
A probe is an unmanned, unpiloted spacecraft carrying
instruments intended for use in exploration of outer space or
celestial bodies other than Earth.
Three Types of Probes
• Fly-by Probe: Passes a planet collecting information as it travels.
•Orbiter Probe: Flies closer to a planet to examine the atmosphere
and survey the service.
•Land Probe: touches down on the planet’s surface.
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
On a search for evidence that water persisted
on the surface of Mars for a long period of time.
Sent to study Jupiter and its moons.
New Horizons Space Probe
Flyby Pluto and gather information on its
atmosphere and surface.
SOHO Probe
On a mission to study the sun from orbit.
Mars Exploration Rovers
Gather data of Mars from the ground. It takes
photographs and data from rocks and soil on the
Cassini-Huygens Probe
On a mission to orbit Saturn. It is measuring
atmosphere, wind, and cosmic dust.
Power Sources for Satellites
Batteries, Solar Panels, Nuclear Power, Heat
Generators (dish of mirrors that
reflect the heat of the sun)
Design a Probe
Draw a diagram of a probe that would collect dust particles
from Comet Halley’s tail. Be creative, but realistic. Think
about the challenges scientists face when collecting dust
particles from a moving object in space.
Your probe must include:
•Power Source
•Device to take pictures or images
•Collection Device for the dust particles
Image of the
nucleus of Comet
Halley from Giotto
(European Space
Agency - ESA) in