RECODE at Ryerson University Spring 2016 Research Application Form RECODE at Ryerson University is a two-year initiative to scale up the social innovation ecosystem at Ryerson University. The initiative is inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with each RECODE social innovation project addressing challenges in the following seven overarching themes: 1) Poverty Alleviation; 2) Education; 3) Health; 4) Human Rights, Diversity and Inclusion; 5) Violence Prevention and Peacebuilding; 6) Sustainability; and 7) Capacity Building and Engagement. Through the Spring 2016 Call for Research Proposals, we are inviting Ryerson University's full-time tenured, tenure-track and limited-term faculty members to apply for awards of up to $10,000 each for individual or collaborative and interdisciplinary research in social innovation. RECODE at Ryerson University emphasizes collaborative research across faculties, as well as with partners and other institutions. This initiative will help advance knowledge, knowledge dissemination and best practices in social innovation. Examples of potential research focuses include stories of success and failure, systems approaches, new techniques, and social impact. The deadline for applications is Friday April 29, 2016 at 5:00 pm. 1. Applicant and Eligibility Information a) Principal Investigator’s Full Name: b) Position/Title at Ryerson: c) Telephone #: d) Ryerson Email: f) Co-Investigator’s Full Name (if applicable): g) Position/Title: h) Organization: i) Telephone #: j) Email: For additional investigators, please add rows above. 2. Project Information a) What category best describes your project? A seed project that will be used as the basis for a larger grant application A self-contained research project b) Please provide a title for your research project: _______________________________________ c) Please indicate the anticipated start date of the project (DD/MM/YYYY) : ________________ d) Please indicate the anticipated end date of your project (DD/MM/YYYY) : ________________ e) Which of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals will your project address (select all that apply)? Poverty Alleviation Education Health Human Rights, Diversity & Inclusion Violence Prevention & Peace Building Sustainability Capacity Building & Engagement f) Please provide a brief description of your project in 200 words. If you are selected for an award, this description will be used for external publication. g) Please provide a brief literature review and theoretical framework to situate this research project and identify the issue, gap or questions being addressed. (500 word limit) h) Please provide a brief summary of the research design (survey, qualitative, etc.) and the methodology to be employed for this project: (300 word limit) i) Please provide a reference list of all works cited: j) Please provide a brief explanation of how your research project will make a valuable contribution(s) towards advancing knowledge and/or practice in relation to the UN Millennium Goal selected in (2e). (300 word limit) k) Please indicate whether the proposed project will involve research with human subjects? Yes No (If yes, please ensure that at least 6 weeks are allotted to the Research Ethics process in your work plan. Research Ethics approval is required prior to any data collection involving human participants.) 3. Expected Outcomes a) Please outline any knowledge mobilization activities and outcomes you expect for this research project: (300 word limit) 4. Project Feasibility a) Please provide a detailed budget for your project adding rows as needed. The Award can only be used for the direct costs of research, stipends for research assistants, the direct costs of research dissemination, and other specific expenses described in the “Use of Grant Funds” section of the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide. Expenses (planned) Salaries Position E.g. Research Assistant Hourly wage $16.98 Benefit multiplier 1.13 Total hourly wage $19.19 Total Hours 195 Total ($) $3742.05 Non-Salary Expenses Item Amount ($) Total Expenses (planned) Revenues (planned) Recode Award [Insert other contributions here] Total Revenues (planned) Amount ($) b) Please provide a budget justification for all items in your expected budget. (500 word limit): c) Are there any other funding sources to which you will be applying and/or have already applied to for this project? Yes No If yes, please elaborate: d) Please provide a timeline for the achievement of key project activities and milestones. Activities/Milestone Timeline E.g. Research Ethics Weeks 1-6 or 15/04/2016-27/05/2016 Application Checklist 1. Completed application form 2. CV of Principal Investigator and any Co-Investigators Please send your completed application package to by Friday, April 29, 2016 at 5:00 pm.