held in Room 407, 1 University Gardens on 19 th February 2014
Roibeard O Maolalaigh (Chair), Ian Ruffell, Ann Gow, Thomas Clancy, Adam Rieger, Stuart
Airlie, Michael Murray, Nyree Finlay, Sheila Kidd Jeremy Huggett, Ann Gow, Nyree Finlay
Lynn Abrams, Catriona MacDonald
Pauline McLachlan
Table of Contents
Minute of the meeting held 5th February 2014 ............................................................................................................... 1
Matters Arising .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Head of School Update .................................................................................................................................................. 1
HoSub Update ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Administration/Finance Update ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Ancestral Studies ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
School Committees ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Any Other Business ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Minute of the meeting held 5 th February 2014
The minutes were approved. PMcL will circulate to all School colleagues.
Matters Arising
2.1 SAMs meeting – A meeting of ROM, SA and Chris Lindsay is being rearranged.
2.2 Kelvin Hall/Hunterian Estates Group – NF confirmed that she is happy to be involved.
2.3 CMG Strategy Away Day – ROM reported that the CMG Away Day had been arranged
for 12th June. It was agreed to discuss strategy at the May School Forum meeting.
2.4 WiFi Provision – MM reported that a budget had been awarded and work will progress
over the next few months. MM will discuss in further details with HoSubs.
Head of School Update
3.1 Focus Group Action Plan
ROM confirmed that agreement had been provided at the recent School Forum meeting on
the proposed focus group action plan and we will move ahead with implementation.
3.2 P&DR Issues
ROM tabled a document detailing issues reported by colleagues within Humanities related
to the P&DR process: the document details issues and concerns under Section A, possible
solutions under Section B and actions over which we have control in Section C. ROM
confirmed that he would submit a report to Human Resources on the P&DR process. ROM
proposed that Humanities have a pre-P&DR information session in advance of the next
review period for all reviewers. This would be in addition to College information sessions.
It was agreed to undertake this at School level.
HoSub Update
4.1 Archaeology
NF reported on a recent blocked drain issue, which had now been resolved. NF highlighted
the lack of communication and interaction from Estates & Buildings. MM, when he had
been made aware, reported it to the College Secretary and Head of Safety & Environmental
Protection Services (SEPS) given the potential Health and Safety issues. TC also
highlighted the previous issues with water penetration in the portacabins and the
involvement of the College Office to resolve. MM is due to meet with Graham Fisher on
20th February and will use both these issues as examples in relation to influencing process
improvement in this area..
4.2 Philosophy
AR reported that Fraser MacBride’s inaugural lecture will be held on 27 th February
followed by a wine reception.
Administration/Finance Update
5.1 Tier 4 Monitoring
MM reported that the Russell Group are lobbying the Home Office regarding the Tier 4
monitoring burden placed on RG Universities. MM has been asked to respond on two
specific queries relating to the processes we would like in an ideal world and any changes
to recommend. MM sought feedback from the Group. JWH’s impression was that
students felt annoyance at the current process. SA suggested we contact Tier 4 students for
feedback. AG suggested also contacting GTAs and external examiners for feedback. MM
outlined that most of these issues would be covered under a move to decrease the
compliance burden and would feed them back.
5.2 Attendance Monitoring
MM reported that there are approx. 3,700 teaching (e.g. tutorials, labs) groups across the
School each session. Using History Level 2 as an example resulted in approx. 16 hours of
staff time to record attendance and absences during a single semester and for one course.
There is mainly a paper-based system in use at the moment, but MM had been investigating
systems that could improve this. The University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) had been
using an electronic barcode reader scanning system, which is an automated system using
student cards. It is approx. £100 per reader and MM sought feedback on whether ScMG
felt this was something worth pursuing. MVLS, Science & Engineering and the Business
School at GU are currently using a similar system. SA queried whether this would lead to
the introduction of compulsory attendance at all classes. JWH suggested that we would
have to have input into the wording of the automated email issued to students recorded as
absent. It was agreed to produce costs for implementation at Levels 1 and 2; to contact the
Business School and UCLAN for feedback and to pilot within Philosophy in 2014-15.
IR and AR suggested the installation of fixed barcode readers in non-CTT teaching rooms.
Ancestral Studies
The proposal from NF was re-tabled along with the comments from Karen Lury, Dean of
Research. NF talked through the proposal, including the reasoning behind it and the
anticipated outcomes, for example, a PGT programme and joint research. NF had been
involved in discussions with other HoSubs regarding joint teaching, with existing courses
being incorporated and the development of CPD options. ROM sought feedback and
comments from ScMG. JWH reported that he was disappointed with the comments and
suggested that perhaps the proposal had been misunderstood at College. Ancestral Studies
distinguishes it from other cultural studies offerings. ROM suggested carrying out a
scoping exercise which would include discussions with external stakeholders and local
competition, e.g. Strathclyde University. ROM will respond to KL on the points raised,
restate the case and request that it is discussed at School Graduate Studies and Research
Committees once relevant members of ScMG had met to discuss further. ROM will clarify
that Humanities are not proposing a new research theme.
It was agreed that ROM, CMacD, TC, MM and NF should meet to discuss a response and
return this to College within the next 3 weeks.
ROM confirmed that the proposal had yet to go before Senior Management Group for
School Committees
7.1 Graduate Studies
CMacD was not in attendance, but ROM reported on a few issues.
7.1.1 PTES – Activity was ongoing with action plans for Archaeology and HATII
7.1.2 MLitt in Curatorial Practice – a course proposal from CCA had been submitted. A
change in title had been sought.
7.1.3 PG Emails – erroneously issued and the issue had been resolved.
7.2 Research Committee
TC reported on recent Research activity.
7.2.1 Newton International Fellowships – Colleagues had approached TC regarding
School and College support. This scheme is different from Leverhulme and
British Academy schemes. Newton Fellows are not employed, simply given
subsistence costs, some research support and are expected to be hosted by the
nominating institution. College had confirmed that Schools should make their
own decision regarding applicants, but highlighted the need to consider resources.
TC sought feedback on whether, as a School, a decision should be taken regarding
the hosting of Fellows and the number of applications to support: the success rate
is low at around 8%. There is a 10th March deadline and so far, 4 potential
ROM reported that overall, there is a financial impact to the School, but there are
also potential advantages should the correct applicants(s) be sponsored. MM is
concerned about the consistency of approach in relation to other schemes and how
this will be viewed by colleagues given the potentially inconsistent message and
financial impact.
TC confirmed that Fellows are not allocated a teaching
allowance, so could not be used in subject areas for teaching. TC reported that one
of the Newton applicants is also the College nominee for the Leverhulme ECF. It
was agreed to review previous activity in relation to Newton Fellowships.
Research Committee – A meeting had been held on 12th February and the main
topic of discussion had been research incentivisation and how it is allocated to
Subject areas and PIs. TC reported that there was a lack of appetite for change,
but he feels that change is required. Colleagues were concerned about the
strategic use of funds. ROM confirmed that it should be used to grow new
research projects. AG reported that HATII had revised how subject support was
allocated. JWH suggested that it would be difficult to get away from the
competition element. TC suggested there were 3 areas of concern: Impact on
subject consumables budgets, tension amongst colleagues and centres. AG
suggested that commercial income, which attracts no incentivisation, also be
considered. It was agreed to continue discussions.
7.3 Learning and Teaching Committee
Philosophy PSR – will be held on 12th and 13th March. The SER document had
been submitted to Senate Office.
7.3.2 NSS – SA reported that the survey was now live and requested that colleagues
remind student to complete. HoSubs were also asked to highlight to Honours
7.3.3 Wee Conference – SA requested that students be encouraged to attend this Arts
conference organised by the Career Services to be held on 20 th February.
7.3.4 PIP – SA reported that UG Board of Studies had met and suggested five key tips
on the use of PiP:
Use the guide on how to complete PiP documentation produced by Jane Neil in the
College Office and highlight this to colleagues.
Academic colleagues should pass key details to administrative staff and
administrative staff should complete the form: this is the view of the College.
MM suggested a form with default entries allowing users to delete those not required and
select the appropriate information. JWH reported that Senate had reviewed the template
and provided approval for its use.
Information contained in PIP documents must be accurate as they are outwardfacing documents that student have access to. Inaccuracies could lead to appeals.
SA suggested that a PiP cleansing process is undertaken to ensure that data is
accurate. If only corrections, then BoS input may not be required. Changes may
require BoS input. Any queries should be clarified with Jane Neil.
SA suggested that all documentation is reviewing if changes are required as BoS
will review all related documentation for integrity.
SA will liaise with MM regarding the allocating time for administrative colleagues to assist
with PiP updates.
7.3.5 Plagiarism – SA had circulated information on plagiarism to School L&T
Committee. HoSubs should remain as plagiarism officers. SA will clarify with Katie
Lowe regarding plagiarism.
Any Other Business
8.1 Action Reporting – actions agreed