Astronomy Mr. Davies, Rm. 319

Mr. Davies, Rm. 319
Astronomy is one of the most ancient sciences, whose studies helped give rise to many of the ideas we have
about such subjects as math and physics. Early observers from Greece, Italy, Egypt, China and other countries
allowed us to have the knowledge we have about the earth, sun, moon and solar system. Later scientists, such
as Albert Einstein and Dr. Steven Hawking have expanded our understanding of our expanding universe. There
is still so much to learn, however!
During this class, we will learn about the solar system (including our place in it), astronomical events, historical
advances in astronomy, telescopes, stars, space travel and other introductory concepts. Some learning will need
to be from the book and lectures. As nice as it would be to have the universe in my hands for demonstrations, I
do not posses that power. We will, however, engage in activities to assist your learning. Videos will also be
very instrumental to your learning. Thus, attendance and attention are important class. This should be a
class you will enjoy, and I am looking forward to the coming term!
Equipment Needed for Class
1. Notebook (folder w/pockets and brads or 3-ring binder)
2. Paper
3. Pencils/Pens
4. Calculator - You do not need a TI-8x graphing calculator for this class. You need a scientific
calculator with the trig functions (sin, cos, tan) and a scientific notation button (EE).
The textbook for this class is The Cosmos, Astronomy for the New Millennium by Jay Pasaschoff. There may
not be enough books for everyone. We will handle that situation should it arise.
Grading Scale
Grade Breakdown
Tests/ Special Projects*
Daily work (homework, classwork) 15%
*Special Projects
Here will be an opportunity for individual work. This project could be a research paper, building a model, a
poster collage, oral report, etc. The one constant among all these options is that you must document your
sources. More information will come as needed.
Please Note:
This class will completely consist of juniors and seniors. Thus, I do not expect behavioral problems. Please consult the
student handbook and your common sense for these issues. (If a student interferes with another student’s ability to learn, I
will deal with the situation accordingly.)
It is your responsibility to make-up work that you miss. I will not accept work one week after the due-date, except in dire
circumstances such as a long (and excused) absence. You must take a test or submit a project within two (2) days of the
original testing or due date. Neither will be accepted thereafter. Work missed on an “Unexcused Absence” will result in a
zero (0). (Senioritis is not an excuse! Work is not an excuse!)
I will be honest. This should not be the most difficult science class you take at TWHS. Astronomy, however, is not a
“blow-off” course. If you desire an “A,” you must earn it.
I will strictly follow the guidelines given for cell phones. Cell phones may NOT be out or on during class. They are a
distraction in class and can be used for unethical purposes. If I notice a cell phone in class, I will take it up and deliver it to
the grade level office. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
Please feel free always to ask questions. Science (and particularly astronomy) would not exist without inquiry.
If you need more help, I am usually available after school. Also, you can contact me by e-mail:
(Parents- Feel free to e-mail me as well with any questions you may have.)
Please read the above class expectations and sign and return the bottom portion. Thank You.
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I have read Mr. Davies’ class expectations for Astronomy.
Student Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
Below please provide e-mail address where I can contact you and please send me an email at my school address above.
Thank You.