New Initiatives Funding 2009-10 Monitoring and Evaluation Please complete this evaluation form one month after the end date of the project. If your project runs over a longer period we will ask for updates prior to the Skills Training Forum meetings. We can help you with drawing up feedback forms to evaluate your project and please send us any photos or newsletter reports etc. Monitoring of New Initiatives Project Title of project Plant Scientists Interactive Group Contact person / email address Simon Bordage ( and other PhD students and Postdocs, with support of Prof. Hugh G. Nimmo ( Funding required £ 640 Did the project meet its aims? If any of the aims or deliverables changed during the course of the project please say why. It is an ongoing project that is meeting most of its aims : - team working, exchanging technical and scientific knowledge - improving our research environment (facilitating newcomers integration, sharing facilities, materials and methods) - transferring our knowledge through meetings We don’t use very often the online forum we started. The main reason for that is that we all work in the same building so it is easier to talk directly to each other. We haven’t communicated much outwith our laboratories yet (except a meeting with an external speaker), but hopefully we will in the future. Who benefited from the project? Was this the intended group? The intended group benefit from the project: PhD and other research students, postdocs and technicians. How did you evaluate the success of the project? (additional feedback can be appended) We originally thought that the forum threads would reflect the temporal development of our group, but we don’t use the forum often. Nevertheless, the project is quite successful given the number of meetings (with scientific and technical talks) and their attendance so far. Would you recommend this project runs in future years or in other parts of the University? Are there any changes or developments that you would make if it ran again? It is still running and could be useful in other parts of the University, within the new Institutes for instance. Indeed the scale could be wider than the plant science group (e.g. informal meetings within an Institute). But it would be more challenging because people are quite busy with their projects, meetings, seminars… Our project will probably evolve since we also have new meetings (but less informal) within our building now, and we should avoid any redundancy to make it more successful. Please return bids to the Researcher Development Initiative at No 10 The Square (