serve as a symbol for our Judicial system? _______________
Study Guide Distributed on 5/5/16 to _____________________________________
TO BE COMPLETED BY 5/10 for a grade. Test on the US Constitution ~May 18, 2016
Why does the statue of a blindfolded woman serve as a symbol of Justice,
also. ________________________________________________________.
Why the Supreme Court called the Highest court in the land?
Why was the death of Justice Scalia so difficult to overcome? ________
Why is the Constitution called a LIVING document? _______________
How many times has our Constitution been amended? ______________
What is the Bill of Rights and why are they important? Know at least ONE
of them and be able to tell when they were added and it’s important.
Study Guide Distributed on 5/5/16 to _____________________________________
TO BE COMPLETED BY 5/10 for a grade. Test on the US Constitution ~May 18, 2016
Some possible short (opinion) answers ~ THERE ARE NO WRONG ANSWERS !
 What is the most important branch tell why you think this.
 What branch would you like to work in? Be able to tell what
skills you have for this job.
 Do you think the two- party system is good?
 Do you think the Electoral College is a fair way to elect a
 Do you think the current lawmaking process is efficient?
What amendment would you recommend to the Constitution?
 Can you think of one or two additional questions?
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