FY14 Budget and Caseload Update Fiscal Committee November 4, 2013 FY14 September Caseload Review 2 Waitlist Remediation Initiative Status: The CCRRs began placing children in the Waitlist remediation account in October. The CCRRs have until December 20, 2013 to place all the vouchers allocated to them. As of last week, four weeks into the twelve week initiative, when the benchmark was 33%, the CCRRs had successfully placed 59% of their allocation and are at on their respective allotments. One CCRR has filled all of their allotment and has started filling the additional attrition backfill allotment in the Income Eligible 3000-4060 account. Voucher Caseload in September decreased by 1,494 of which 1,321 are school age children. Approximately 47% (1,115) of the 2,367 placements in the Waitlist Remediation account will be filled and billed for service month October 2013. Program setting and age group mix may allow for future allotments (200). Income Eligible: Based on the following assumptions, we are currently projecting utilizing nearly the entire 3000-4060 and 3000-4070 appropriations: After September billing (the first quarter of FY14), there is a $2.3M IE surplus. This is offset by a $2.3M deficit in DTA. Income Eligible, Teen, and Homeless contract forecasted expenditures are held at the contract maximum obligation. Underutilization will be determined this month in order to fund the Income Eligible flex pool. Once completed the forecast will be revised. FY14 September Caseload Review 3 DTA-Related Caseload: After three months of actual numbers EEC is forecasting a deficit of $2.3M, a slight decrease from the previous month’s projected deficiency of $2.4M. September actual caseload billing reflects a net decrease (426) in caseload when compared to August. School Age caseload dropped by 840 (13.96% decrease), but was somewhat offset by an increase in Infants (132), Toddlers(197), and Pre-School (85). This translates to a $563K reduction to the forecast. For referencing purposes, last fiscal year for the same reporting period the school age caseload dropped by 9.67%; the three year historical average is 8.66%. FY14 change is 4%-5% higher than FY13 and the three year historical trend. Supportive Caseload: With three months of actual numbers, EEC continues to forecast expenditures to the appropriation of $77M. The recently lifted local expansion limits continue to allow for more children to be served in areas where there is the capacity and the need. The Supportive account shows school age children decreased (210 or 11.75%), but the Infants, Toddlers, and Pre-school all increased, 78 or 13.78%, 93 or 6.8%, and 109 or 5.03% respectively. The net change is an increase to caseload (70). FY14 Consolidated Net Increase: EEC is about to receive $11.5M as part of the Consolidated Net Surplus (CNS) to dedicate to an across the board rate increase for all center based, family child care providers, and family child care systems. This is roughly a raise of $.78 on the daily rate. The rate increase will be retroactive to July 1, 2013. FY14 Caseload Overview Summary As of September 2013 FY14 Caseload Spending September Income Eligible Contract/Flex Voucher Grants FY14 Budget YTD Actuals/ Forecast Variance Forecast vs. Budget $ 127,752,807 $ 86,068,659 $ 9,019,276 $ 222,840,742 $ 121,800,781 $ 89,702,610 $ 9,019,276 $ 220,522,667 $ 5,952,026 $ (3,633,951) $ $ 2,318,075 $ 128,063,499 $ 130,377,068 $ (2,313,569) $ 76,323,780 $ 67,665 $ 600,000 $ 76,991,445 Total $ 427,895,686 $ 76,327,935 $ 63,486 $ 600,000 $ 76,991,421 $ 427,891,156 $ $ $ $ $ DTA Voucher Supportive Contract/Flex Voucher Grants 4 (4,155) 4,179 24 4,530 FY14 Caseload Overview Summary Prior Month FY14 Caseload Spending August Income Eligible Contract/Flex Voucher Grants FY14 Budget $ 127,752,807 $ 86,068,659 $ 9,019,276 $ 222,840,742 $ 122,249,794 $ 86,578,848 $ 9,019,276 $ 217,847,918 $ $ $ $ $ 128,063,499 $ 130,468,528 $ (2,405,029) $ 76,323,780 $ 67,665 $ 600,000 $ 76,991,445 Total $ 427,895,686 $ 76,325,377 $ 65,115 $ 600,000 $ 76,990,492 $ 425,306,938 $ (1,597) $ 2,550 $ $ 953 $ 2,588,748 DTA Voucher Supportive Contract/Flex Voucher Grants 5 Variance Forecast vs. Budget YTD Actuals/ Forecast 5,503,013 (510,189) 4,992,824 FY 2013 Income Eligible (3000-4060) Income Eligible SFY14 Forecast as of September Actuals M o nt h P rio r M o nt h C a s e lo a d F o re c a s t C urre nt M o nt h C a s e lo a d F o re c a s t * V a ria nc e Jun-12 32,173 32,173 N/A Jun-13 30,749 30,749 N/A Jul-13 30,480 30,604 124 $ 18,555,309 $ 18,637,200 $ (81,890) Aug-13 30,494 30,451 (43) $ 17,160,058 $ 17,370,375 $ (292,207) Se p-13 29,411 29,398 (12) $ 16,273,583 $ 14,986,108 $ 995,268 Oct-13 29,705 29,341 (364) $ 18,380,621 $ 18,077,907 $ 1,297,981 Nov-13 29,602 30,146 544 $ 16,731,391 $ 17,189,891 $ 839,481 De c-13 29,569 30,104 535 $ 17,548,108 $ 17,993,289 $ 394,300 Jan-14 29,908 30,440 532 $ 18,319,170 $ 18,962,996 $ (249,525) Fe b-14 29,882 30,406 524 $ 16,076,558 $ 16,564,227 $ (737,195) M ar-14 29,806 30,326 520 $ 16,829,886 $ 17,235,549 $ (1,142,858) Apr-14 30,163 30,678 516 $ 17,597,774 $ 18,127,053 $ (1,672,137) M ay-14 30,195 30,712 517 $ 17,510,449 $ 18,031,730 $ (2,193,419) Jun-14 30,314 30,827 513 $ 17,845,735 $ 18,327,065 $ (2,674,749) GRANTS $ 9,019,276 $ 9,019,276 TOTAL $ 217,847,918 $ 220,522,667 P rio r M o nt h F o re c a s t P ro je c t io n 2 0 14 A c t ua l**/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s FY14 Appropriation 222,840,742 Surplus /De ficie ncy 2,318,075 M th to M th F o re c a s t C ha nge - B l ue : FY 14 A ct ual / F o r ecast E xp end i t ur es * A ct ual caseload count is t he count of services rendered f or t he report ing mont h and is as of t he dat e t he f orecast was prepared. - Please not e a child could receive mult iple services. - Caseload dat a is updat ed each report ing mont h f or prior period adjust ment s and lat e billing. - Current Report ing mont h include lat e billing project ions t hat will be billed and paid in t he next billing cycle. For example Sept ember includes lat e billingproject ion t hat will be project ed t o be billed in Oct ober. ** A ct ual dollars represent expendit ures billed and paid as of t he dat e t he f orecast was prepared and may include lat e billing. 6 - Expendit ures is updat ed each report ing mont h f or prior period adjust ment s and lat e billing. FY 2013 Waitlist Remediation (3000-4070) SFY14 Forecast Waitlist Remediation M o nt h P rio r M o nt h C a s e lo a d F o re c a s t C urre nt M o nt h C a s e lo a d F o re c a s t * V a ria nc e Jul-13 N/A N/A N/A Aug-13 N/A N/A N/A Se p-13 N/A N/A Oct-13 2,367 1,115 Nov-13 2,367 De c-13 2,367 Jan-14 Fe b-14 P rio r M o nt h F o re c a s t P ro je c t io n 2 0 14 A c t ua l**/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s M th to M th F o re c a s t C ha nge N/A 1,252 $ 1,725,990 $ 813,192 $ 912,799 2,367 0 $ 1,572,540 $ 1,572,540 $ 912,799 2,567 (200) $ 1,641,195 $ 1,776,590 $ 777,404 2,367 2,567 (200) $ 1,733,406 $ 1,876,443 $ 634,366 2,367 2,567 (200) $ 1,521,232 $ 1,646,789 $ 508,810 M ar-14 2,367 2,567 (200) $ 1,597,021 $ 1,728,832 $ 376,998 Apr-14 2,367 2,567 (200) $ 1,558,175 $ 1,686,555 $ 248,618 M ay-14 2,367 2,567 (200) $ 1,518,668 $ 1,643,710 $ 123,576 Jun-14 2,367 2,567 (200) $ 1,431,219 $ 1,549,021 $ 5,774 $ 700,000 $ 700,000 $ 14,999,446 $ 14,993,672 CCCRR Adm in. TOTAL FY14 Appropriation 15,000,000 Surplus /De ficie ncy 6,328 - B l ue : FY 14 A ct ual / F o r ecast E xp end i t ur es * A ct ual caseload count is t he count of services rendered f or t he report ing mont h and is as of t he dat e t he f orecast was prepared. - Please not e a child could receive mult iple services. - Caseload dat a is updat ed each report ing mont h f or prior period adjust ment s and lat e billing. ** A ct ual dollars represent expendit ures billed and paid as of t he dat e t he f orecast was prepared and may include lat e billing. - Expendit ures is updat ed each report ing mont h f or prior period adjust ment s and lat e billing. - A ddit ional savings may be realised by parent f ees. 7 FY 2014 DTA (3000-4050) DTA SFY14 Forecast as of September Actuals M o nt h P rio r M o nt h C a s e lo a d F o re c a s t C urre nt M o nt h C a s e lo a d F o re c a s t * V a ria nc e Jun-12 16,913 16,913 N/A Jun-13 16,422 16,422 N/A P rio r M o nt h F o re c a s t P ro je c t io n 2 0 14 A c t ua l**/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s Jul-13 16,227 16,301 74 $ 11,376,108 $ 11,415,267 $ 39,159 Aug-13 16,268 16,079 (189) $ 10,593,842 $ 10,741,199 $ 186,516 Sep-13 16,044 16,290 246 $ 10,232,660 $ 9,680,897 $ (365,248) Oct-13 16,535 16,523 (12) $ 10,451,118 $ 11,387,990 $ 571,625 Nov-13 16,659 16,728 69 $ 11,332,804 $ 10,826,130 $ 64,950 Dec-13 16,471 16,542 72 $ 11,113,173 $ 11,095,091 $ 46,868 Jan-14 16,648 16,379 (269) $ 10,614,789 $ 11,102,202 $ 534,281 Feb-14 16,539 16,817 278 $ 10,583,946 $ 10,086,074 $ 36,410 Mar-14 16,731 16,819 88 $ 11,250,500 $ 10,670,194 $ (543,897) Apr-14 17,026 16,806 (220) $ 10,802,649 $ 11,363,000 $ May-14 16,881 17,055 174 $ 11,561,150 $ 11,058,637 $ (486,058) Jun-14 16,082 16,384 302 $ 10,555,789 $ 10,950,386 $ (91,460) TOTAL $ 130,468,528 $ 130,377,068 FY14 Appropriation $ 128,063,499 Surplus/Deficiency $ (2,313,569) - B l ue : FY 14 A ct ual / F o r ecast E xp end i t ur es * A ct ual caseload count is t he count of services rendered f or t he report ing mont h and is as of t he dat e t he f orecast was prepared. - Please not e a child could receive mult iple services. - Caseload dat a is updat ed each report ing mont h f or prior period adjust ment s and lat e billing. - Current Report ing mont h include lat e billing project ions t hat will be billed and paid in t he next billing cycle. For example Sept ember includes lat e billingproject ion t hat will be project ed t o be billed in Oct ober. ** A ct ual dollars represent expendit ures billed and paid as of t he dat e t he f orecast was prepared and may include lat e billing. - Expendit ures are updat ed each report ing mont h f or prior period adjust ment s and lat e billing. 8 M th to M th F o re c a s t C ha nge 16,454 FY 2013 Supportive (3000-3050) Supportive SFY14 Forecast as of September Actuals M o nt h P rio r M o nt h C a s e lo a d F o re c a s t C urre nt M o nt h C a s e lo a d F o re c a s t * V a ria nc e Jun-12 5,979 5,979 N/A Jun-13 5,651 5,651 N/A Jul-13 5,777 5,801 Aug-13 5,793 Sep-13 P rio r M o nt h F o re c a s t P ro je c t io n 2 0 14 A c t ua l**/ F o re c a s t E xpe ndit ure s 24 $ 6,308,364 $ 6,317,378 $ 9,014 5,823 30 $ 6,176,418 $ 6,174,442 $ 7,037 6,019 5,893 (126) $ 5,952,045 $ 5,726,816 $ (218,192) Oct-13 5,850 5,807 (43) $ 6,459,243 $ 6,485,778 $ (191,657) Nov-13 6,120 5,913 (207) $ 6,308,714 $ 6,188,227 $ (312,144) Dec-13 5,875 5,930 55 $ 6,422,154 $ 6,566,087 $ (168,211) Jan-14 6,169 5,970 (199) $ 6,962,076 $ 6,815,253 $ (315,034) Feb-14 5,935 6,023 88 $ 5,864,403 $ 6,016,379 $ (163,058) Mar-14 6,228 6,075 (153) $ 6,502,507 $ 6,400,809 $ (264,756) Apr-14 5,934 6,067 133 $ 6,443,346 $ 6,642,343 $ (65,759) May-14 6,253 6,089 (164) $ 6,721,137 $ 6,585,781 $ (201,115) Jun-14 6,057 6,208 151 $ 6,270,085 $ 6,472,129 $ GRANTS $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 76,990,492 $ 76,991,421 FY14 Appropriation $ 76,991,445 Surplus/Deficiency $ 24 TOTAL M th to M th F o re c a s t C ha nge - B l ue : FY 14 A ct ual / F o r ecast E xp end i t ur es * A ct ual caseload count is t he count of services rendered f or t he report ing mont h and is as of t he dat e t he f orecast was prepared. - Please not e a child could receive mult iple services. - Caseload dat a is updat ed each report ing mont h f or prior period adjust ment s and lat e billing. ** A ct ual dollars represent expendit ures billed and paid as of t he dat e t he f orecast was prepared and may include lat e billing. 9 - Expendit ures are updat ed each report ing mont h f or prior period adjust ment s and lat e billing. 929 IE, Waitlist, Remediation, & CCRRs 10 The Fiscal Year 2014 State Budget funded a new account (3000-4070) at $15M to reduce the waitlist for income-eligible early education and care programs. The legislature also added $8.5M to the Income Eligible Account (3000-4060) using unspent FY13 funds. ANF and the Governor's office approved EEC's plan for the expenditure of these funds beginning October 1, 2013. Based on the average cost per child in the IE program, EEC estimates we can serve no fewer than 3,200 additional children in Fiscal Year 2014. These children will receive vouchers; all vouchers are being issued by the CCRRs. The allocation to each CCRR was proportionally distributed by region in relation to the number of children on the waitlist by region. For example, if we had 1000 vouchers to distribute and Region 1 had 2000 children on the waitlist and the waitlist total was 8000, Region 1 received 250 vouchers or 25%. CCRRs must offer vouchers to children from the EEC waitlist on a first come, first serve basis to eligible families that have submitted complete documentation. The CCRRs have until December 20 to place all the vouchers allocated to them. As of last week, four weeks into the twelve week initiative, when the benchmark was 33%, they had successfully placed 59% of their allocation. FY13/14 Caseload By Account 11 IE July August September October November December January FY2013 31,355 31,518 30,603 FY2014 30,604 30,451 29,177 DTA July FY2013 16,299 16,382 16,347 FY2014 16,301 16,079 15,653 SUPP July FY2013 5,959 5,903 5,751 FY2014 5,801 5,823 5,893 Total July FY2013 53,613 53,803 52,701 52,287 52,365 52,246 52,410 FY2014 52,706 52,353 50,723 - - - - 29,874 29,842 29,852 30,012 February 30,092 March April May June 30,100 30,264 30,205 29,970 Average 30,307 30,077 August September October November December January 16,823 16,987 16,843 16,741 February 16,820 March April May June 17,061 17,111 16,876 16,290 Average 16,715 16,011 August September October November December January 5,590 5,536 5,551 5,657 February 5,706 March 5,670 April 5,627 May 5,577 June 5,617 Average 5,679 5,839 August September October November December January February March April May June Average 52,618 52,831 53,002 52,658 51,877 52,701 - - - - - 51,927 FY13/14 IE Contract Slots - Regular and Flex Report Date 10/30/2013 9/26/2013 8/31/2013 7/31/2013 5/27/2013 4/29/2013 3/28/2013 2/28/2013 1/31/2013 1/1/2013 11/28/2012 10/30/2012 Regular Filled 12,764.0 12,438.0 12,190.0 13,052.0 13,395.0 13,567.0 13,587.0 13,195.5 13,123.0 12,783.5 12,881.5 12,751.5 Regular Open Flex Filled Flex Open Flex - Over 5% Flex - Under 5% 2,008.0 2,361.0 2,610.0 1,748.0 1,404.0 1,267.0 1,256.0 1,292.5 1,365.0 1,706.5 1,608.5 1,738.5 Data Report created on October 30, 2013 Total Awarded Slots is 14,772 and Allowable Flex Slots is 848. 322.5 of the 355 additional contract slots awarded have been filled. 23 Vendors representing 25 contracts are Over 5% Flex **No. of children filling slots may be greater than slots awarded. Total awarded slots for Homeless is 593 and Teen 519. - Homeless: filled 588, open 106 - Teen: filled 405, open 114 12 168.5 171.0 106.0 145.0 201.5 209.5 210.0 213.5 428.0 400.0 426.5 427.0 770.5 680.5 745.0 706.5 649.5 647.5 647.0 643.5 429.0 457.0 421.5 430.5 (72.0) (71.5) (41.5) (71.5) (96.5) (100.0) (99.5) (98.5) (289.0) (273.0) (289.0) (303.5) 842.5 752.0 786.5 778.0 746.0 747.5 746.5 742.0 718.0 730.0 719.5 725.0 Number of Archived and Reactivated Children on Waitlist Archived and Reactivated Children on Waitlist 400 239 175 18 11 29 21 Archived Families System 800 1,496 1,109 93 50 165 112 1,200 1,925 1,411 65 38 204 151 Archived Children System 1,917 1,422 58 35 120 85 1,600 - Archived Children User Archived Families User Reactivated Children Reactivated Families Archived Month 10/1/2013-10/30/2013 9/1/2013-9/30-2013 8/1/2013-8/31/2013 7/29/2013-7/31/2013 (excludes 7/25/13) Archived Children Archived Families Archived Children Archived Families Reactivated Children Reactivated Families System System User User 1,917 1,422 58 35 120 85 1,925 1,411 65 38 204 151 1,496 1,109 93 50 165 112 239 175 18 11 29 21 Data Report created on October 31, 2013 Net change for number of children archived/reactivated in September was 1855 September total archived children: 1975 representing 1457 families. September total reactivated children: 120 representing 85 families. 13 ** Note: User is defined as EEC, CCR&R or Contract Provider July excludes 7/25/2013; significant auto-archiving occurred, archived children system: 12,789 and archived children user: 9896 Caseload Waitlist 11/2012 - 10/2013 Priority Child of Foster Care Child of Homeless family Child of Military Personnel Child of Teen Parent Child with Special Needs Continuity of Care: Prior Year Summer Only Continuity of Care: Aging Out Continuity of Care: Approved Break in Service Continuity of Care: ARRA Continuity of Care: Geographic Relocation Continuity of Care: Homeless Contract Continuity of Care: Supportive Referral Continuity of Care: Teen Parent Contract General Priority Grandparent/Guardian Families No Priority - Other Family Member Parent with Special Needs Sibling: Contract Sibling: Voucher Summer only care N/A Grand Total 11/30/12 12/31/12 01/31/13 02/28/13 3/28/13 4/30/13 5/28/13 6/30/13 7/31/2013 8/30/13 9/26/13 10/30/13 Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 276 282 288 290 285 289 299 305 169 180 194 196 520 536 558 566 576 591 609 641 454 458 487 479 101 105 116 116 123 117 90 91 68 44 43 49 477 481 489 513 507 523 525 556 365 389 423 414 2,117 2,198 2,234 2,291 2,355 2,442 2,524 2,615 1,776 1,893 1,922 1,816 120 135 149 161 164 167 173 177 139 151 163 157 409 411 402 398 399 404 414 416 205 248 274 253 442 451 470 473 482 490 523 585 484 493 530 502 146 149 148 146 141 142 143 141 51 54 60 52 182 186 198 201 207 221 222 224 145 154 161 159 25 27 29 32 31 30 37 35 29 30 29 29 269 279 288 296 308 324 352 371 256 265 284 280 32 32 28 27 28 28 29 30 16 18 22 24 39,470 40,431 41,722 42,588 43,315 44,861 45,970 47,737 32,881 34,266 35,725 34,708 541 547 565 566 576 584 609 632 349 344 350 345 282 295 314 327 338 363 393 422 357 381 411 401 805 806 805 807 807 823 840 837 436 424 426 381 654 672 714 729 771 788 804 850 737 753 792 775 788 804 833 845 870 815 792 797 544 566 542 435 899 893 919 923 958 1,024 1,074 1,233 853 856 863 879 556 541 523 518 509 501 500 495 4 6 16 14 48,555 49,720 51,269 52,295 53,241 55,026 56,422 Data Report created on October 30, 2013 ** Excludes Unborn children, Children 13 or older, “0” zip codes and towns out of state . 14 58,695 40,318 41,973 43,717 42,348