HILLSIDE WEDNESDAY WEEKLY BULLETIN May 11, 2011 DATES TO REMEMBER Friday, May 13……………………………..………………… Family Fitness night - 6-8pm K-2 students Monday, May 23…………………………………… Market Day sale – Heritage Middle School – 6-7pm Wednesday, May 25……..….…..Summer Reading Workshop and PTA Meeting -7pm - Media Center Monday, May 30………………………………………………………………. No School- Memorial Day Monday, May 30……………………………..…………………………….…. Memorial Day Parade - 9am SIGN UP FOR NEXT YEAR'S BUZZ BOOK! If you have a child or children that are going to be attending Hillside next year, you can sign up now for next year's buzz book. We are no longer using the STARS portal for this process, so use this link to complete your form: http://www.livingston.org/1523107765640823/forms/TakeSurvey.asp?PageNumber=1&SurveyID=8335nlK1965M G The Hillside PTA is pleased to announce a new Paypal option for payments. All of the details are on our website, but you can also contact Kim Mazzella at kmazzella23@verizon.net if you have any questions or comments. The art staff of the Livingston Public Schools invites you to attend our 26th annual Student Art Exhibit. Place: Second Level (by Modell’s) Livingston Mall 122 Eisenhower Parkway Livingston, NJ Exhibits: Thursday, May 12 through Sunday May 14 2011 Opening Reception: Thursday, May 12th – 6 – 7:30 p.m. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T. Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy Family Fitness Night! IS THIS FRIDAY Family Fitness Night is May 13, 2011 from 6PM-8PM. Kdg thru 2nd graders and their parents/guardians are invited to attend. Fun, fit activities, challenges, and healthy eating are “on the menu” for the evening. See attached flyer Summer Reading Workshop for parents! Wednesday, May 25th at 7 pm Hillside Media Center Learn more about Summer Reading with Hillside’s Reading Specialist and classroom teachers Get helpful advice~ Encouraging your child to read during the summer Helping your child choose a book which fits his or her interests Finding a good time to read during the busy summer schedule Have your questions answered about summer reading RSVP at: http://www.livingston.org/152720719193734740/forms/TakeSurvey.asp?PageNumber=1&SurveyID=31J nnlM09m55K WHO’S UP FOR MARCHING? Looking for Hillside families to join us on Monday, May 30th to march in the annual Livingston Memorial Day Parade to represent Hillside School. This is a fun morning for Hillside families to march in the parade! We will meet at the Livingston Library lawn by 9:00 a.m. and will march as a school in the parade which ends at Harrison School where drinks and snacks will be provided courtesy of Hillside P.T.A. NEW FOR 2011: Specially designed Hillside Memorial Day Parade T-shirts will be provided! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T. Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible to Joanne Dzama at jdzama@mbs.net to let me know you will be there and how many will be coming! Get your marching shoes ready MARKET DAY Our school community is participating in a fundraising food program called Market Day. Market Day, the original fundraising food co-op, has been in operation since 1975 and has grown to include thousands of schools just like ours. Each month, as a participating Market Day school, restaurant-quality food products, from the same vendors that supply many upscale restaurants, will be available for purchase. Market Day products are competitively priced and our organization will earn profit on your purchases. We can earn this money without our students going door-to-door, without purchasing products we wouldn't ordinarily purchase, and with the knowledge that all products are of exceptional quality and covered by a Satisfaction Guarantee! The order sheet will be coming home once a month with your student. Please take a few minutes to review it and place an order. We are confident that this fundraising program will not only benefit our school and the programs we support, but will also benefit you as the consumer. You can find out more about Market Day and even place your order online at www.marketday.com. Register your e-mail address to receive reminders to order and special offers for online customers. Our Market Day account # is 28000. Please give Market Day a try! We look forward to seeing you at our Market Day sale on May 23rd, from 6:00 to 7:00PM at Heritage Middle School. For more information, please contact Kim Mazzella at kmazzella23@verizon.net. PTA funds support Hillside School Since the beginning of the school year, the PTA has given the following to Hillside School. Thanks to all the Hillside families who have supported the PTA by contributing to our fundraising efforts. We are committed to providing resources, activities and educational opportunities for students, teachers and families. Money has been spent… Providing students with planners or take home folders for the school year Buying books for classroom libraries offering exciting school assemblies running the Art Appreciation program in every classroom …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T. Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy hosting Multicultural Night for the Hillside community providing mini grants to every teacher and specialist in the school hosting school staff appreciation luncheons buying a recess equipment rack kicking off the school year with a Back to school picnic….complete with a balloon artist and a face painter celebrating Halloween with our much loved Monster Mash Dance supporting the Hillside community during Cycle for Survival by providing t-shirts and a reception for the teacher participants. Purchasing hearts for the “Hearts of Hope” family night where students could make hearts, play bingo and win prizes. Sponsoring a nutrition program during National Nutrition month And that’s not all….. There is still so much planned for the rest of the school year….Memorial day activities, 5th grade activities, and book fair vouchers. Are you planning a Graduation or End of the School Year Celebration? LEF and Party City are providing an opportunity for you to SAVE WHILE EARNING MONEY FOR LIVINGSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS! GET 10% OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE AND GET 10% BACK FOR LIVINGSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS WITH THIS Party City COUPON! Valid Only: 5/1/11 – 6/30/11 at the East Hanover Party City. Download the attached coupon now! The coupon will also be available on the LEF website until the end of June…so use it no matter how many visits you make to Party City throughout May and June. Thanks from PT Council. More than 500 parents and their children (6th grade and up) gathered at Livingston High School last month to see Race to Nowhere, a documentary film examining the pressures faced by young people, teachers and parents in our high-stakes, high-pressure public and private education system and culture. There were differences of opinions among all of us who viewed the film, but we have one important thing in common: We all care about young people. Please join us at Heritage Middle School on Wednesday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m. as we continue the community dialogue with Rhoda Alekel, L.C.S.W., B.C.D., and psychotherapist and Vincyne LaCapra, former Livingston Public Schools guidance counselor. o Explore your reactions to the movie, your expectations for your children’s academic performances, and begin to establish goals that reflect your family’s values. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T. Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy o Discover important coping techniques for you and your children so that you can establish your priorities as a family and reduce stress. This event is free and open to parents with their children, from grades 6-12, without reservations. Sponsored by Livingston Municipal Alliance Committee, Livingston Public Schools, PT Council, Jewish Family Service of Metrowest, JCC, and YMCA. Please contact Pam Chirls (pchirls@verizon.net <mailto:pchirls@verizon.net> ) or Jane Hecht (jyhliv@hotmail.com <mailto:jyhliv@hotmail.com> ) if you have any questions. Newcomers to the WWB…. Questions about PTA events, please contact Kathleen Small at smallbk@aol.com. BLURB SUBMISSION Deadline to submit a blurb is Sunday, NOON in order to be included in that week’s WWB. Please email your blurbs to Nancy Goldenstein at goldenstein@verizon.net. Click here to access the PTA website. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hillside Kids Have H.E.A.R.T. Helpful ▪. Empathetic ▪ Accepting ▪. Respectful ▪ Trustworthy