COURSE SYLLABUS VNSG 1171 (1:1:0) INTRAVENOUS THERAPY ********** VOCATIONAL NURSING NURSING DEPARTMENT HEALTH OCCUPATIONS DIVISION LEVELLAND CAMPUS SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE SUMMER 2013 VNSG 1171 Levelland Campus COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE TITLE: Intravenous Therapy, VNSG 1171 INSTRUCTOR: Jennifer Ponto, R.N., B.S.N OFFICE LOCATION AND PHONE/E-MAIL: Room AH 103C Phone: 806 716 2471 OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE IMPROVES EACH STUDENT’S LIFE I. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION A. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course discusses intravenous therapy, including types of intravenous devices, and various types of therapy, complication of intravenous therapy and venipuncture techniques. B. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES DECS: 1. Identify the legal parameters for IV therapy, identify INS standards, Evidence Based Nursing Practice and standards of care. 2. Identify IV related infections and discuss infection control measures for IV therapy. 3. Relate fluid and electrolytes, normal and abnormal findings, and the need for IV therapy. 4. Identify types of solutions, catheters and need for IV therapy. 5. Identify and perform techniques for venipuncture and discontinuing the IV/INT. 6. Identify IV complications and discuss how to prevent and/or treat them. 7. Identify appropriate IV medication administration skills 8. Discuss the basics of blood transfusions, identify the skills needed to monitor transfusions and identify transfusion complications and appropriate nursing interventions. 9. Calculate IV drip rates correctly. 10. Perform basic IV skills accurately and safely. 1 VNSG 1171 The student will be able to: (WECM/course specific) 1. Demonstrate accurate dosage calculation 2. Discuss the principles of intravenous therapy safety 3. Identify the elements of accurate documentation of intravenous therapy 4. Utilize terminology associated with intravenous therapy 5. Utilize appropriate sources of drug information to research prescribed intravenous therapy 6. Apply the six rights of intravenous therapy/medication administration 7. Utilize basic knowledge to complete the nursing responsibilities to deliver safe patient care during intravenous therapy 2 VNSG 1171 C. COURSE COMPETENCIES: Grading Scale: A (100-93) B ( 92-83) C ( 82-77) Below 77 is failing D. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Please refer to SPC Catalog and Vocational Nursing Student Handbook. E. SCANS AND FOUNDATION SKILLS: C1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18, 19 F1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 F. VERIFICATION OF WORKPLACE COMPETENCIES: No external learning experiences provided. Successful completion of the DECS Competency statements at the level specified by the course (Level Objectives) will allow the student to continue to advance within the program. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be eligible to take the state board exam (NCLEX) for vocational nurse licensure. II. SPECIFIC COURSE/INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTS A. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: 1. Burton, M and Ludwig, L. (2011) Fundamentals of Nursing Care, Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis. 2. Curren, M. 2009 Math for Meds 10th Edition Delmar 3. Deglin, J.P. & Vallerand, A. (2013). Davis' Drug Guide for Nurses, 13th Edition Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. 4. Springhouse: IV Therapy Made Incredibly Easy, 4th , Edition, 2009. Occasionally outside references will be required. 3 VNSG 1171 B. ATTENDANCE POLICY: (16 hours) See SPC catalogue and Vocational Nursing Student Handbook. Students are expected to attend all classes arrive on time and to remain for the entire class period. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class; students not present will be marked absent in the attendance record. C. ASSIGNMENT POLICY: All class assignments are to be turned in by 8:00 a.m. on the due date announced or the paper will be considered late. Ten (10) points will be deducted from the paper for each day turned in late. Failure to complete assignments will result in a grade of INCOMPLETE. Please refer to the Student Handbook for vocational nursing D. GRADING POLICY/METHODS OF EVALUATION: Unit Test: 1. Math/IV Rate Calculation Test * 2. Principles of IV Therapy Test 3. Skill check off-skills Lab # 4. Pop Quizzes 30% 30% 30% 10% *Please see specific policies for medication/IV rate calculation test and # check off for IV therapy in the skills lab. E. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 1. There will be an exam after the completion of the lecture/theory portion. A make up exam will be at the discretion of the instructions. An essay exam may be substituted. No test grades will be dropped. Always be prepared for an unannounced pop quiz. Pop quizzes are NOT eligible for make-up and a grade of zero (0) will be given. 4 VNSG 1171 MEDICATION/IV RATE CALCULATION TEST POLICY After successful completion of IV Therapy and with supervision of faculty or licensed nurses, students will be able to discontinue peripheral IV’s, start peripheral IV’s on adult patients, administer NS IV flush to adult patients INT. The student may hang plain IV fluid or fluid with premixed potassium on adults patients only. Students may not administer med (other than NS flush) in an IV push or IV piggy back. Students must have faculty member or licensed staff present with all of the above. The student will be required to pass the IV rate/medication calculation test with a score of 77% or higher. If the student does not pass, the student will make an appointment with the instructor for review of the test to identify weak areas. The next week, a second test will be given. If this test is not passed, further review with the instructor will be given. The next week, a third test will be given. If not passed with a score of 77% or higher, the student will fail the course. 2. CHECK OFF FOR INTRAVENOUS THERAPY ADMINISTRATION Please refer to check off sheet. The student must pass the check off with a score of 95% or more. If the student does not pass the check off, (4) four hours of practice time will be assigned. The student will then attempt the skill. If unsuccessful, another (4) hours of practice time will be assigned. If unsuccessful on the 3rd attempt at check off, the student will fail the course. 5 VNSG 1171 III. COURSE OUTLINE A. REQUIRED READING Texts as stated above, chapters as assigned. It is required that students read the assigned chapters prior to the first lecture hour. The student is responsible for completing the learning objections and learning the key terms at the beginning of each chapter. B. IV RATE CALCULATIONS Handouts from instructor Curren, chapters 17 – 21, 23 C. IV THERAPY Skills Textbook: Chapter 38 Springhouse: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Introduction to IV therapy Peripheral IV therapy IV medications-brief overview Transfusions Central Venous therapy-p. 91-135 Parenteral Nutrition Chemotherapy medications-brief overview D. CHECK OFF FOR INTRAVENOUS THERAPY ADMINISTRATION # Must complete all aspects to receive 100%. May complete in over 20 minutes to receive 95%. Able to state "six rights" for administering medication, especially IV therapy. Reviews medical record, gather supplies Wash hands, apply clean gloves Identifies patient via arm band, patient states name Introduce self and explains procedure Performs appropriate assessment Prepares equipment Apply tourniquet and performs skin preparation Inserts IV catheter with sterile technique Release tourniquet Removes IV catheter, apply band-aide Documents procedure 6 VNSG 1171 IV. ACCOMMODATIONS Special Requirements Students with disabilities, including but not limited to physical, psychiatric, or learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this class should notify the Special Services Office. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide acceptable documentation of his/her disability to the Special Services Coordinator. For more information, call or visit the Special Services Office in the Student Services Building, 894-9611 ext. 2529, 2530. Diversity: In this class the teacher will establish and support an environment that values and nurtures individual and group differences and encourages engagement and interaction. Understanding and respecting multiple experiences and perspectives will serve to challenge and stimulate all of us to learn about others, about the larger world and about ourselves. By promoting diversity and intellectual exchange, we will not only mirror society as it is, but also model society as it should and can be. 7