SCMG Meeting
Wednesday 2 December 2015
Present: Lynn Abrams, Karin Bowie, Thomas Clancy, Ann Gow, Jenny Hutcheson, Peter Jackson,
Stephen Marritt, Pauline McLachlan, Phillips O’Brien, Adele Redhead, Catherine Steel.
Apologies: Nyree Finlay, Jeremy Huggett, Fiona Macpherson.
Attending: Gillian Shaw, Liz Broe
LA welcomed GS and LB to the meeting.
New CoA Building
LB and GS explained that they were attending to discuss co-location, specifically regarding administrative support. They wish to understand academic needs and structure administrative support accordingly, find out what works well, what doesn’t and ascertain any other support requirements. LA reported that an Arts open forum discussion session had been held, but there had been a lack of academic attendance. Comments and discussion to be collated by JH and returned to
GS and LB. *JH*
KB suggested support for learning technology to better support L&T activity, with a possible link to developments for L&T hub. *KB*
AG suggested research development support and would provide comments. *AG*
TC suggested that the design of the building impacts on the consideration of location of support staff.
AG suggested Operational support and L&T support need to be closely located physically.
P’OB suggested that the size of the building required, the number of occupants and the lack of any idea of design made it difficult to consider this further.
KB and P’OB would prefer to be located by School and have School administrative support closely located.
JH was keen to see College L&T support more closely linked to Schools e.g. Arts advising team.
LA suggested that it was easier to communicate with colleagues face-to-face e.g. colleagues in College
CS reported on the issue of confidentiality, with some conversations taking place in open plan offices between staff and staff and staff and students that should not.
LA anticipates that NF will have Archaeology specific comments regarding technical support/lab facilities and would contact her for feedback. *LA*
KB hoped that the building should allow easy navigation for students.
P’OB queried the timeline, for example, when a design would be available or a list of priorities issued to companies tendering. LB confirmed that it is currently at business case stage.
JH suggested that we be careful to avoid the building dictating the College and School structure and academic practices.
KB queried whether University Services, e.g. Careers, Registry would have an outpost in the Arts building to enhance the student experience. GS confirmed that the Student experience is being discussed as part of the L&T work stream and Arts were working with the L&T hub development team.
AG reported that the student experience is critical, and how visitors find and navigate people/places with in the building was very important.
Minutes of 18 November 2015 meeting
Correction to attendance list CS, not IR, otherwise approved. *PMcL*
Matters arising
Disability Officer
LA reported that Mathilde von Bulow (History) had been appointed as School Disability Officer with
Eileen Ritchie (School Administration) assisting.
Melbourne Partnership
LA reported on a successful launch event and lots of ongoing activity with GU and Melbourne both identifying colleagues to visit each other to develop collaborative/synergies and research. Melbourne have links with China, so there may possibly be triangulation with GU. AG suggested that for joint institutional funding applications, Ashley Theunissen may be able to identify possible funders.
HoSc Business
Finance Session
A finance information session being developed for HoSubs, Centre Directors and HoSA.
School Strategy
LA would take forward in the New Year. LA will meet with School Convenors with the aim of identifying actions and allocating to colleagues. *LA*
Academic Promotions
The Academic Promotion round was now live. HoSubs to inform LA/PMcL of possible applicants from their Subject areas. A School Session would be held on 10 December. School deadlines to be issued for promotions and professorial zoning. *HoSubs* *PMcL*
Lord Kelvin Adam Smith (LKAS) Fellowships
LA reported that Arts were hoping to fund 5-6 LKAS over the next two years. Schools had been asked to indicate priorities for LKAS fellowships. LA and CS had met to discuss following discussions with
HoSubs. Humanities would submit two business cases for the January 2016 College Management
Group (CMG) meeting.
LA had produced a list of 3 potential LKAS fellowships and sought views on which, if any, should be put forward. Other considerations/proposals could be suggested and should be linked to RFF potential and School/College Strategy, strengthening what we do, balanced with REF review recommendations.
Fellowships are appointed as Researchers for 3 years, then develop into a Lecturer post (G8).
PJ thought that the Medical Humanities case was too narrow, although it was an interesting idea. He suggested using better language to make the case more persuasive. He felt that the Classics case was stronger and suggested broadening out the Medical Humanities case.
P’OB suggested that Medical Humanities was not the highest priority for History, but queried whether this would be the only opportunity for a new post in the next few years.
LA agreed that the case could be better presented. It is based around work by Tony Pollard which is exciting, but international publication potential was weak. There were other areas in History which could be pushed forward.
CS reported that she would be delighted for the Classics case to go forward, but suggested that it is time limited due to the link with Ian Ruffell’s Leverhulme project which was now in Year 2 of 3.
AG agreed that the Philosophy case was linked to REF review recommendations for development.
LA suggested Humanities put forward Classics and Philosophy in the short term.
P’OB reported that History had yet to have their REF review and that this opportunity required highlevel discussion and a focus on what we as a School wish to build on and development. P’OB would be keen for History to go forward, whether Medical Humanities or Scottish History.
LKAS Fellows may be allowed to undertake some teaching, clarity to be sought. It was anticipated that a small amount of occasional teaching would be allowed.
AG suggested we consider the discipline+ focus of the suggested cases, highlighting any collaborative aspects across School/College.
IT was agreed that LA would ask FMacp to work up a stronger narrative for the Philosophy case. *LA*
CS would develop the Classics case. *CS* LA and P’OB would discuss further History. *LA/POB*
The business cases would be submitted to January CMG. LA confirmed there was a January ScMG meeting before. If there was not sufficient time, both would be circulated via email. *LA*
LA reminded colleagues that suggestions for leadership posts, with grants and publications, were still welcome. PJ suggested a Medical Humanities specialist at Strathclyde. LA and PJ to discuss further.
*LA & PJ*
Process Improvement
No further action at present.
HoSub Update
No issues to discuss.
HoSA Update
Budget Kick-off
JH reported that LB would meet with HoSAs in week beginning 7 December to commence budget planning for 2016-17.
HoSRI meeting – 2 December 12
JH reported that Martin Boyle was attending to discuss Strategic Planning.
8 School Committees
Research Committee
Applications had now been received. A meeting would be held on 15 December regarding School support. PJ suggested that almost all appear to be fundable. PJ, LA and LH would consider applications. ER would attend and the meeting time was to be confirmed (c £12k was available).
There would be a second round for applications in April/May.
CASS Proposal
A Centre for Aerospace Strategic Studies proposal had been circulated for consideration in advance of the meeting. This would be a centre to discuss aerospace, civilian and military issues and the need for a European aspect due to differing needs, such as ethics, etc.
P’OB had discussed with the Head of College (HoC) and Jon Cooper and that GU was investing large in aerospace technology, but lack European connections.
CASS had different functions:-
Educational – students; European air forces
Linkage – between Universities, military, Government and industry.
Collaboration – Cross University, e.g. with Hew Strachan at St Andrews.
It is anticipated that the Centre would sit in Humanities. It links to GU Strategy and could provide income streams and sit within the College research hub.
PJ reported that the proposal had ethical considerations, e.g. regarding sources of funding in industry
(i.e. what they produce). There is a lack of a UK/European voice in this area (security, defence, etc).
The UK government is contributing to aerospace developments. If Humanities support the proposal, it would go forward to January 2016 CMG.
CS queried the financial case and the Directors salary and assumed this would be close to £75k, but open to negotiation. AG suggested inserting a Professor Z2 salary range. CS further queried the partners and consultancy figures for income. PJ assumes that CoA may provide investment, but does not envisage School investment would be required. JH reported that inflation had not been included.
P’OB confirmed that the proposal had been circulated to Senior Management Group, who had been supportive and asked for it to be developed/considered further.
KB queried linkage to posts and teaching. P’OB confirmed that John Olson would be involved, P’OB,
JO and David Walker would provide the courses, with possible additional posts linked to income.
JH suggested increasing the administrative support from 0.4 fte.
LA queried, and PO’B confirmed it should read PhD Studentship and not Fellowship.
CS queried the academic fees budget and PJ confirmed that this relates to Olson’s teaching costs.
TC suggested that it does not fit well under the Arts and Humanities or the existing suite of School centres, e.g. Battlefield Archaeology or War Studies. It would result in the School Centre profile being
top heavy with a war/military focus, with some over-lapping. P’OB reported that if Humanities did not feel comfortable, it could go forward from another College. It also could possibly be cross-College, as it allows Arts to engage with other Colleges. If it went forward, consideration was to be given to how it would work with other Centres.
It was agreed to move forward, taking on board the concerns expressed; overlapping with other centres; provision of admin support. Humanities (PJ & P’OB) would discuss with College. *PJ & P’OB*
No issues.
Graduate Studies
No issues.
Uni Services Survey
It was reported that this survey was difficult to complete. TC had provided feedback to the survey team, but it was acknowledged that data/results may be flawed.
JH reported that the TSSA would be absent for w/b 30 November due to illness.
JWH would remain absent for the remainder of 2015 with clarity for Semester 2 to be provided.